I just want to have a good time

Chapter 288 288. Farewell

Chapter 288 288. Farewell
Lin Fan didn't think there was anything wrong with the rules of the Shihe base, so he didn't feel displeased or offended when asked.

On the contrary, as a soldier, he pays more attention to rules than ordinary people.

"Is your captain there? I have something important to find her."

When he heard that he was looking for the captain, Li Qiang was not surprised. Captain Lin did have more contact with their boss, and it was normal to find the boss for something.

"Then Captain Lin, please wait in our waiting room for a while, and I will send someone to look for the captain."

Hearing that there was something important to do, Li Qiang didn't dare to delay, and immediately ordered the people around him to go to Shijia Village to inform him, and then personally accompanied Lin Fan to the waiting room of the base.

And now Shi Xiao is still at Li's house, so he doesn't know that anyone is looking for him.

After the busy work of the three girls, Li Ruyi's new room has taken on a new look.

Shi Xiao didn't favor one over another, and replaced Li Ruyi's room with a new bed, new cabinet, and new curtains, while the original ones in the room were moved to the yard.

Then, at Li Ruyi's request, an extra bed was added to her room, and Song Qian was so moved that her eyes blurred again.

At this time, the benefits of a large farm house are reflected. Even if two double beds are placed, the space still does not appear cramped.

While the three girls were admiring their masterpieces, Cai Chao, who was in charge of finding someone, had arrived at Shi's house and was walking towards Li's house accompanied by Shi's father.

The three best friends who haven't been together for a long time are frolicking in Li Ruyi's room, sometimes whispering, sometimes you tickle me and sometimes hit you, looking relaxed like before the end of the world.

Whether it was the Li family inside the door or Dad Shi who had just arrived outside the door, they couldn't help smiling along with the lively and relaxed laughter.

Out of politeness, Father Shi knocked on the door a few times before calling out his daughter's name to the yard.

At the same time, Shi Xiao, who heard his father's voice, stopped laughing with his best friend, and then found Cai Chao standing beside his father.

When I saw him, I understood everything. Something must have happened outside the base.

Li Ruyi and Song Qian couldn't sit still when she heard it was her uncle's voice, so she hurried out with a smile on her face, there must be something for her uncle to come over.

Shi Xiao: "..." That's good, I don't need to waste my words.

Soon Shi Xiao got into the car and left Shijia Village.

Cai Chao's driving skills are good, the speed is fast and stable, and he arrived at the gate of the base in a few minutes.

When he saw Captain Lin Fan coming out of the waiting room, Shi Xiao’s eyes flickered slightly. Although he guessed it from Cai Chao’s English, he was still a little bit surprised. He secretly thought about the purpose of Captain Lin’s visit this time. .

Li Qiang walked a few steps quickly, came to Shi Xiao's side, and then gave a report in a low voice.

"Miss Shi."

Lin Fan, who stopped a few steps away from Shi Xiao, spoke first, looking at Shi Xiao intently for the first time, as if he wanted to imprint this girl's image in his heart like eyelids.

"Captain Lin", Shi Xiao nodded, smiled lightly, met Lin Fan's gaze, and a trace of doubt flashed in his black eyes glowing with stars.

"I heard that Captain Lin has something to ask me for. I don't know what it is?" Shi Xiao went straight to the point, because she really didn't know what to do with the zombie-faced Captain Lin.

Lin Fan with a serious expression stepped forward, nodded, and said, "There is indeed something to do. I came here to bid farewell to Miss Shi."

"Leaving, how could it be so sudden." Shi Xiao was surprised, he really didn't expect this to be the reason.

"It was really sudden. I received news from the base temporarily. I'm sorry that we may not be able to continue to clean up the zombies in Jiangcheng City."

Lin Fan also felt that it was very sudden. He didn't want to leave here on purpose, as long as he gave them time, and with Ms. Shi, he believed that the zombies in Jiangcheng City wouldn't be rampant for long.

But as soldiers, they must obey orders, and they had to leave.

"Captain Lin, why do you want to say sorry? Not only did you not apologize to us, but the survivors in Jiangcheng also thanked you, because you not only wiped out a large number of zombies, but also saved so many people. Captain Lin, what you have done has already been done. Very good."

"This news is indeed too sudden, but I am very happy that Captain Lin will come to say goodbye to me, which means that Captain Lin has regarded me as a friend. Although I don't want to hear this news, I also understand that there is a saying that there is always a banquet in the world. Your team has been out for such a long time, and it is normal to return to the team.”

Shi Xiao said sincerely, looking at Lin Fan earnestly, this is a big man with a hard heart and a soft heart. Except for extreme weather these days, their team has hardly rested. It is an admirable team. Hearing this A team was about to leave, and Shi Xiao really felt a little bit reluctant.

"Do not……"

Lin Fan stopped before he finished speaking, because a pile of things suddenly appeared on the ground in front of him.

Two mutated wolves, a few mutated rats and mutated snakes, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, some clothes that looked like snake skin or python skin, and more than a dozen weapons.

"Captain Lin, please take it. As a comrade who has fought together, these things are not many, but it is my intention to practice etiquette, so don't refuse." Shi Xiao blocked Lin Fan's next words as soon as he opened his mouth.

Shi Xiao didn't feel distressed at all when he took out these things. It wasn't Lin Fan, how could she store so many energy cores and bring a lot of materials and weapons to the base.

Although it is mutual benefit, but they have benefited really, they are going to leave, thank Shi Xiao for this point is not stingy.

Lin Fan: "..." Isn't this practice a little too heavy?

But when Shi Xiao said that it was her wish, Lin Fan didn't want to refuse.

"Thank you, I will accept it with the cheek." Lin Fan finally did not refuse and gave Shi Xiao a deep look.

"You're welcome, Captain Lin..." As he said that, Shi Xiao took out the python leather jacket that was placed on top, "This is a mutated python skin, which has good defensive properties. It can't be hurt by ordinary weapons and zombies, and these knives It was also given to Captain Lin, so I don’t need to say whether it’s good or bad, Captain Lin has seen it before.”

Following Shi Xiao's introduction, a slight change finally appeared on Lin Fan's face when he saw these things, and his eyes lit up.

Immediately following Shi Xiaolin Fan also picked up a piece of observation, the texture is indeed python skin, which has been specially processed, very light and soft.

The workmanship is very rough, just a few python skins are connected, it is hard to believe how strong its epidemic prevention ability is.

"You can try." Shi Xiao pointed to the saber on his body.

Lin Fan really wanted to try it, but he still wanted face, so he didn't do it in the end.

And the long knife on the ground was buckled directly at his waist by him, which shows his love for this knife.

In fact, Lin Fan has long been jealous of the weapons in their team, but he has not said it all the time.

The long knives looked ordinary, but they were extremely sharp. Even the specially treated sabers in their hands couldn't compare with them. Cutting zombies was like cutting tofu.

And the sabers in their hands will get stuck, and then they will return the knife or return the knife again. This is a very dangerous thing in battle.

"Thank you." Touching the long knife on his body, Lin Fan solemnly thanked him.

Shi Xiao smiled back.

Although the smile was very faint, it still made Lin Fan stunned for a moment, and the thought of leaving soon flashed across his eyes, and he continued to speak.

"Miss Shi, firstly, I came here to say goodbye to you, and secondly, I have something important to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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