I just want to have a good time

Chapter 289 289. Winter is Coming

Chapter 289 289. Winter is Coming
Hearing this, Shi Xiao couldn't help looking at Captain Lin suspiciously.

Lin Fan looked solemn, "We got the news that there will be a large-scale temperature drop in a few days. The temperature drop will be large and may last for a long time. It may also be accompanied by natural disasters. Ms. Shi must be prepared."

Although Shi Xiao was a little surprised by the news, he was not too surprised, but Li Qiang's expression changed beside him.

No wonder the non-supernatural players in the team wore thicker and thicker clothes in the past two days. It turns out that the sky is really going to change.

"Thank you." Shi Xiao thanked him sincerely. Captain Lin could leave after receiving the news. This feeling must be accepted.

Think about it, Shi Xiao took out a pen and paper from the space, and wrote a series of numbers on it, "Captain Lin, this is the contact information of our base. If one day...Captain Lin can call this number, as long as I can help will definitely spare no effort.”

Although Shi Xiao thinks that such a large base is impossible to have such a day.

Lin Fan, who took the number, folded it solemnly, put it in the inner pocket of his clothes, glanced at his watch, then put the practice ceremony on the ground into the space, and finally glanced at Shi and smiled reluctantly, "Shi Miss, there will be a time later."

"Captain Lin, take care, we will meet later." Shi Xiao stretched out his right hand.

Seeing that the white softness in front of him was different from his callused and stiff big hand, Lin Fan gently grasped it, felt the warmth and softness, and immediately took it away, then got into the car without looking back, and left here.

As the car went further and further away, Lin Fan finally couldn't help but turned his head and glanced at Shi Xiao who was standing at the gate of the base, and held his right hand tightly, as if he could still feel the softness.

"Boss, is what Captain Lin said true?" Although Li Qiang already believed [-]% to [-]% in his heart, what the boss said made him even more convinced.

Shi Xiao squinted at Li Qiang, with a serious expression on his face, "Do you think someone like Captain Lin would come here with fake news? There is nothing wrong with that, so you should inform the city guard that they will not go out to collect any more information these days." Supplies, all counted as overtime during the rotation, all to collect things that can be used for heating around, and spread the news of the coming cold winter."

"Understood, the task must be completed." Li Qiang became serious, realizing the importance of this matter.

Shi Xiao felt more at ease when Li Qiang was doing his job, and with a soft "um" sound, he spread his wings and disappeared at the gate of the base without being escorted off.

As soon as Shi Xiao left here, Li Qiang began to prepare, passed the news to the base headquarters, and ordered several team members to spread the news of the upcoming extremely cold weather.

Then the most obvious manifestation was that the number of people who went out to search for materials the next day increased by an unknown number of times, and even the number of people who came out to collect heating materials in the base was much more.

On the other hand, Lin Fan, who had returned to Dayang Town, had dinner and left the town where he had lived for nearly two months with a large army in the dark.

Among them, a small number of survivors who lived in Dayang Town left with them, and it was precisely because of this small number of survivors that they delayed leaving after dark for so long.

As for the survivors who are unwilling to leave, most of them are willing to go to the nearby Shihe base.

But there are also a small number of people who think that Dayang Town is good, and there are no zombies who are going to live there.


The cold snap came so unexpectedly that Shi Xiao, who had slept until midnight, was awakened by the crashing noise.

The windows were blown and rattled, and the wind was strong outside the house. Under the moonlight, all the plants were bent over by the wind and swayed from side to side, like a group of monsters with teeth and claws descending.

Shi Xiao just stood quietly in front of the window, and when she saw the first snowflakes, she knew that winter was coming.

The next day, when people appeared outside the door and saw the snow that was more than ankle thick, they realized that the sky had changed and it was snowing heavily while they were asleep.

No wonder they were shivering from the cold when they got up, and felt that the temperature was much lower than the previous day. If they hadn't added another layer of clothes, they would not have dared to go out.

The snow lasted for five days at a time. If the survivors hadn't cleaned up the snow in their homes every day, they might not even be able to leave their homes.

This is not the most serious, what is more serious is that as the heavy snow falls, the temperature drops rapidly at an exponential rate.

By the fifth day, the temperature had dropped by dozens of degrees, reaching minus 50 degrees, and the temperature continued to drop.

Except for the supernatural beings who had awakened supernatural powers, normal people stuffed everything that could keep them warm on their bodies, and there was only one feeling that was cold.

The Shihe base is well prepared, but the other bases in the Xia Kingdom are much worse.

Although these large bases had predicted that the temperature would drop in advance, they did not expect that the snow would be so heavy and the temperature would drop so drastically in just a few days.

As a result, most of the survivors in the base didn't have time to prepare much for heating, so they could only hide in the room and endure silently. What they didn't know was that this kind of endurance would last for a long time.

Shihe base.

After several days of heavy snow, the sky finally cleared up, and the long-lost sunshine fell on the ground through the snow-covered branches and leaves, making people who walked out of the house feel a little bit of warmth.

This heavy snow added countless snow mountains, large and small, to the Shihe base, all of which they cleared from their own homes in the past few days.

In fact, after a day of heavy snowfall, a recruitment notice was posted at the gate of the base, recruiting cleaners for this heavy snowfall.

The scope of work is mainly aimed at the main roads that people walk on.

In order not to affect the normal life of the base people, the snow in these places must be cleared.

Of course, in this extreme temperature, although it will be very hard, the income is also considerable.

Not only points, but also twice as much food as usual.

Those who can apply for this job are usually really ruthless people, and their families are full of family members. In order to store more food, they can only force themselves.

It can be said that the arrival of this snow will make people's survival more difficult, and even take away some people's lives due to extreme weather.

But the advantage is to give people time to breathe, and this extremely cold temperature is also the best time to eliminate zombies.

Compared to the icy and snowy world outside, the Shi family is a happy and warm scene.

Because of the two little guys, the charcoal stove was raised in the living room, and the two little guys who had been wrapped into balls sat around the charcoal stove, while the sofa in the living room was full of people.

Shi Xiao's two best friends, and Yan Xu, Su Yiyuan, Meng Xier and the others who came uninvited.

In a real sense, Yan Xu didn't really hold any position in the base other than being the head coach and nominally the vice-captain.

It wasn't that Shi Yu didn't want to catch a strong man, but that this strong nail was too difficult to catch. Don't forget that even the head coach agreed to it only because of Shi Xiao himself.

This is also the reason why the few of them are so leisurely after the heavy snowfall while other people are so busy without touching the ground.

In order to keep everyone from being bored, Shi Xiao contributed a deck of cards, and asked Su Yiyuan and the others to play cards with Li Ruyi and Song Qian.

Yan Xu, who was not interested in this aspect, ran to the kitchen early to attack his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

For Brother Yan's behavior, Shi Xiao has long been used to it, and let him do what he wants.

Although she knew Brother Yan's intentions and she had a good impression of him in this regard, she didn't want to think about emotional matters in a short time.

Even if it is considered, all the zombies in Jiangcheng must be wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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