I just want to have a good time

Chapter 290 290. Qualification

Chapter 290 290. Qualification
Shi Xiao doesn't like card games and is not good at them, but it's okay to watch other people play them occasionally.

Seeing that only Li Ruyi was dressed like a ball among the four, Shi Xiao could not bear it.

There are also two children, because they were too young before, and they were afraid that the two children would not be able to persist in the awakening ability, and what accident would happen again.

But seeing them sitting around the charcoal stove with hands and faces flushed from the cold, Shi Xiao felt that she might be thinking too much.

The two children are young, isn't there still her?

And Li Ruyi, she is my good sister, she must be treated like this.

So let this girl drink more water these days.

Li Ruyi, who didn't know that she was about to become a bucket, smiled brilliantly just because she won a hand of cards!She didn't know that her good sister had secretly followed him and her.

At night, Shi Xiao, who had already figured it out, coaxed the two children to drink the powdered energy core, and planned to stay in the two children's room at night.

She did this matter very secretly, and she kept it from her parents, at least for one night, otherwise she would never be at ease with her parents' temperament, and would accompany her together.

She can do the things of staying up late by herself.

Now it depends on the aptitude of the two children. After such a long period of nourishment and improvement of Lingtan water, if they still can't awaken, then it's really not good.

Don't let your aunt down, baby, Shi Xiao, who was sitting between the two children's beds in the dark, thought silently.

Two hours have passed, and the children are still sleeping soundly, except for their small heads, their whole bodies are tightly huddled in the warm blanket.

Worrying about the two children catching cold, Shi Mama laid several thick layers of mattresses alone, and two layers of quilts, one layer of thick cotton quilt and one layer of warm duvet.

Soon another hour passed, and with the movement of the quilt on the girl's body, Shi Xiao found that the child seemed to respond.

It should be hot, otherwise, how could my daughter, who has always slept well, kick off the quilt.

I put my hand on Nannan's forehead, it was slightly hot, it was a reaction.

When it got hot, Shi Xiao simply took off the heavy quilt on the child, and only covered him with a soft duvet.

Apart from restless sleep, Nannan didn't have many other symptoms, and her temperature was kept at a slightly hot state. It seems that even the awakened fire element should be ruled out.

The baby also reacted a few minutes after the onset of symptoms.

It was also mildly hot, but this child was more thorough, he stepped down directly, and the two quilts were pressed under his legs.

Seeing the dense sweat dripping from the little guy's forehead, he sighed that the boy's firepower is not resistant to heat, Shi Xiao didn't help him cover it again, but directly took out the quilt and put it elsewhere.

At this moment, the cells and tissues in their bodies are actively active. In this state, the possibility of getting sick is not very high. Shi Xiao is really not worried.

In other words, even if she is sick, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After another two hours like this, the children did not have any major reactions other than sleeping restlessly and sweating, and overall they were normal.

Even so, in order to increase their chances of awakening, Shi Xiao helped the two children sort out with abilities twice.

In this way, in the early hours of the morning, the two children showed signs of awakening one after another, as Shi Xiao expected.

Unexpectedly, it was the baby who started first. Shi Xiao, who was sitting in the middle of the child's bed, suddenly felt numbness on the side of the baby.

Immediately afterwards, the numbness became more and more intense, and Shi Xiao had no choice but to use his mental power to split the room into two.

As the numbness disappeared, the baby's real ability awakened.

With the baby as the center, red and white arcs of different thicknesses and lengths gradually began to appear around him, appearing and disappearing at times, like naughty red and white elves dancing hide and seek in the dark.

Slowly, these electric arcs spread throughout half the room. The whole process lasted for more than half an hour. The body is completely wrapped in it.

At the same time, the girl also began to react.

Shi Xiao, who was paying attention to the baby, suddenly felt a chill on his back, and then the long hair scattered on his back was lifted by the wind.

Shi Xiao, who hastily retreated to the corner, saw that the tiny tornado gradually formed around Nannan had begun to slowly rotate.

With the circle of rotation, the wind speed and wind force are also slowly increasing, and the first thing to bear the brunt is the duvet on the girl's body.

It was swept up by the tornado and flew directly into the air, and after spinning a few times, it fell to the corner of the room.

Then all the things on the bed were blown to pieces by the small tornado and fell everywhere in the room.

The only thing that survived was the quilt that was pressed under the little girl.

Immediately afterwards, the tornado expanded to half of the room occupied by my daughter. If Shi Xiao hadn't had the foresight to use her mental strength to add an extra layer of protection, she might have enjoyed the joy of being swayed in the wind at this moment.

There is a sea of ​​purple and white flashing thunder on one side, and a whirling tornado on the other. Without Shi Xiao's spiritual barrier, no one in the Shi family would be able to sleep comfortably with such a big movement.

It is said that the disturbance of these two children is indeed a bit big, so it can be seen that the qualifications of these two children should be quite good.

Shi Xiao had a hunch for a long time, if the two children can successfully gather their spiritual roots to awaken, then their awakening speed will definitely be much faster than adults.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, as children themselves, there are not many impurities in their bodies, and after being nourished by her Lingtan water for such a long time, it is not surprising that their aptitude will become better and their awakening speed is faster than that of adults.

Half an hour later, the strong visual impact finally disappeared, and the room returned to calm again. The two children lay quietly on the bed, not knowing what they had just experienced.

As the instigator and the only witness, he turned into a hardworking bee and began to tidy up the two children's rooms, so as not to scare the little ones after waking up.

After covering the two children with warm quilts again, and the room returned to its general appearance, Shi Xiao was able to retreat out of the two children's room.

At this moment, there were only less than two hours left before dawn.

She simply didn't sleep anymore, went back to the room and directly entered the space, and then the small animals in the space began to suffer again.

Forced to cooperate with the unscrupulous space master and practice mental attack skills.

This practice reached the time when she usually got up, and Shi Xiao came out of the space.

Just after washing up, Song Qian and Li Ruyi, who was forced to get up, appeared in the bathroom.

When she saw Shi Xiao who had finished washing in the bathroom, Li Ruyi felt even more hopeless in life. The price she paid for coming here to eat and drink was that she had to follow the morning exercise every morning.

Looking at the two good sisters in the bathroom with sad eyes, Li Ruyi finished washing quickly.

Then he went back to the room, wrapped himself up again, and was dragged by two good sisters to the backyard.

Looking at the still dark sky, Li Ruyi felt like crying.

Since when did she get up so early? Even if it was morning exercise, she would only go for a run after dawn.

No matter how reluctant, under the malicious gaze of Xiaoxiao, he still learned the basic skills.

But the clothes were too bulky, and there was no way to complete the movements. After seeing the two good sisters who were unmoved, Li Ruyi gritted her teeth and decided to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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