I just want to have a good time

Chapter 291 291. Don't worry

Chapter 291 291. Don't worry

Why didn't Shi Xiao know that she was wearing bloated clothes, but the opportunity was rare, and during the time when she wanted to live in her own home, she helped the girl develop a good habit and learn some simple moves.

In the future, when facing danger, you will not be in a hurry, and you will not have the strength to fight, and you will be in a desperate situation.

In this way, Li Ruyi managed to finish an hour of exercise under the watchful eyes of her two beautiful eyes.

She was shivering from the cold, but after exercising, her body became hot, and a thin layer of sweat broke out.

After entering the living room, he poured two cups of warm water that he handed over with a smile, and then slumped on the sofa.

After breakfast, Shi Xiao came to the gate of the base to control the plants to get out of the way, and sent a small amount of energy to ensure that the plants at the gate would not freeze to death due to the cold, and the time was delayed by nearly two hours than before.

If it weren't for clearing the snow on the road outside the base, Shi Xiao would not have opened this gate.

With such a heavy snow, it is impossible to go out for missions for the time being. Of course, if your skiing skills are good, you can still try it.

After the gate of the base was opened, apart from the team responsible for patrolling and guarding the gate, nearly a thousand members of the patrol and defense teams, led by their respective captains, drove snow plows and began to clear the way under the ice-type abilities. Snow.

In order to speed up the speed of snow clearing, the base hall also added a task bar for clearing snow, especially those with ice-type supernatural powers will receive the task first, and the rewards are naturally considerable, food and energy cores.

As a result, the ice-type abilities in the base couldn't sit still, and they were mainly running for the ability core.

It has been snowing heavily for five days, and because there are hard-working snow removal staff inside the base every day, there are almost no places where the snow is too thick in the places where people live, and travel is not a problem at all.

But the outside of the base is different. After five days of heavy snow, one can imagine how thick the snow outside is.

The thickness of the snow is higher than that of a human being. Without the control of an ice-type supernatural being, it is not easy for the snowplow to work properly.


When Shi Xiao returned home, he suddenly found that the atmosphere seemed a bit different. Everyone in the family looked at the baby sitting on the sofa in disbelief, and the half-burned children's book on the ground.

With just one glance at Shi Xiao, he knew what was going on. It should be that the little guy accidentally triggered the ability to ignite the children's book.

The little guy was also looking at the book on the floor in a daze, not understanding what was going on.

Seeing Shi Xiao who came in was like seeing a savior, Baby Zhao Pan hugged Shi Xiao with a flick of his mouth.

And the people in the room suddenly realized that their appearance just now seemed to scare Baby Zhao Pan.

The main reason was that it was too sudden. Shi's father, Shi's mother, and Song Qian were sitting on the sofa chatting, and suddenly they heard their daughter screaming.

When they looked over, they saw that the book in the baby's hand was surrounded by a ball of electric arcs, and then the book caught fire, and the child threw it on the ground in a hurry. It was Papa Shi who quickly picked up a cup on the coffee table. Water was poured on it, and the fire was extinguished.

Then there was the scene Shi Xiao saw after he came in.

Baby Zhao Pan looked at the aunt who hugged him back, and said aggrievedly: "Auntie, I didn't mean to, I didn't want to burn the book, it lit up by itself and then found a fire, it's really none of my business thing."

Zhao Pan looked at Shi Xiao and then at the other people in the room, obviously mistaking everyone's look at him for something bad he did.

Shi Xiao gently stroked the little guy's back and comforted little Zhao Pan, "It's okay, no one said you did bad things, baby don't be afraid."

At this time, Shi's father and Shi's mother also reacted, and hurried forward to hug the child in her arms, knowing that their reaction just now scared the child.

"Don't be afraid, baby. Grandpa and grandma are just too shocked. They don't mean to blame you. Not only that, but grandpa and grandma think the baby is very powerful." Shi's father and mother Shi put their arms around the little guy and coaxed him.

Children are easy to coax, under the appeasement of Shi Xiao and Shi's father and Shi's mother, the cloudy and sunny immediately turned, showing a smiling face, and nestled in Shi's mother's arms obediently.

Taking advantage of the situation, Nannuan also sat beside Mama Shi and held the baby's hand. The little girl was startled just now, and Mama Shi also touched Nannan's head and smiled lovingly.

Shi Xiao calmly picked up the unreadable children's book from the ground and put it in the corner. Although it is unreadable, it is still very useful to start a fire, so it should not be wasted.

Shi's father and Shi's mother looked at the daughter who was picking up the book calmly, and suddenly seemed to have figured out something. The couple looked at each other, and their eyes communicated silently.

Thinking of themselves, the baby's sudden awakening of supernatural powers, the couple would not believe it if there was nothing tricky about it.

It's just that they held back, after all there are two girls, Sissy and Ruru, in the living room.

Just because the old couple held back doesn't mean that Li Ruyi can hold back.

The girl looked at the little guy nestled in Mama Shi's arms with envious eyes, and then looked up at the sky outside the living room, with an exaggerated look of injustice.

Such a small child can awaken supernatural powers. She, a good girl who has never done anything bad, has nothing. She feels really miserable.

Then, unable to hold back, she described everything she saw in front of her best friend, and finally added a sentence very seriously, asking Xiaoxiao why she was so uninviting, why God couldn't see her .

As soon as this passage came out, good guy, everyone in the room couldn't help laughing, even the two children who didn't know where the laughing point was infected laughed, this girl is too good at playing tricks.

After laughing, Shi Xiao patted Li Ruyi's arm comfortingly, and said a word full of Zen.

"Girl, don't worry, the Buddha said: Don't worry, fate will arrange everything by itself! How peaceful the heart is, the blessing will be so deep!"

Then, Li Ruyi got a big white eye, and replied: "You are a full man who doesn't know a hungry man is hungry." She didn't understand the meaning of Shi's joke at all.

Shi's father and Shi's mother, who were already experienced sitting by the side, could hear the hidden meaning of the girl.

Shi Xiao didn't plan to talk to this unbalanced girl anymore, but squatted beside the baby, this matter is more important right now.

Baby Zhao Pan is too young, he doesn't seem to know how to control his ability, otherwise he wouldn't have triggered the ability unconsciously and burned the book.

It's not that the little guy hurts himself, but that he accidentally hurts others or causes a fire or something, so the next step is to make him realize that he has awakened his abilities, and he is not allowed to point at people or things casually. Also learn to control your abilities.

Shi Xiao gently took Zhao Pan into his arms and took him to the open space in the living room, and said softly: "Baby, Auntie is going to play a game with you next, will you do it well according to what Auntie said?" ?”

The little guy has always been well-behaved in front of Shi Xiao. When he heard that he was interested in playing games, he immediately nodded his little head, "Auntie, what should I do."

"Hey, what a good boy." Shi Xiao smiled softly, "This game is for the baby to carefully feel the difference in the body, whether there is something extra, and then you try to release it."

"Auntie, but I don't have anything on my body." Baby Zhao Pan looked at Shi Xiao suspiciously, and his little hands were still groping around his body on the clothes.

Shi Xiao: "..."

It was her fault. No matter how specific she said, she forgot that this was just a five-year-old child with very limited comprehension ability.

(End of this chapter)

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