I just want to have a good time

Chapter 292 292. Surprised

Chapter 292 292. Surprised
Shi Xiao stopped talking nonsense, but directly stretched out one in front of Xiao Zhao Pan, and then a layer of faint green light slowly appeared on the jade-like palm, and then the color became thicker and thicker. In the end, it was so dark green that it even became a liquefied state.

Not only little Zhao Pan was stunned, but even Shi's father and Shi's mother, including Song Qian and Li Ruyi, were fascinated by it.

Then, in the thick green light of the liquefied state, a small bud suddenly appeared. The leaves grew more and more, and stopped when they reached a height of tens of centimeters, and then blossomed and bear fruit. It turned out to be a small virgin fruit tree.

It is full of red cherry tomatoes, and the green branches and leaves and red fruits are really beautiful.

Shi Xiao looked at Baby Zhao Pan, "Do you know what this is?"

"Auntie, I know, it's a delicious fruit." Zhao Pan said excitedly.

"It's awesome, it's a delicious fruit, but how did it come out?" Shi Xiao asked another question.

"Didn't your aunt change it?" After finishing speaking, Zhao Pan's eyes all revealed a message, that is, auntie is so stupid, why did she forget that she had changed just now.

Shi Xiao: "..." It seemed that he was despised by a little bean, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Baby, you are right. Auntie did make it out, but what did Auntie use to make it out, do you know?"

Huh, guiding a five-year-old child is really difficult!

It needs to be broken apart and crushed, bit by bit.

Of course Zhao Pan knew this question, and said happily, "I know, it's my aunt's ability."

"Yes, the baby's memory is really good, it's Auntie's ability, does the baby think Auntie's ability is good?"

Xiao Zhao Pan nodded fiercely, of course it is good, he can conjure a lot of delicious food, but he knew that many fruits in the house were conjured by his aunt.

"Does the baby want supernatural powers?" The prefixes were all done, and Shi Xiao began to seduce.

Xiao Zhao Pan nodded fiercely again. Although he is not big, he naturally wants good things.

"Remember the game Auntie just said?"

"Remember," the little guy replied crisply.

"Well, the game method has changed now. If the baby wants to get the supernatural power, he will think in his heart that the supernatural power will come out, and keep thinking, maybe it will come out."

For a child who is only over five years old, this is the only way Shi Xiao can come up with. Before letting him feel that the body is useless for such a small child, he can't understand.

Little Zhao Pan looked at Shi Xiao, he seemed to understand what his aunt said, and then he began to think of what his aunt said in his heart.

Although he is small, it does not prevent him from knowing that supernatural powers are a good thing, everyone in the family has them, and he wants to have them too.

After all, at a young age, the little guy has gradually begun to forget his original family and regard him as a member of this family.

Little Zhao Pan kept thinking about the power coming out, the power coming out, and then a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his body, and then a small group of bright red and white light clusters appeared in front of him, accompanied by crackling sound.

Shi Xiao, who was the closest to the light group, had his hair standing on end by the electricity. Everyone was stunned and then burst into laughter, completely stealing the limelight from little Zhao Pan.

This is really a rare scene. Father Shi deftly took the mobile phone that was put aside for the children to watch cartoons, clicked twice, and saved the embarrassing photo of his daughter.

Of course Shi Xiao knew that her hair had exploded, but she didn't care about it at this moment, her attention was all on Zhao Pan's body, and she continued to guide him.

"Yes, that's it, see? Baby, it's your ability, try throwing it in the open space in front of you."

After Shi Xiao said this, he resolutely moved away from Baby Zhao Pan, lest the little guy accidentally hurt her, and pulled the coffee table that was a little closer to him aside.

Sure enough, he was an obedient baby. Just as Shi Xiao pulled the coffee table away, the crackling little thunderbolt floating in front of Zhao Pan landed on an open space in the middle of the living room.

There was a bang, and the poor floor was covered with cracks. This is due to the high quality of the floor, otherwise it would either be cracks or explode directly.

Everyone except Shi Xiao was stunned by this scene, they didn't expect such a small ball to be so powerful.

As for the lord, Baby Zhao Pan, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, looking at the ground in disbelief, especially the cracks on the ground, the little guy became uneasy.

Running in front of Shi's father and Shi's mother, he pursed his mouth and pointed at the cracks on the ground, tears almost came out of his eyes.

"Grandpa and grandma, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." The little guy lowered his head and apologized, tears streaming down his face, looking very pitiful.

At this moment, Papa and Mama Shi's heart ached so badly, they quickly put their arms around the little guy, and comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay, it's none of your business, it's because the floor is not solid."

"Really?" The tearful baby Zhao Pan raised his head to look at Shi's father and Shi's mother.

"Of course it's true." Shi's father and Shi's mother nodded affirmatively, and then began to boast: "The baby is so powerful, the baby has awakened the power, and the grandparents will rely on the baby's protection from now on."

"Really? That's the baby's ability? Does the baby really have the ability? Auntie is really right." Baby Zhao Pan was immediately distracted and forgot about the floor, and asked happily three times.

Then they cheered happily after seeing the grandparents beside them nodding firmly.

Then the happy baby Zhao Pan ran to the girl's side, "Sister, sister, have you seen that the baby has supernatural powers, and sister, you should do as auntie said, so that my sister will also have supernatural powers."

Zhao Pan's cute appearance made everyone laugh. The lively Li Ruyi couldn't help but walked up to the baby girl, teasing the little guy on purpose.

"Baby, why don't you let Auntie try it too! Auntie also wants supernatural powers." Li Ruyi deliberately said it pitifully, trying to arouse the baby's sympathy.

It's a pity that the little guy only glanced at her, and perfunctorily dropped the sentence "The auntie will try too", and then left Li Ruyi with a back view and continued to urge her, obviously in the eyes of the baby, the baby is more important.

This scene successfully amused everyone again. Li Ruyi raised her eyebrows, made a face at Zhao Pan's back, and returned to the sofa.

Leaning on Song Qian's shoulder on the sofa with a hurt face, she looked at her good sister begging for comfort. Song Qian couldn't laugh or cry, imitating a baby, and patted the girl on the head perfunctorily.

The baby here is still persevering in persuading the baby, and Shi Xiao looks happily from the sidelines, hoping from the bottom of his heart that the baby can listen to the baby.

Nannan also had no choice but to agree to being entangled by the baby.

In fact, it's just perfunctory. After all, she is a few years older than the baby, and she can understand basically everything. It is rare to know that supernatural powers are not like Chinese cabbage everywhere. How could she just say a few supernatural powers in her heart? It really appeared.

But perfunctory is perfunctory, Nannan really recited these few words silently in her heart.

But I didn't expect that as she meditated, the little girl really felt that her body was really different from before, like what Auntie said before, there really seemed to be something more.

Nannan's eyes widened involuntarily, thinking about what her aunt had said to the baby before, and tried to let this thing out.

Then a scene that surprised her appeared, not only surprised her, but also everyone in the room except Shi Xiao.

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(End of this chapter)

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