I just want to have a good time

Chapter 293 293. Surprise

Chapter 293 293. Surprise
Everyone looked at Nannan in disbelief, wasn't it just to deal with the baby?How did it really appear.

Li Ruyi was the most excited, if it wasn't for Song Qian's quick hands, this girl would have rushed to her daughter impulsively.

The wind around the little girl is getting stronger and stronger, and the trend is getting bigger and bigger. The small items in the living room can't stand the wind and crackle and fall straight to the ground. Seeing that even the heavy wooden chair is about to stick When he couldn't help being blown over, Shi Xiao quickly opened his mouth.

"Ninny, I want to make it stop."

Nannan is in a hurry. Seeing the wind getting stronger and stronger, she also wants it to disappear, but the child really doesn't know what to do.

As soon as she heard her aunt's words, Nannan had her backbone, and hurriedly followed what her auntie said, and the wind around her in a few seconds gradually weakened until it disappeared completely.

The living room also returned to calm, and the destructive force was greater than that of the baby just now. The smaller stools were blown up and down, and some small items were left on the ground. Of course, some small things would inevitably be damaged.

Seeing the mess in the living room, Nannan felt very uneasy. She really didn't expect that, like the baby, she hurried to Shi's father and mother to admit her mistake.

If you do something wrong, you must have the courage to admit it. This is what her parents told her, and the little girl always remembers it.

"It's none of your business. Don't take it to heart. On the contrary, grandpa and grandma are very happy. Our daughter also has supernatural powers."

Seeing that her grandparents did not show any signs of anger, she was finally relieved.

Then Baobao Zhao Pan, who couldn't wait to break, grabbed her hand, and excitedly began to claim credit, "Sister, I'm right."

That little tsundere expression is extremely cute, coupled with the soft and cute chubby appearance, it really makes people itch.

Looking at the baby who was waiting for her answer, Nannan could only nod.

Nannan was actually very confused, it was indeed her younger brother who asked her to follow suit, the problem is that she succeeded after doing it.

Shi's father and Shi's mother looked at their daughter with deep meaning in their eyes. If the baby had doubts before, then the appearance of the baby's supernatural ability can already be confirmed.

If there is no Xiaoxiao's handwriting in it, they will not believe anything they say.

It's just that what the child did was too secretive, they didn't find out, and they didn't hear anything.

Facing the meaningful eyes of his parents, Shi Xiao smiled brightly, and then began to clean up the mess in the living room.

The little girl also hurried to help, those were all caused by her, the little girl still feels very guilty.

Naturally, Song Qian and Li Ruyi couldn't do it either. There are many people and strength, and the living room returned to its original state in a short while, and the broken garbage was cleaned up.

In the following time, in order to prevent the book burning incident from happening again, Shi Xiao and the others began to teach the two children, while Li Ruyi, the only one without supernatural powers, listened enviously.

The main thing is to let them remember not to use their abilities casually, especially outside, except when they are in danger.

There is also the need to practice more control of abilities in the future, children are too young to control ability is their weakness.

Since then, the two children have added ability control to their daily practice schedule.

As for Li Ruyi, who was in pain and happiness, after repeated urging by Li's father and mother, Li Ruyi was finally willing to go back to her home after half a month.

On the fifth day after returning home, Shi Xiao was invited to Li's house overnight. Li Ruyi had a fever, which was a very high fever, and neither antipyretics nor physical cooling were effective.

There was no other way, but Li Rubin thought of Shi Xiao. He had heard from his younger sister that Shi Xiao had healing powers, so he went to Shi's house in the middle of the night.

Shi Xiao, who came to his girlfriend's house, did not expect that Ruru would awaken the most dangerous fire element in the process. His whole body was in a light red state, and his body temperature was obviously very high.

Fortunately, an ice towel was always placed on his forehead to protect his brain.

As for the source of the iced towel, it is very simple, just put the wet towel outside for a few seconds.

Shi Xiao didn't dare to delay, and immediately used his supernatural powers to comb and nourish Li Ruyi's body.

In this way, when the white belly finally appeared in the sky, Li Ruyi's potential was fully tapped out, and she successfully awakened her abilities.

The whole body was surrounded by a layer of faint flames. The process lasted for a few minutes. With the disappearance of the flames, Li Ruyi's body temperature also returned to normal.

Seeing Li Ruyi who finally returned to normal, the Li family finally felt relieved. They were terrified all day and night.

Especially Li's father, Li's mother, who loves his daughter the most, after seeing the child's successful awakening and returning to normal, the tense spirit relaxed, and her legs and feet suddenly became weak and weak. It must fall to the ground.

Knowing that her daughter was fine, Li's father and Li's mother, who thanked Shi Xiao repeatedly and felt relieved, went back to the room to rest under the support of their son.

And Shi Xiao stayed until the good sister woke up, just to see Li Ruyi's performance after she knew her awakened power.

The process did not disappoint her. Li Ruyi, who was stunned by the surprise and reacted, ran around the whole house like a happy butterfly, telling everyone about her awakening of supernatural powers, even her nephews and nieces.

If it wasn't for finding that Mom and Dad were asleep, there might be trouble.

Sometimes Shi Xiaozhen suspects that this guy has a dual personality, otherwise how could he have a completely different appearance at work.

After the goods returned to normal, Shi Xiao was about to leave, of course he didn't forget to leave a bunch of energy cores behind.

Another half a month has passed, and the temperature has been fixed at around minus sixty degrees.

In the base, apart from the staff with supernatural powers, there is nothing to do. Few people will go out of the house. It is too cold, and the breath can turn into ice. Even the physical hygiene can only be done indoors, otherwise there is no way to complete it. This kind of embarrassment It is really hard to get used to.

The children's courses in the school have also temporarily ended, leaving homework for them to practice at home.

Except for a few kinds of evergreen plants in the base, all the plants have become bare.

Even the several plants planted on the edge of the wall to protect the base, except for the fairy series, only have branches and stems left.

But even if there are only branches left, it still does not prevent them from guarding the wall.

After the heavy snowfall, the whole world became much quieter, and even the mutant birds that were usually seen hid themselves.

The well-prepared Shihe base did not freeze to death during this month, which can be said to kill all the bases in Xia Kingdom in seconds.

And this is all due to the fact that during the week after the heavy snow stopped, the base distributed a large number of cold protection items for free to normal people without supernatural powers and mutations.

Different from the Shihe base, in the dozens of bases in the southeast, north, and west of the Xia Kingdom, even if there is no threat of zombies, there will still be people who die every day, and they all freeze to death, even in Jingyun and Guangming bases with good conditions.

In these bases, there are a large number of survivors. Although it is predicted that the temperature will drop, due to time constraints, the preparations that can be made are still limited.

Especially the ordinary survivors who have no rights, no one, and are not mutants or supernatural beings in the base.

They belong to the lowest level of the food chain of the base, and the living environment is the worst. They can't resist the extremely cold weather. They don't have thick cold-proof cotton clothes. Even if they nest next to the fire every day, they are still shivering from the cold, almost People freeze to death every day.

 It's another day to ask for a monthly pass ()*.

(End of this chapter)

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