I just want to have a good time

Chapter 294 294. Liao Jingyi

Chapter 294 294. Liao Jingyi

The base has also made some efforts to address the people who freeze to death every day, but it is still a drop in the bucket.

As long as there are trees that can be felled in the base, all the dead branches are swept away. In this difficult environment, we can only use the most primitive method to keep warm.

Jingyun Base.

Liao Jingyi, the youngest son who is the leader of the base, is leading a group of people to leave the base on a sled.

Their task is to go out to find warm materials that can protect against the cold.

The Jingyun Base was built next to Hongshan, a hundred miles away from the capital. This is also the Hongshan Military Region where General Liao, the top leader of the base, is located.

After the end of the world, General Liao Yun, the supreme general who survived in Kyoto, naturally became the supreme commander of Kyoto.

It can be said that General Liao contributed a lot to being able to establish a business base so quickly.

After the disaster happened, General Liao reacted quickly and issued an order immediately. After solving the zombies in the military area, he ordered his subordinates to quickly organize the surviving soldiers in the military area to rescue the survivors and kill the zombies. Collect supplies.

As the youngest son of General Liao, Liao Jingyi is also one of the fiercest generals.

The team he led went back and forth in Kyoto and rescued no less than nearly [-] survivors.

After nearly five months, the current Jingyun base has accommodated more than 20 survivors. It can be said that it is the largest base in China, not one of them.

The entire base is divided into five districts, abcde, among which abc district was built in more than two months when the base was first established.

However, as more and more survivors were accommodated, the base had to be expanded outwards. However, due to various reasons, the lack of building materials, and the urgent need for housing for the survivors, the construction of housing projects in areas d and e was relatively sloppy .

Although there is shelter, compared with the previous three districts, the quality is much worse, the walls are also very thin, and the thermal performance is incomparable.

In this regard, you must have a certain contribution to the base to live in this thin room, and the rent will be deducted from the points every month.

Again, some will live in Datongpu, the advantage is at least a house, the disadvantage is that there are no secrets, whether you grind your teeth, fart or snore, it will be infinitely magnified here.

At the same time, a place with a lot of people means that there will be more friction. More often, the Datong shop is full of noise, and the relative news will be bad.

And the worst thing is the tent, which is not free, and must be exchanged for materials or energy cores, otherwise you can only use the sky as your bed and the ground as your bed.

Most of the people sleeping in the tents were arranged in the two northwest areas of Area E.

Most of the people who live here are timid and incompetent survivors.

Even if there are more supplies or a few more energy cores in hand, they can be allocated to the Datong shop in the southeast of area E, at least there is a place that can shelter from the wind and rain.

If they dare not go out to fight for their lives, let alone kill zombies, then they can only linger in the northwest two districts.

The flimsy tents couldn't block the bitter cold wind at all, and the little food distributed by the base for free every day couldn't provide the energy their bodies needed at all, only keeping them from starving to death.

There are dead people almost every day in Area E. It can be said that at least [-]% of the people who freeze to death in the base every day are here.

Seeing that the death toll continued to increase every day, Liao Jingyi volunteered to take a small team to search for supplies in the urban area of ​​the capital in order to share the burden for his old father.

They were walking on snowboards and wearing goggles and moved quickly on the snow. Although they had used the fastest speed, it still took nearly three hours to reach the area of ​​Kyoto.

I saw a lot of zombies trapped in the snow on the road, and they didn't react when I saw them in a daze, as if they were frozen in it.

But this was just right, Liao Jingyi didn't have time to deal with them, at the moment he just wanted to hurry to the capital to collect supplies to keep out the cold.

The three districts of abc and bc are not bad, they basically have cotton coats to keep out the cold, but the situation in the two districts of de is not so good.

Many people were only wearing autumn clothes, those in better condition would wear a few more, and those in bad condition didn't even have a single autumn clothes, they couldn't leave the fire for a moment.

Arriving at the outskirts of Kyoto, the situation of loss is still the same. Looking at the zombies who are still buried in the snow and cannot move, Liao Jingyi already knows it well.

Regardless of these zombies trapped in the snow, they continued to slide towards the suburban streets on their snowboards.

The area of ​​Kyoto in Xia Kingdom can be said to be the largest city among all the cities.

The total area is about 7000 square kilometers, and the urban area alone occupies more than 8000 square kilometers, which is divided into eight rings.

At this moment, what Liao Jingyi arrived at is the eighth ring, the outermost ring, which is the outskirts of the city, and it is also the largest district in the urban area of ​​Kyoto.

Although it is the eighth ring road, it is Kyoto after all. The eighth ring road in Kyoto is no less than the prosperous streets of third- and fourth-tier cities.

So Liao Jingyi and the others found a large shopping mall without slipping too far.

Entering the shopping mall, it couldn't be smoother, it can be said to be unimpeded. The zombies who used to show their claws seemed to have lost their ability to move, standing stiffly under the snow or in a certain place.

"Major, these zombies seem to be unable to move under the low temperature." Zhao Hai observed all the way, and finally couldn't help but tell his discovery.

The other dozen or so comrades in arms also nodded approvingly, and they all discovered it along the way.

If these zombies are afraid of low temperature, this is a very good thing, and it is more conducive to them to eliminate zombies.

Liao Jingyi nodded, and his eyebrows relaxed a lot.

The next step is to see if the zombies entering the mall are like the ones trapped in the snow outside the mall.

If this is the case, it means that zombies are really afraid of low temperatures, and then their plans may need to be changed next.

Today's main purpose is to collect supplies. As long as the zombies don't take the initiative to bump into them, Liao Jingyi is prepared not to provoke them.

Arriving in the mall, although I was prepared when I saw the open door of the mall, I was still startled by the dense crowd of zombies.

I'm afraid it wasn't that after the snow, these zombies all went to the shopping mall.

Fortunately, the shopping mall on the first floor is full of cosmetics, luxury goods and so on, which is not the goal of Liao Jingyi's trip.

It's been a while since they came in, and the tiny movements of the heads of these zombies standing together showed that they had spotted Liao Jingyi and his party, but they couldn't move.

Very good, now it is fully confirmed that zombies are afraid of low temperatures.

Then Liao Jingyi stopped paying attention to these things, and led people directly to the clothing area on the third floor.

As soon as you go up to the third floor, you will see zombies standing still, the number of which is completely incomparable with that on the first floor.

Due to the small amount, Liao Jingyi and his teammates solved it easily when they walked around.

Killing zombies has never been easier, but it is really fun.

Soon the zombies on the third floor were dealt with, and Liao Jingyi and the others walked through the third floor at the same time.

Except for a few cotton-padded clothes that were sold out of season, the entire floor was almost full of summer seasonal clothing, which were useless and were directly skipped by Liao Jingyi and the others.

Then four or five floors, except for a few cotton-padded clothes that are sold out of season, there is not much gain.

However, the sixth floor is quite rewarding. The entire floor is made of home textiles, and Liao Jingyi and the others have collected a lot of quilts.

(End of this chapter)

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