I just want to have a good time

Chapter 295. Chapter 295.

Chapter 295.

It's not bad, the bedding can at least keep out the cold.

As for the remaining floors of the mall, Liao Jingyi and his party are not going to look at it, and they won't gain anything from looking at it.

Put on the skis directly from the window on the second floor, jumped onto the snow outside and continued to look for merchants that might have cotton clothes.

After walking several shopping malls in a row, except for a large number of bedding, the harvest of cotton clothes is only a few.

Liao Jingyi started to stop and think deeply, he felt that his way of thinking was a little wrong.

You shouldn't be in a place like this at all.

He remembered that there were quite a few factories in the outer ring. Before the base collected materials, because there were too many zombies in the urban area of ​​Kyoto, it was not designated as their home field for collecting materials. Although they had visited some places, but Most still haven't been there.

Thinking of the season when the disaster happened, according to the rules of garment making, there should be a lot of cotton clothes in these garment factories, maybe you should go there to have a look,

Thinking of this, Liao Jingyi stopped hesitating and called the team members to turn back decisively and go to the industrial park in the outer ring of Kyoto.

Now Liao Jingyi began to admire the small Shihe base in Jiangcheng. Not only was it full of talents, but it was also far-sighted.

At that time, although he had some thoughts about the Shihe base's proposal to use cotton clothes and cotton products as an exchange condition, and he mentioned it when he reported to the base, he didn't really take it to heart.

Who would have thought that the post-apocalyptic winter would not only come so early, but also be so cold.

If he remembered correctly, their base also transported tens of thousands of sets of cold-proof cotton padded clothes to Shihe base. Those were all military training supplies they collected from the Ministry of National Resources.

I remember that in order to win there, it was considered a heavy loss, and a lot of soldiers were lost. Now I think about it, I regret it, and I just changed out so easily.

Sighing inwardly, Liao Jingyi led his brothers to quickly slide towards the industrial park on the outer ring.


Of the eight major bases, the best situation should be the northernmost Liaoyuan base.

They are located in the far north, and the environment is relatively harsh. Their bodies have adapted well to the environment, and they are also used to the cold. They are also rich in fur and cotton, so they really do not lack these items to keep out the cold.

It can be said that there are dozens of large and small bases in the entire Xia Kingdom, except for the small base of Shihe, the Liaoyuan base is the base with the least number of people who freeze to death, almost negligible.

So the survivors of the Shihe Base are lucky. Even if the base doesn’t distribute free cotton coats when they come here, don’t forget that the base was built around Shihe Town, and residents in the town can find some cotton coats to keep out the cold.

Although it will still be cold in cotton clothes, it is already within the tolerable range. If you put on a brazier, it will not have much impact.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you can’t go out, but the low temperature in extremely cold conditions can easily make your limbs stiff and your head dull, so it requires a lot of physical activity to promote blood circulation.

And there are indeed a lot of such manual labor in the base that people need to do.

For example, clearing domestic garbage and snow in various places in the base, and transporting piles of snow mountains in the base out of the base are all very heavy workloads.

It can be said that in the Shihe base, as long as he is not lazy, he will definitely not starve to death. Of course, his premise is that he is not lazy.

If you insist on eating too much and being lazy, then no one can save you.

The base has stored enough food, but it belongs to the base, not to individuals. Cotton clothes are distributed free of charge because of special circumstances, but the food is provided to the elderly, weak, sick and disabled twice a day for free, and other people must use labor to obtain it. , I'm sorry if I'm lazy.

"Promoting Mi En, Dou Mi Qiu", this sentence left by the ancestors is very reasonable and must be used for reference.

So in order not to starve to death in the base, Shi Yu, Che Jun, Zhao Bin, Zhang Tiantian and other base management staff racked their brains.

Not only has enough physical work been arranged, but also work has been prepared for women with weaker physiques, which is the kind of work that can be taken home.

There is a huge amount of cloth, cotton products, cotton, etc. in the base warehouse, all of which were exchanged not long ago.

The work of women is related to these. What they have to do is to use cloth and cotton to make clothes or bedding to keep out the cold.

What to do is a personal choice, but the rewards are different.

Since it is more difficult to make clothes, the remuneration will be richer. Relatively speaking, the remuneration will be less if the bedding is simpler.

It is concluded every three days, and the rewards are received according to the things made, that is, the food they deserve.

The standard is five catties of grain for ten cotton coats, and one catty of grain for ten bedding.

It can be seen that no matter when, it is very important to understand a technology.

As soon as this work was announced, the ordinary women at the base couldn't sit still, and even some men who knew needlework couldn't sit still.

In fact, they have been worrying all the time. Although they stored some food when they came to the base, and they or their family members went out to collect some before the cold winter, but they still couldn't avoid anxiety in their hearts while sitting and eating like this.

This cold winter came too suddenly and too early. Who knows when it will end. They are ordinary people, especially those with families. No one dares to collect supplies in such extreme weather unless it is absolutely necessary.

Therefore, they all seized this opportunity tightly, so they don't have to worry about sitting on the mountain if they get something to gain, and they feel at ease when they have surplus food at home.

At the same time, this incident also brought unexpected joy to women who can make clothes, and they became popular.

In order to earn more food, some women would grit their teeth and bring some things to ask them for advice. For a while, these women who can make clothes were crowded in front of their doors, and they earned an unexpected extra food.

Because of this series of tasks released by the base, the survivors of the base have a deeper sense of dependence on the Shihe base, and they are grateful and admirable to the Shi family, who is in charge of the base.

They all knew in their hearts that this was a disguised form of help from the base, but without the consent of those in power at the base, let alone a cotton coat, they would not even be able to get a piece of cloth.

Li Ruyi's three sister-in-laws and mother were also among them. They took some fabric and cotton to make the simplest quilts.

In fact, is the Li family short of food?There is really no shortage.

The Li family was originally from a superior family. After the end of the world, the four brothers responded immediately and collected a lot of supplies with their bold skills. Later, three of them awakened their abilities. When they came, they brought a lot of supplies. Materials, if there is no accident, there is no need to worry within three years.

But it was useless to stop them, they still went to get the job.

According to Li Ruyi's sisters-in-law, they also want to work hard for this family. Although they don't gain much, they always gain something, right?

Seeing her mother and sisters-in-law working so hard, Li Ruyi also sensibly helped together, which made Shi Xiao and Song Qian sigh after seeing them. They never expected to see Li Ruyi doing needlework in their lifetime.

But this girl is really too stupid. After working for two days, her efficiency is too low except for pricking a few more holes in her fingers. In the end, she was chased aside by the disgusted mothers and sisters-in-law.

Then Li Ruyi had nothing to do except practice and was tired of staying at Shi Xiao's house all day long.

Then within a few days, Shi Xiao dragged him to kill the zombies.

Shi Xiao stayed at home for such a long time, and the peaceful life after more than a month is indeed very comfortable.

But thinking that winter is the best time to eliminate zombies, she really can't help but stay at home all the time.

Thinking of the six districts and four counties in Jiangcheng City, they only cleaned up less than two districts. There is a long way to go to eliminate the zombies.

At the very least, Shi Xiao's plan is to gnaw down the bones of the urban area before it disappears in winter. The zombies here are the biggest threat to the base.

In addition, the road has been cleared and the city is approaching for dozens of miles, so Shi Xiao feels that the leisurely days can come to an end.

There is also snow in the urban area, which does not affect her much, but not for others.

So before going, we must first make a means of transportation, a means of transportation that can pass on snow-skis.

Originally, Shi Xiao was going to hand it over to Shi Yu, and he had more than a dozen skilled carpenters under him.

(End of this chapter)

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