I just want to have a good time

Chapter 303 303. Detoxification

Chapter 303 303. Detoxification
Therefore, in close combat, the most commonly used military knives are uniformly issued by the military with a maximum length of 25 cm.

The position where Gong Ye was located was the most difficult, with the most zombies and animals, and it was also the place with the most aggressive attack power.

The team led by Gong Ye is a tough resister. After all, they are just ordinary soldiers. Although their combat capabilities are indeed very good, they are still not as fast as zombie animals.

Even so, with the joint efforts of their team, some zombie dogs were still eliminated.

As the front and rear teams found out that something was wrong and came to support, the battle situation gradually became more favorable.

But who would have expected that just when the battle was about to be brought under control, there would be a King Bomb coming from behind.

And Gong Ye and his team happened to be in the circle of Wang Zha.

Although the body can no longer see its original appearance due to the rot of the zombie virus, it can still be deduced from the general appearance that it is a large leopard.

It is said that animals have special constitutions and strong resistance, and the chance of becoming a zombie is really very, very small. When the leopard appeared in the finale, everyone was shocked for a moment.

After all, they are not like domestic cats. Dogs are too dependent on their owners. When a disaster occurs, many of them are unwilling to stay away from their owners, so they will be hurt by their owners, and eventually the virus will directly invade the body and turn into zombie animals.

To be honest, in the past few months in the last days, there are really few wild animal zombies, and the possibility of them being infected with the zombie virus after mutation is even smaller.

Once animals mutate, they become huge in size, and the increase in physical strength makes them not afraid of zombies and zombie-turned animals at all. Even herbivorous animals can easily deal with one or two zombie-turned animals, let alone beast level.

Leopards can rank among the cats in nature in terms of speed and responsiveness. They are the best in the hunting world. How could they be infected with the zombie virus.

But no matter how they didn't believe it, Wang Zha had indeed appeared, and he exploded with powerful combat power as soon as he came out.

Gong Ye and the others, who were on the outskirts of Wang Zaobo's circle, were in an extremely bad situation.

The battle was too fierce. The moment the zombie leopard appeared, several supernatural beings fought with it. At this time, no one held back and used their strongest supernatural power.

Earth thorns, wind blades, fireballs, ice thorns and other supernatural attacks have little effect on losing the leopard, and they will be dodged by it in the first place. This agility is worthy of the title of the leopard that can dominate the speed among cats .

Even under the influence of extremely cold temperatures, the speed is still unmatched, not comparable to zombie cats and dogs.

In battles at the same level, the combat power of zombie animals is much higher than that of humans, not to mention the ferocious zombie leopards, so even if this group of supernatural beings use their strongest supernatural attacks, it will be difficult for them to fight. The threat posed by this zombie leopard is really limited.

If it weren't for Captain Lin, Company Commander Li Yong, and several supernatural beings who had been following Commander Lin arrived in time, the several supernatural beings who were fighting the Sangling Leopard would probably have been among them.

By this time, this battle was no longer something that ordinary soldiers could participate in.

Leader Lin is not only the highest level of abilities in their team, but also the highest level of abilities in the base. His abilities have reached the early stage of the fourth level, and even Company Commander Li Yong has reached the middle stage of the third level.

With their joining, the battle situation immediately reversed.

But it was also because of the appearance of Captain Lin and the others that the zombie leopard felt threatened, so that the attack became even more frenzied, causing the ordinary soldiers on the periphery of the battle to be affected.

In order to save a soldier in his squad, Gong Ye was slapped on the shoulder by the zombie leopard and flew far away.

Although his life was not in danger, his shoulder was scratched by the sharp claws of the zombie leopard.

Not only him, but also several other fighters who were affected at the same time, but luckier than him, they were just knocked into the air without leaving any wounds on their bodies.

In the end, the zombie leopard was dealt with by their team leader.

The team leader saw the right time to metallize the zombie leopard's body with supernatural powers, and then cut off the zombie leopard's head with a sharp knife when the zombie leopard could not move.

Wang Zha wiped out the next battle, which soon ended.

This time, due to the sudden attack of zombie animals, hundreds of people were injured in the whole team, and dozens of people were scratched by zombie animals. This special group was all gathered in one place, and Gong Ye was one of them.

The battle had just ended, and the scratched people were still conscious, except that the wounds were getting darker.

All of them leaned quietly against the wall of the shop on the side of the street.

Gong Ye leaned against the wall with a look of mourning and concubine. Although he had already prepared himself for this, but when this day came, he was really not reconciled.

And the soldier he rescued was kneeling beside Gongye, sobbing and squeezing blood from Gongye's injured shoulder, as if this would squeeze out the virus and save the squad leader from turning into a zombie.

I don't know if it was his psychological effect, but he suddenly felt that the blood, which was still black, seemed to gradually turn red when he squeezed it.

At the same time, the unwilling Gongye also noticed the difference in his body. An extremely comfortable thing that he couldn't tell what it was was swimming in his body, and finally concentrated on the injured shoulder. spread out over the shoulders.

At the same time, Liu Dong, who had never given up helping the squad leader squeeze the blood, cried out, pointing at the squad leader's shoulder, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

His abnormal performance made everyone's eyes stop on Gongye's shoulder involuntarily.

Then everyone's eyes widened in shock, they didn't dare to blink and looked at Gong Ye's shoulders, their eyes were full of disbelief.

Sensing the abnormality, Gong Ye, the protagonist, also looked over his shoulder.

At this moment, his wound was surrounded by a beam of light white light.

As the warmth on the shoulder became deeper and deeper, light black and foul-smelling venom flowed out from the wound, and when no more liquid flowed out, the wound began to itch.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the scratched wound healed quickly, and within a few seconds, even a trace could not be found, as if it had never been injured at all.

Not only everyone who saw it was shocked, but even the protagonist Gong Ye was too surprised.

He stared at his shoulder dumbfounded, the wound on his body healed by itself, and the virus was also eliminated, so what is his state like?
Gong Ye fell into confusion.

In fact, I really don't blame him, it's just that what he saw didn't match the abilities he knew at all, and he didn't dare to think about awakening abilities at all.

Unlike Gong Ye, everyone who saw this scene was excited. They witnessed the miracle with their own eyes. Gong Ye must have awakened a remarkable ability. For a while, everyone looked at him eagerly.

This shocking scene made Lin Fan and Li Yong come to Gong Ye's side immediately, and carefully observed the wound, but no trace of injury could be found, and the wounded soldier was full of energy.

Unlike the slumped look of the infected soldier next to him.

So the light just now can clear away the zombie virus, which made Lin Fan think of Shi Xiao from Shihe Town. Her supernatural ability also has the ability to clear the zombie virus. Although it is not [-]%, the success rate is not low as long as she is determined.

This soldier's ability seems to be even stronger than Shi Xiao's. He saw the virus being forced out of the wound and healed in seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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