I just want to have a good time

Chapter 304 304. The Great Ability

Chapter 304 304. The Great Ability
Although the wound from being caught was not big, it was already against the sky.

Let me ask whose wound can heal in such a short period of time, even Shi Xiao's heaven-defying ability can't do it, it only took a few seconds.

The more he thought about it, the hotter Lin Fan looked at Gongye. This kid has awakened a remarkable ability.

Looking at the kid's dazed look just now, I'm afraid the kid didn't even know it.

I just don't know if the potential has just been awakened, or if it has been awakened before and I don't know at all.

But Gong Ye was a little flustered by his idol's fiery gaze, and his heart was in a panic.

"Tuan...Tuan Zhang", although he was happy to see the idol up close, but can you stop looking at people like this, Gong Ye shouted in his heart.

"Relax, what's your name?"

Lin Fan also knew how to scare people.

"Report, I'm Gong Ye from Class Four and Five."

Almost subconsciously, Gong Ye got up and made a standard military posture, and replied with a salute.

"Gong Ye, Li Yong is from your company in Class [-] and [-]." Lin Fan glanced at Li Yong beside him.

Li Yong nodded happily. The man who didn't smile much for many years now grinned widely, looking at his little squad leader as if looking at a rare animal.

How could he not know the people in their company? He felt bad because this kid was scratched before.

I didn't expect to turn around and turn around, this kid unexpectedly gave everyone such a surprise, I felt a sense of pride in my heart, this is a member of their four companies.

This smile was too dazzling, Lin Fan glanced at him, when did this guy become so restless.

"Gongye, try to feel if there are any differences in your body, and if so, try to stimulate them."

Gong Ye nodded, he understood what the head of the idol group meant, and he also wanted to know whether he had awakened supernatural powers.

So, while he was standing, he closed his eyes and felt his body.

In fact, he didn't need to feel it at all. Since the wound on his shoulder healed, he could feel a warm energy flowing through his body. Although he could feel it before, he didn't feel it like this. strong.

That is to say, after closing his eyes for a while, Gong Ye's hands were surrounded by the familiar warmth. This feeling forced him to open his eyes involuntarily, and what caught his eyes was his hands wrapped in light white light clusters.

"Gongye, don't waste it, aim it at the injured comrade." Lin Fan suddenly said, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

The obedience of the soldiers made Gong Ye extend his hand to the two comrades sitting beside him without any hesitation.

At the same time, the two guards on the side hurriedly exposed the injured soldier's wound, which had been treated before and squeezed the blood, but the area around the wound was still gray and black, and the virus had spread.

As Gongye's hands approached, the light ball penetrated into the injured part, following his instinct, Gongye controlled the energy in his body to output to the wound, and then everyone witnessed a miracle again.

The wounds of the two soldiers were obviously much larger than the wounded surface of Gong Ye. Under the effect of the light cluster, black blood flowed out continuously, until it gradually turned into fresh blood after 1 minute, and then the wounds began to heal.

It was so useful, Lin Fan couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, it reminded him of what Shi Xiao once said.

Isn't this the ability that Shi Xiao said is more powerful than her ability?
Does it mean that this supernatural ability can also purify the energy core? This idea popped up in Lin Fan's mind involuntarily.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan looked at Gong Ye as if looking at a treasure, wishing he could put him in his pocket.

When the virus began to flow out of the wounds, the spirits of the two soldiers who had been sluggish before felt better and better. When the wounds recovered, their bodies were a little weak and their spirits had fully recovered.

They looked at each other in surprise. They thought this was their last time, but they were unwilling but helpless. Those with family members had already given their last words to their comrades.

I really didn't expect that it was Gong Ye who gave them a second life. Immediately, the two got up quickly, bowed deeply to Gong Ye who was also in surprise, and said thank you excitedly.

No one has a deeper experience than them. Although they still feel a little weak, they can feel that there is no problem with their bodies.

The actions of the two fighters were too sudden, Gong Ye did not rush to dodge and was bowed by his comrades abruptly, blushing and waving his hands to say no.

They are comrades-in-arms, and they are only happy to help their comrades, and have no other ideas.

With Gong Ye and these two successful examples, the wounded who were infected by the zombie virus looked at Gong Ye with a somewhat sluggish spirit, their eyes full of desire for life.

Especially for ordinary people infected by the virus, they don't have the sense of mission and responsibility of soldiers. They just want to survive, and they know that they have a chance to survive, so how can they manage so much.

Dragging his injured body, he wanted to surround them without hesitation, yelling for Gong Ye to save them quickly.

Fortunately, the surrounding soldiers reacted relatively quickly, they were stopped in time, and then they were shocked by Lin Fan's cold and murderous eyes.

"What are you shouting for? Are you disgusted that the virus on your body is not moving fast enough? Do you just want to quickly turn into a zombie? Why don't you hurry up and sit by the wall, don't you know that this will speed up the invasion of the virus? Do you still want to alive."

In the end, the words "whether you want to live or not" almost popped out between the teeth.

When Lin Fan wasn't angry, his expression was scary enough. When he was angry, his whole body was full of restrained evil spirits. Let alone ordinary people, even Li Yong beside him took two steps back in fright.

The evil spirit was too strong, rushing towards him gave people a feeling of suffocation, as if they were in a sea of ​​blood and corpses in the next moment, and all that was left was trembling.

Almost instantly, the wounded were back where they were sitting, everyone with their heads bowed.

Although each of them has heard of Captain Lin's name and knows that this is a terrifying person, but when they really face his anger, they realize that the rumors are not exaggerated at all. , is really scary.

Another thing that Captain Lin said is right, they are so excited, it will only aggravate the invasion of the virus, maybe it will be over before they can be treated, they don't want to become zombies, so it's better to be peaceful.

Everyone who wanted to live tried to calm down their emotions. After the excitement just now, some people already felt a little drowsy.

Seeing the wounded who had returned to their original positions and was no longer noisy, Lin Fan's face finally looked better.

Seeing them, Lin Fan frowned. A total of 42 people were infected with the virus. Can Gong Ye save so many people at once?

Lin Fan was a little worried.

But no matter what, it is possible to save some, and it is necessary to save some.

Lin Fan looked at Gong Ye, although he didn't say that the meaning in his eyes was already very obvious.

Gong Ye also understood right away, even if the head of the group didn't mean it, he wouldn't just die.

When Gong Ye started to move around, Lin Fan stopped him, and took out a handful of non-attribute energy cores from his own space and handed them to him.

Gong Ye's supernatural ability is probably only this kind of energy core can absorb.

"Gongye, save people for the time being. Replenish energy first. Hold an energy core in each hand, try to stimulate the energy in your body to establish a connection with the energy core in your hand, and try to absorb the energy inside."

He was suddenly handed a handful of energy cores. It was an accident, but what the group leader said next made him understand the meaning.

Gong Ye didn't say much, and sat cross-legged on the snow, trying to absorb energy as the leader said.

In fact, he didn't feel that there was a lack of energy in his body, but the leader's kindness could not be refused, and besides, it was only good for him, not bad.

And if you are well prepared, you can detoxify more people and save more people.

(End of this chapter)

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