I just want to have a good time

Chapter 306. 306. Eyedrops

Chapter 306. 306. Eyedrops

"Auntie, don't be angry. Didn't Xiaoyu just come in? I haven't realized it yet. Let me do it."

Yan Xu, who had been brushing his presence in the kitchen, picked up a clean towel on the countertop and wiped off the water stains on his hands, and walked towards the living room with the washed vegetables.

"Hey..." Shi Yu was amused.

Why does the more he listens to what this guy says, the more something is wrong, why does it feel a bit like giving him eye drops in front of his mother!

Shi Yu began to search in his mind, did he offend him in any way these days?But after much deliberation, it seems that there is no such thing!
Then Shi Yu had a very bad premonition, and it really started in the next second, and saw the big eyes of my dear mother glaring at him as expected, and then roared.

"Xiaoyu, so you just came in? Do you think you are embarrassed? The guests are helping your parents and us in the kitchen, but you are comfortable outside. Why, the kitchen at home can't hold you , You can't be an official, right? I can tell you, no matter how beautiful you are outside, you are still Shi Yu at home."

The more Shi Ma said, the more she felt that she was the truth. After all, her son was young and not yet determined, and he held such an important position. It was really easy to drift away. It seems that she needs to beat this boy well in the future.

Fortunately, Shi Yu didn't know what his own mother was thinking, otherwise he would have been wronged.

Zhang Tiantian, Mo Beibei and Zhang Tiantian, who were one of the two assistants, tried to minimize their sense of existence.

The head of the base was trained by his mother to behave like a rabbit. They saw this kind of thing. One day the head of the base will be unhappy and think about it, so he won't kill him again.

Of course, their thinking was a bit exaggerated. It is impossible to kill people and silence them, but it is still possible to wear a small shoe.

But it was too late to go out at this time, so the two girls had to lower their heads by the sink, rinse a few green vegetables in the water over and over again, and the repeated actions made the meat-cutter Papa Shi look at them several times in wonder , and son, I'm sorry, just because of his family status, he doesn't dare to tease the tiger's beard.

Fortunately, Yan Xu who came in again indirectly saved Shi Yu. Looking at his mother who was smiling like a flower, Shi Yu felt that Yan Xu was his mother's son, and he was very depressed.

But his mother managed to stop grabbing him, so Shi Yu hurried to his father's side, picked up a few plates of cut meat, and left the kitchen quickly, lest his mother would think of him again.

Then, without my mother telling me, I kept walking between the kitchen and the living room, so as not to let myself be idle.

I also looked at my sister with some envy, and even thought that I would be a kitchen idiot, but then I thought about it, if my parents had something to do one day, I would shudder involuntarily when I thought of what my sister made, forget it , work harder.

Shi Xiao and two best friends brought a few children in the living room, Zhao Qing, Xiong Jie, Liu Yun and others, while Wei Dalong leaned in front of Su Yiyuan, Liu Qiang, Che Jun and the others, listening to them fascinated by Kan Dashan, Tian Feng, Liao Chuan, and others. The others are sitting on the other side.

The living room was full of people, and it was very lively.

Most of them come here uninvited to enjoy the hot pot. No one comes empty-handed. They either bring two bottles of drinks or two bottles of wine, or some ham sausage.

Originally, according to Shi's father and Shi's mother's intention, since he was going to eat hot pot at noon, it would be fun to call out a few more people, so Shi Xiao was asked to call Yan Xu and Zhang Tianmo Beibei.

Who knew that the news spread out somehow, so that Tian Feng, Liao Chuan, Wei Dalong and others who heard the news all came over.

Hot pot!Who is not hungry!These people have not eaten for a long time.

Adults and children were together, and more than a dozen people were chattering in the living room, and those who didn't know thought it was a quarrel.

In the end, it was divided into two tables for men and women, one table for women and children, and one table for men. It was very pleasant to have a drink.

The meal lasted for more than two hours. After the meal was over, everyone was very self-conscious. They tidied up, scrubbed, and cleaned. In short, they didn't let Shi's father and mother, who had been busy all afternoon, touch their hands.

Dad Shi drank a lot of wine at noon, and he was addicted to alcohol. Soon after the meal, he went back to his room and fell asleep.

Everyone also left after Papa Shi took a nap.


"bang bang bang"

The knock on the door was accompanied by the cries of Hei Qiu Huang Ya and the others in the dark night, spreading far away.

Several people in the Shi family woke up almost at the same time when the dog barking sounded, and Dad Shi was the first to get dressed and arrive at the courtyard.

After appeasing the big guys in the courtyard, Heiqiu shouted, "Who is it?"

"You still call me Wang Mei, may I ask if this is Shi Ji's home?" It was a female voice, speaking quickly and revealing anxiety.

As the sound fell, Shi Xiao, Shi Yu and Song Qian who woke up came to the courtyard.

And when the knock on the door sounded, Shi Xiao woke up and already knew who was outside the door.

It's really surprising that it's a workman I haven't seen for a long time.

If he hadn't been too impressed with her, Shi Xiao might not be able to remember her.

Looking at her anxious expression, it seems that something is wrong.

"It's so late at night, why don't you talk about it during the day!"

Papa Shi, who was soundly asleep, was obviously upset when he was woken up. He couldn't hear the anxiety in his tone, and his tone was unavoidably a little rushed. Although he didn't answer the question directly, he admitted it indirectly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to bother you, I really can't wait, my son is sick, and it suddenly got worse tonight, and he is still convulsing. Wang Mei begged outside the door.

Papa Shi's feeling of getting up when he heard that the child was sick one day immediately disappeared, and he also heard the anxiety of the woman outside the door, and immediately looked at the girl behind.

I didn't think about whether it was a liar, even if it was a liar, he wouldn't come out in the middle of the night in the ice and snow, let alone the base chief's house.

Shi Xiao didn't speak, but walked directly to the gate and opened it.

She knew that Zuo Jing had a child, and when she dared to bow her head and admit her mistake for her parents and children after offending her, Shi Xiao knew that this woman was not really bad, but just spoiled.

Among the zombies who can break in alone, the person who picks up the child and parents will not make fun of the child.

"Miss Shi Xiao, please save my son."

Seeing that it was Shi Xiao, the agitated Wang Mei fell to her knees on the ground with a thump, completely gone from her former arrogance.

Shi Xiao pulled her up, "Wait for me, I'll change clothes", left a word, turned around and walked towards the house, which was a promise.

At this moment, Wang Mei burst into tears of joy and kept nodding to say "thank you".

She really didn't expect Miss Shi Xiao to agree so simply.

She offended people badly before, and she has made all the preparations, even if it takes her life, as long as she can save her son, she is willing to give it.

Seeing this, Song Qian and Shi Yu hurried into the room, they couldn't worry about Shi Xiao going alone in the dark.

It was only a few minutes before they changed out of their pajamas and reappeared in front of the gate.

Shi Xiao glanced at his younger brother and Qianqian, they had already changed their clothes, knowing that they would definitely not be able to stop them from following, so he simply didn't bother.

Wang Mei came here by car. Although there was still light snow in the sky, there was not much snow on the road, thanks to the hard-working cleaning staff at the base.

Without them, not to mention driving, even walking would be very hard.

In this way, Wang Mei led the way in front, Shi Xiao and the others followed closely behind, and when passing the intersection, Shi Xiao left Brother Yan and the others standing not far away.

 Thank you dear friends for your recommendation and support and monthly ticket support, and thank you for the 100 book coins that I wrote to reward yesterday, compared to ()

(End of this chapter)

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