I just want to have a good time

Chapter 307 307. The Secret

Chapter 307 307. The Secret
The car has already whizzed by, and it is impossible to say hello.

"Boss, let's go quickly, Sister Xiaoxiao and the others are all gone, don't worry, Sister Xiaoxiao will be fine."

As they said that, Su Yiyuan and Meng Xier dragged Yan Xu back to the courtyard and closed the gate.

On the other side, Shi Yu followed Wang Mei to Heyan Village within a few minutes, and stopped outside a two-story house.

The people in the courtyard seemed to have been waiting on purpose. The door had already opened when they got out of the car as soon as their car stopped, which also showed the anxiety of the people in the house.

A middle-aged man with bloated clothes and nervous expression came out, and he was relieved to see Wang Mei and the people behind him.

If it wasn't for the emergency, he really wouldn't have allowed his daughter to go out to find someone in the middle of the night. Since her daughter went out, she has been guarding in the living room, feeling extremely tormented.

Fortunately, fortunately... Wang Mei's father looked at his daughter with red eyes.

"Dad, does Lele still smoke?" Wang Mei, who invited Shi Xiao into the hospital, asked her father worriedly while walking.

Wang Mei's father nodded, the child's condition is very bad.

Hearing this, Wang Mei ignored Shi Xiao and quickly ran to her and the child's room on the second floor.

Ms. Wang has been taking care of the child, with ice compresses on her forehead and only a thin quilt covered, presumably to keep the child warm.

When Shi Xiao came up, he saw Wang Mei sitting on the edge of the bed crying while helping the child wipe the foam off her mouth.

The situation was really bad, the boy was already foaming at the mouth.

Seeing Shi Xiao Wang Mei was like seeing the savior "Miss Shi" kneeling on the ground with a plop, her eyes were full of pleading.

Shi Xiao: "..."

Forget it, since she is too anxious for the sake of the child, she won't be as knowledgeable as her.

Everyone is here, so how could she not show it to the children.

Shi Xiao didn't say anything, because the situation was urgent and he didn't have time to talk, he hurried to the bedside to observe the child's condition, he was in high fever, and the symptoms of convulsions and foaming became more and more serious.

Without further ado, he pulled the quilt off the child, activated the supernatural ability, and with the palm attached to the top of the child's head, a ball of green light enveloped the child.

Seeing this, Wang Mei sat on the ground exhausted, barely stood up with the help of her parents, watching anxiously.

A few minutes later, Shi Xiao stopped, and the child's foaming at the mouth and convulsions were gradually disappearing, and his body temperature had also stabilized. After a few days of raising it, he was basically fine.

During the treatment, through the ability Shi Xiao knew that the child was indeed seriously ill, already suffering from severe pneumonia and meningitis. It turned out that Wang Meimei did not go to her decisively. The chance of the child being rescued was too small. It is also a dementia.

Helping the child cover the quilt, Shi Xiao took a few steps back, leaving room for the child's mother and grandparents.

Seeing that the child was not convulsing and fell asleep smoothly, Wang Mei came down to the bed with the support of her parents, carefully felt the child's body temperature, and then the tears couldn't stop flowing, and the two elderly people also cried. The child's symptoms were obvious. freaked them out.

It took about ten minutes to stabilize. Wang Mei, who had already stabilized her mood, stood up from the bed and walked in front of Shi Xiao.

But this time Shi Xiao was already prepared, the moment the woman wanted to kneel down, he grabbed her.

This time, she almost kneeled out of the shadows again and again, why didn't she see that this woman had such a side before.

"Thank you, thank you Ms. Shi", Wang Mei choked up, thinking of her indistinct appearance before, she was even more ashamed.

"No, but such a small child must be careful not to let him catch a cold easily, and he must be treated in time when he is sick. This child is also lucky."

After saying that, Shi Xiao gave her a complicated look. Normally, Wang Mei's emphasis on the child should not make the child sick, even if it is sick, it is impossible to be so serious.

Unexpectedly, after hearing her call, Wang Mei began to cry, crying very subduedly, obviously afraid of waking up the child.

Shi Xiao: "..."

I never thought that my call would have such a big effect.

Song Qian was the most soft-hearted, and also hated to see others cry, so she quickly took out a tissue and handed it over, and then dragged Wang Mei to the living room. The two old people in the room felt uncomfortable when she cried like this.

Shi Xiao and Shi Yu followed closely.

After arriving in the living room, Wang Mei still did not dare to cry out loud, and it took a long time for her mood to slowly recover.

He lowered his head and tidied himself a little, then looked up at Shi Xiao and the others in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Shi smiled and shook his head, "No, we can understand human nature."

"Thank you for letting go of the past." Wang Mei finally did not kneel down this time, but bowed deeply to Shi Xiao.

This time Shi Xiao didn't stop him and saved her son's life, she deserved this bow.

"I've forgotten all about the past, so you don't need to talk about it anymore, taking good care of your son is the business." Shi Xiao said lightly.

Hearing this made Wang Mei feel even more ashamed, feeling that she had done many wrong things before, but fortunately it was not too late for her to repent.

"En." Wang Mei nodded, and then looked at Shi Xiao seriously, "I will remember Miss Shi's kindness forever. You saved my son's life, which is equivalent to saving my life. From now on..."

"No need", Shi Xiao interrupted Wang Mei's words, and he didn't need to listen to know what she was going to say next. It was nothing more than a life-saving grace, and there was nothing to repay, this life would be hers from now on, etc.

Shi Xiao really didn't value these things, she saved so many people, if everyone gave their lives to her, she wouldn't be exhausted to death.

She has a problem, once she is classified as her own, it is easy to protect her nest, so Shi Xiao decisively interrupted Wang Mei's words.

Although she appreciates Wang Mei's approach after she wakes up, it doesn't mean she can become her own.

Then he said lightly: "I saved your son's life, it has nothing to do with you, and I can't waste much of my time, but it did consume some abilities, so let's say 100 energy cores, regardless of attributes, count as the cost of my outpatient visits. "

To be honest, one hundred energy cores would have been a huge number more than a month ago.

Needless to say, ordinary people, even if they are supernatural beings, even a few captains under her will be very painful if they take out so much, not to mention other supernatural beings. The next ones are very few.

But it's different now. After more than a month of frenzied extermination of corpses, Shi Xiao believes that Wang Mei's identity as a power-type mutant is definitely one of them. After all, she still has parents and sons to support.

One hundred energy cores should be able to be taken out. This is also the number Shi Xiao said after considering it. It is not too outrageous but not too low.

Who would have thought that as soon as she said this, Wang Mei bit her lip and looked at her in embarrassment, her face was very shy, as if she had something to hide.

"What's wrong?" Shi Xiao was really surprised.

Could it be that she was wrong, Wang Mei didn't go out to collect supplies, so she didn't have so many energy cores.

However, judging from the fact that Wang Mei dared to drive by herself to save her parents and son, it shouldn't be!

Shi Yu and Song Qian also looked at her strangely, what a good proposal, this is equivalent to the relationship between a doctor and a patient, and neither owes money or goods.

Although the number may be a bit large, it is still within the acceptable range.

Even Song Qian collected nearly [-] energy cores in the past month.

Of course her situation is different, she is led by a big boss.

But even if not, in this special situation, as long as you go to the urban area, it is still easy to collect hundreds of pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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