I just want to have a good time

Chapter 309 309. Is it Wang Mei?

Chapter 309 309. Is it Wang Mei?

Shi Yu: "If I find it, I will let you know."

Wang Mei nodded quickly, with a little excitement on her face, and it turned out that the base chief was willing to help as she thought.

In this way, she won't have to worry about not finding that beast, and she will definitely make him regret coming to this world. The excited Wang Mei wiped away the tears on her face and kept saying thank you.

"Okay, no thanks, you go and take care of the children, we should leave too."

Shi Xiao interrupted Wang Mei lightly, nodded to her and Shi Yu and Song Qian, who understood, walked towards the door.

It is estimated that there should be a few hours of sleep in time when I go back at this time.

Wang Mei didn't dare to keep her, she hurriedly followed them outside, and didn't close the door until the vehicle disappeared, and entered the room anxiously, and entered the bedroom.

"Mom, is Lele sleeping well?"

"Don't worry, the child is sleeping well, and the body temperature is not too hot..."


When the three returned home, they were not surprised to see two elders waiting for them.

...that's what being a parent is all about.

Seeing that the three children came back safely, the reassuring father and mother of Shi told them to go back to the room to sleep quickly, and then went back to the room to catch up on sleep by themselves, yawning.

This speed made the three people who were ready to report the situation stunned, and then they looked at each other and laughed. Mom and Dad (uncles and aunts) were so cute, and then they went back to the room to catch up on sleep after listening to their parents (uncles and aunts).

Fortunately, there was nothing to do the next day, and there was enough time to catch up on sleep.

It's a good idea. They have formed a biological clock, and they still wake up on time when the time comes.

After breakfast, Shi Yu, who was not planning to go out because of Wang Mei's affairs, went to the headquarters after breakfast, found Liao Chuan, who was in charge of the base's population statistics, and asked him to help find Zhang Qiang's address.

The total population of the base is less than 2, and it is not difficult to find out gender and age. In just over an hour, Liao Chuan brought several addresses with the same name Zhang Qiang, all aged before 32 and after 25.

"Base Chief, these are the people who are most qualified as you mentioned." Liao Chuan put the paper in his hand on the desk.

Shi Yu glanced at it, nodded, frowned, and then handed the paper to Liao Chuan again, "Find someone to give these addresses to Wang Mei at No. xxx in Heyan Village.

"Okay." As a qualified subordinate, although he was very curious about this, he would still suppress his curiosity. After taking back the paper, he nodded at Shi Yu, turned around and left the office, and hurriedly dealt with this matter.

And Shi Yu looked at the neatly arranged documents on the desktop, sighed and looked appointed.

In Heyan Village, the atmosphere of Wang Mei's house has returned to normal, and the atmosphere of fear and tension before was gone.

Wang Le woke up early in the morning and was clamoring for hunger. Seeing the child's energetic appearance made Wang Mei and Wang's mother and Wang's father very excited.

Hurry up and feed Wang Le the quesi porridge that has been warming on the fire. After eating half of it, the child dislikes his mother for slow feeding, so he stubbornly gets out of bed and wants to eat by himself. .

The chicken meat in the porridge was exchanged by Wang Mei with an energy core in the trading area of ​​the base.

One energy nuclear energy can be exchanged for five variegated sparrows. Compared with fifty catties of grain, this price is very expensive.

But it is very nutritious, much more nutritious than mutant chickens, ducks and geese. After all, there is no comparison between domestic and wild.

In order to let the child eat delicious food as soon as he wakes up, Wang Mei went there early in the morning.

The extra ones were cleaned up and placed in the yard to freeze, and the one left was stewed directly.

Seeing that the child's appetite was better than before the illness, Wang Mei was completely relieved.

Not long after hearing that Wang Le was ready, the Qian family also came over.

The relationship between their two families is good and they usually move around frequently. The mothers of the two families like to talk, work and praise their children together.

Since Lele disappeared, the Qian family has also been busy. Uncle Qian and Aunt Qian came more frequently after the child fell ill, just to supervise Wang Mei and her parents who were not in the mood to eat. In fell ill.

Wang Mei sees the care of the Qian family and is grateful from the bottom of her heart, but the days to come are still long, so don't worry about repaying the favor.

Looking at Wang Le who had recovered, everyone was happy besides being happy. After learning that the child's illness was cured by the elder sister of the base chief who came to cure him in the middle of the night, the four old people couldn't help but sighed, and called the Shi family. Good guys, but also glad they came to this base.

Wang Mei also nodded. The Shi family are indeed good people. Even the Shi family's parents did not stop them in the middle of the night. Even in peaceful times, some people may not be able to do it. She will remember this kindness for a lifetime.

Just when the two families were smiling and watching the two children playing together in the living room, there was a knock on the door.

The strange two families couldn't help looking at each other. They lived in these two or three months, and no one else knocked on the door except their two families.

who can that be?


"Hello, is this Wang Mei's house? I came here to deliver things under the order of the base chief."

It seemed that he was afraid that the people in the courtyard would misunderstand, so the man took the initiative to explain clearly the purpose of coming here.

As soon as Wang Mei heard what the base chief explained, she was overjoyed, and she knew that what she promised last night should have some clues.

As for the absence of suspicion, it is impossible for anyone to know what was said in the room in the middle of the night just a few hours after this incident. There is nothing to covet.

Although there is some food at home, Wang Mei can be sure that her family's food should be the least that can be counted in the base.

Delighted, she hastily stepped forward to open the door, and saw a very energetic young man standing outside the door with a smile on his face, wearing the uniform of the official staff of the base.

"Excuse me, are you Ms. Wang Mei?" The young man said with a smile.

Wang Mei nodded, "I am".

"This is my work ID card," said the young man, handing the ID card to Wang Mei for a look.

"Hello, Mr. Zou", there is a seal unique to the base, that's right.

"You're welcome, could you please let me see your ID card? I need to confirm it."

"Okay, but wait a moment, I'll get it."

"It's troublesome".

Wang Mei smiled at the young man, then quickly turned around and opened the heavy curtain and walked towards the house. Even when her mother called her, she just waved her hands and had no time to answer.

After finding the ID card, Wang Mei quickly came to the door to ask Mr. Zou to confirm.

After a glance at the young man for confirmation, he took out a stack of square white papers from his bag and handed it to Wang Mei.

"This is something that our base chief handed over to you, please keep it." After completing the task, the young man nodded at Wang Mei and turned to leave.

Looking at the white paper in her hand, Wang Mei couldn't restrain her excitement, her eyes were amazingly bright.

Father Wang, who hadn't seen his daughter in the house for a long time, couldn't help but come out to have a look, only to see her standing at the door holding a piece of paper.

"What's wrong?" Father Wang, who closed the door tightly, looked at his daughter worriedly.

"It's okay. It's a good thing. It's too cold outside. Dad, hurry up and get inside."

Seeing that the girl's face did not look like something was going on, Father Wang was relieved, and obediently entered the house with the girl.

The temperature outside was too low, and his hands and feet were almost numb just standing there for a moment.

It took a while to recover after entering the house. This was because the daughter had been burning to exchange for charcoal from the trading field. Otherwise, unless the old couple and grandson sat under the covers all the time, it would be really difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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