Chapter 310
These charcoals were obtained by Wang Mei following the large army into the urban area and using the obtained energy cores to go to the trading area of ​​the base in exchange.

The old and the young in the family, Wang Mei gritted her teeth and used a total of twenty energy cores of various attributes in exchange for two hundred catties of charcoal.

The charcoal is fired by the base itself. Due to the low success rate and limited quantity, the price of charcoal is not too low, but it is better than mutant meat.

Most of the ones that are willing to buy are those with old people and children at home.

After entering the living room, Wang Mei opened the square piece of white paper folded in her hand against everyone's gaze.

As she thought, it's just that there is not one address of Wang Qiang, but four in a row, and everyone's age is clearly written.

After just one glance, Wang Mei chose a target.

If Zhang Qiang hadn't left the base, this goal would have been almost the same.

"Meimei! What are you holding in your hand?"

As soon as Wang Mei came in, she held a piece of paper and looked at it without saying a word. Wang Ma really couldn't hold back, and other people in the room were also curious.

Wang Mei directly handed the piece of paper in her hand to her mother. Wang Ma took a strange look at her daughter and took it.

Then his expression changed, and he handed the piece of paper to the husband next to him, and everyone in the living room knew what was written on it?
"Meimei, what's the matter with the address above? Did you find that scum...?" Wang Ma glanced at the grandson who was playing with Qian Baobao and said bluntly.

Father Wang and Qian's family also looked at Wang Mei. Not only did their daughter want to find this scumbag, they also wanted to find this scumbag.

Especially Wang's father, Wang Le was raised by him and his wife in the palm of their hands, so he suffered such a big crime under their noses, and almost lost his life, this tone of Wang's father did not come out, it was embarrassing uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, Wang Mei shook her head, "I'm not sure, this is to select the closest people, and the specific situation will not be known until I confirm."

This panting way of speaking made the people in the living room couldn't help but stare at Wang Mei, almost thinking that they were thinking wrong.

"I'll go with you when the time comes," Father Wang said.

"I'll go too," Qian Yang, who had already awakened his abilities, also said.

Although before the end of the world, Wang Mei really looked down on the hypocritical Wang Mei, but when they saw the former charming girl risking her life to appear in front of them that day, that moment was really shocking.

It never occurred to him that the little sister next door who he once looked down upon used her thin shoulders to prop up the world for his parents and children. Now Qian Yang really regarded Wang Mei as his sister.

The younger sister is going to seek revenge, how can he, the older brother, stand by and watch.

"Okay." Wang Mei didn't refuse, and glanced at Brother Qian Yang gratefully.

And the father, Wang Mei knew that the child was gone, and the parents were always feeling guilty, especially the father was always suppressing the fire.

"Then let's go now." Seeing his daughter agreeing, Father Wang couldn't wait for a moment.

In a hurry, he returned to the bedroom and put on the cotton coat that he was going out. Holding the wooden stick in the bedroom, he walked out with a murderous look on his face, looking at his daughter.

Wang Mei: "..." All right, originally she wanted to wait until the evening, when it was not too eye-catching, and see that Dad can't wait, so then go.

Wang Mei stood up and went back to her room to pick up the long knife she got from the base. The three of them drove away from Heyan Village under the advice of their family members.

According to the several addresses recorded on the white paper, the closest and most qualified one is Chengyi Village, which is about ten miles away from Heyan Village.

Wang Mei also came to this village when the child disappeared, but nothing was found at that time.

The ten-mile road is very fast. After entering the village, because I am not sure where the house number marked on the address is, the car first turned around the village to familiarize myself with the situation in the village, and then stopped at the target address. outside.

There was light snow outside, and the gates of the villages that were almost surrounded by snow were closed except for the road.

Wang Mei glanced at the courtyard with the closed gate, and said, "Dad, don't get out of the car. It's too cold outside. Brother Qian Yang and I will go down first to have a look. If so, you will come down."

Papa Wang nodded.

Standing outside the courtyard with the closed gate, Wang Mei held back the anger from the bottom of her heart and knocked on Zhang Qiang's door.

You will know when you open the door.

After a while, there was the sound of stepping on the snow in the courtyard, "Who is it?" With just these two words, Wang Mei's eyes couldn't help turning red, and she looked excited.

Seeing that Wang Mei's expression was hiding by the door, Qian Yang still didn't understand, so he said, "Hello, I'm doing population statistics at the base, please open the door."

Since the establishment of the base, because more and more survivors have taken refuge, in order to prevent any omissions, a big statistics is done almost every month, and the village where they live just did it a few days ago.

In short, let's flick open the door first.

"Why are you doing statistics again, didn't you just do it just now?" Zhang Qiang asked cautiously without opening the door.

"It's just been done, but we need to verify it. Could you please open the door?" Qian Yang looked business-like, with a calm and polite tone, exactly as what the door-to-door registration staff said.

Because of this, Zhang Qiang opened the door despite doubts in his heart, and was relieved to see a gentle young man standing at the door.

Just when the man opened his mouth to smile at him, a huge force suddenly kicked him into the yard and fell on the snow, and he saw the person he didn't want to see these days in a daze.

From the moment his daughter stepped out, Father Wang also hurriedly got out of the car, swung the wooden stick in his hand and rushed towards Zhang Qiang who was lying on the snowdrift. At the same time, the door of Zhang Qiang's house was tightly closed.

Zhang Qiang, who was being beaten with sticks flying around, was caught off guard. Zhang Qiang, who hadn't reacted from the pain of being kicked, could only instinctively protect his head and screamed repeatedly.

Wang Mei didn't move, neither did Qian Yang, watching Papa Wang indifferently let out the anger from the bottom of his heart.

Wearing such a thick coat, with Father Wang's strength, he can't be beaten to death in a short while.

The screams were too loud, and the door of the room was suddenly opened for a while, and a young woman in bloated clothes rushed out, screaming and rushed up, but was stopped by Wang Mei.

Looking at the woman and the scumbag being beaten, Wang Mei smiled sadly.

This was the husband she had chosen out of thousands of people who thought she was very good to her.

Fortunately, fortunately, it was not too late for her to wake up. Wang Mei ignored the pain deep in her heart, and she couldn't control the strength in her hand for a while and used a little more.

" hurts, let me go, who are you?" The woman who was caught in pain wanted to swing at Wang Mei with her backhand, but she was grabbed by Wang Mei and then stomped on the ground, no matter how much she struggled and screamed I can't get rid of those hands on my body.

"Want to know who I am? Well, let me tell you, I am your concubine's wife, do you know now?" Wang Mei sneered.

Then with a push with both hands, the woman was pushed away from her side and fell heavily on the ground. She grabbed the snow in disgust and wiped it hard a few times.

Regardless of whether this woman is good or bad, as long as she has anything to do with this beast, she will be regarded as a poison.

The woman looked at Zhang Qiang who was being beaten in disbelief. This man actually lied to her. If only she lied to others, she would be cheated one day. The woman was greatly shocked.

If Zhao Qing was there, she would definitely find out that this woman was Liu Yan who once ordered her to belittle her and hid in the supermarket together.

(End of this chapter)

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