I just want to have a good time

Chapter 311 311. Being Deceived

Chapter 311 311. Being Deceived
Speaking of this Liu Yan, she was also very lucky. After escaping from Ge Tao's grasp, she drove all the way and wanted to chase the car Zhao Qing was in.

It's a pity that she was more than ten points behind, and she only knew the general direction, but she still couldn't catch up after all.

He didn't dare to stop along the way, he hid when he encountered zombies, and bumped into those who couldn't escape, and then stumbled past a gas station with zombie corpses lying there.

To be honest, she had already driven there, if she hadn't seen the corpses of zombies on the gas station and her stomach growling, she wouldn't have dared to come over.

It was only after observing in the car for a long time that I dared to drive the car to the entrance of the supermarket at the gas station. After a moment of caution, I didn’t see anything standing before I dared to get out of the car, holding a wrench I found in the car, Trembling walked to the supermarket.

The supermarket was very quiet, except for a corpse of a zombie, there was nothing scary.

She tried not to look at the rotting corpses on the ground, the stench was still unbearable even though she was holding her breath.

With so many zombie corpses, it is obvious that someone has already been here, but that's exactly the case, otherwise Liu Yan wouldn't dare to park and come in.

Although it looked empty everywhere, Liu Yan still found some fish that escaped the net in some corners and corners, found some water, a few instant noodles and a small amount of vacuum bread.

It's not much, but it's enough for her to eat and drink for a few days, and she can persist for ten days and a half months if she saves this.

Then Liu Yan didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly loaded these things into the car, seeing that there was still gas and filling up the car again, thinking about it, she was still a little unwilling.

So she boldly searched around the gas station again, but found no oil, but let her find a few small oil barrels.

It took two fuel tanks to fill them up before they were filled, and they were all moved into the trunk by Liu Yan.

In this way, she drove to the north and finally stopped in a town. The number of zombies she encountered along the way was not many. Obviously, the zombies here had been cleaned up, and she was relieved at the same time.

Therefore, when she passed several supermarkets, she also boldly tried to collect some supplies, and finally found an empty house to settle down temporarily.

Later, I accidentally heard that many people in the small town were going to seek refuge in Shihe Town, more than ten miles away from here, saying that a base was built there.

She didn't move at first, but she couldn't hold back seeing the cars leaving the town every day, fearing that she would be left alone in the whole town, so she packed up all her things and drove along.

That is, this time Liu Yan entered the Shihe Base and lived in Chengyi Village.

Think about a single woman, or a good-looking single woman, even if you don't provoke others, you will still attract the attention of others, especially the opposite sex.

Zhang Qiang is one of them, and finally successfully captured Liu Yan with his eloquent tongue and handsome appearance, of course, some of them have something to do with his generosity.

Sweet-mouthed, good-looking, handsome and willing, even Liu Yan, who is a bit calculating, is not immune.

Speaking of Zhang Qiang, he has lost contact with Wang Mei since entering the base.

At the beginning, he was very unwilling, and searched for many days, but unfortunately found nothing, and the food in his hand was almost gone, so he had to give up.

Joined their small team in Chengyi Village consisting of several supernatural beings.

There were more than a dozen people in the team, including four supernatural beings, and the rest were ordinary people. He was accepted to join because he was tall and strong and looked strong.

Although his military strength is not good, he is sweet-mouthed, able to drill camps, and he is very popular in the team. In this way, he has accumulated a lot of supplies every day. Otherwise, how could he hook up with Liu Yan.

Under his rhetoric and material strategy, Liu Yan soon fell and fell into his arms.

You must know that although Liu Yan will use her superior looks for profit, she is not a woman who suffers easily.

Otherwise, how could Ge Tao's anxious appearance in the supermarket not make a move? This woman is very good at catering to men's minds.

At the same time, this also shows how flamboyant Zhang Qiang is, otherwise he would not have been able to deceive Jiaojiao and Wangmei before.

Hearing that the woman in front of her was Zhang Qiang's wife, Liu Mei had no doubts. Zhang Qiang was not a strong man, nor was he a powerful person, so no one would come and talk about it.

So she was cheated, Zhang Qiang lied to her that she was single, Liu Yan felt aggrieved, she was always the only one who fooled others, when did she suffer this loss, she couldn't help but glared at Zhang Qiang who was being beaten.

At this moment, Zhang Qiang couldn't care about her. The body that was kicked by Wang Mei seemed to be falling apart, and then he was beaten up by Wang Mei's father. Every time he wanted to resist, there would be The appearance of a long knife scared him so much that he didn't dare to move at all.

He could only hold his head instinctively, and after an unknown amount of time, his body was already numb from the pain, and he dared to move his body lightly and sat up until he felt that there was no longer a wooden stick falling down.

Wang Mei's father on the side finally felt a little more comfortable after such a wild swing of the stick, and looked at Zhang Qiang with murderous intent.

If it weren't for the fact that fights and fights are not allowed inside the base, let alone dead people, Wang Mei's father really wanted to hit him on the head with a stick so hard that he would disappear from now on.

He is not worthy of being a human being at all, and his own son will take advantage of him, and he is so cruel that it is outrageous.

Such a small child was only five years old, and he was locked in a room for a day and a night without food or drink, wearing thin clothes.

Wang Mei's father couldn't think about this scene at all, and looked at Zhang Qiang angrily.

After being beaten violently, Zhang Qiang, who was in unbearable pain, shrank and looked at the three people in the courtyard, feeling both shocked and frightened, not understanding how Wang Mei found him.

After he succeeded, he returned home immediately, just because he was afraid that Wang Mei would not be reconciled, and he has never gone out until now.

I didn't expect that after all this, this woman could still find him.

Looking at the tightly closed door, Zhang Qiang knew that he should not be left alone today.

For Wang Mei who fell on the ground, Zhang Qiang still felt a little distressed, but at this moment he couldn't care about her, and only thought about how to appease Wang Mei's anger.

As long as Wang Mei is coaxed well, everything else will be fine.

It's a pity that Wang Mei didn't give her this time at all, she didn't care about the woman on the ground, she raised her knife and pointed at him, with a real killing intent in her eyes.

Zhang Qiang was so frightened that he didn't dare to move and looked at Wang Mei, his face was full of fear, he was really afraid that the knife would come up if Wang Mei got excited.

Having been married to her for several years, Zhang Qiang knows Wang Mei's character very well. It is not impossible to kill him with a quick temper. Zhang Qiang looked at the tip of the knife only a few centimeters away from him with a pale face, and said tremblingly:
"Mei... Meimei, don't get excited, just listen to my explanation."

"Haha... what do you have to explain?" Wang Meihen laughed back anxiously, looking at Zhang Qiang with red eyes.


"Don't call me." Wang Mei gritted her teeth and said these three words, "You don't deserve it."

Agitated, the trembling knife involuntarily moved forward a few inches, and accidentally stuck it on Zhang Qiang's cotton coat.

For other knives, under heavy clothes, this kind of force would not be able to penetrate at all.

But the problem is that the knife she held in her hand was not an ordinary knife, and while trembling, she easily cut through several layers of Zhang Qiang's clothes, and slipped into the skin on her chest.

Frightened by the pain in his chest, Zhang Qiang's face turned pale, and he almost blurted out the scream, but he tried his best to endure it. This kind of situation didn't dare to provoke Wang Mei anymore, so he had to respond carefully.

"Yes, yes, I don't deserve it. Don't get excited. I'm just a scumbag. I'm just a waste. Killing me won't do you any good. Don't forget the rules of the base, it's not worth it."

(End of this chapter)

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