I just want to have a good time

Chapter 312 312. Take the Chapter

Chapter 312 312. Take it back

Zhang Qiang was belittling himself vigorously. At this time, he could only do this. He was really afraid that Wang Mei's hands would shake in excitement, and the wound would deepen a little bit. Then his little life would really be over.

Wang Mei glanced at Zhang Qiang contemptuously. She was a little excited, but she did not lose her mind. She has parents and a son to raise, and she will not waste the base's rules and regulations for this scumbag.

As he said, he really didn't deserve it.

Wang Mei moved the knife a little bit outward, looking at the man in front of her, she was really surprised, how could she fall in love with him blindly back then.

Suddenly, not wanting to say anything more to this man, he slapped Zhang Qiang with a knife without warning.

Zhang Qiang was so scared that he yelled uncontrollably, and then there was a sharp pain in the morning, and then he didn't seem to be himself.

"Does it hurt?"

Zhang Qiang nodded. The temperature made him sweat in pain.

"Do people like you know pain? No, I don't believe it." Then he slapped his back again, and with another cry of pain, Zhang Qiang fell down.

This time he also lost feeling in his other shoulder.

Zhang Qiang knew exactly how strong Wang Mei was. If he continued like this, although he couldn't die, it would be more uncomfortable than death. He hurriedly endured great pain and lay down on the ground begging for mercy.

"Don't want to be beaten? All right! Return all my things."

Wang Mei looked like she was about the same, with such a useless look, ha ha... The most important thing is to get back what she paid for first.

"I'll give it, don't hit me," Zhang Qiang endured the severe pain and stood up tremblingly.

When he saw Wang Mei, he knew that the things he blackmailed before would definitely not be kept.

So what?Now that the doors of every house are closed, even if they hear the movement, no one will meddle in coming to rescue him, so even if he doesn't take the initiative to hand it over, the things will not be kept.

She didn't make a sound all the time, and Liu Yan, who was standing aside, couldn't help it when she heard this. Although she was cheated, this is her home now, and there are half of the things in it.

How could he take out half of her without her consent? How could Liu Yan agree.

Liu Yan rushed into the house quickly, and the door was slammed shut tightly with a "kuang".

Zhang Qiang: "..."

Seeing Wang Mei, who was smiling but not smiling, with a murderous look in her eyes and shaking the long knife in her hand with a cold light, Zhang Qiang couldn't help but tremble.

Maybe Wang Mei won't kill him, but there are many ways to make a person's life worse than death, and Zhang Qiang doesn't want to try any of them.

Without Wang Mei's urging at all, he staggered to the door of his house and knocked hard, but unfortunately the people in the house didn't respond at all.

Zhang Qiang dotes on Wang Mei very much, he looks sweet and caring, and is good at acting like a baby, especially to satisfy his manly mentality, which Wang Mei can't experience at all.

But from time to time, there is no such thing as pampering Liu Yan in this situation.

"Liu Yan, open the door"

No matter how much he yelled and how much strength he used, the people in the room still did not respond.

Zhang Qiang's face, which was as wonderful as a palette, couldn't hold back anymore, especially when he heard Wang Mei's giggles behind him, he was frightened, and at the same time, a little annoyed.

Ever since, he knocked on the door harder and his tone became stiffer, but unfortunately Liu Yan inside was determined not to open the door.

Wang Mei didn't have such good patience, the outside temperature was so low, she and Brother Qian Yang were fine, but her father was not, he couldn't bear it after a long time.

Glancing at her father, Wang Mei suddenly stepped forward and before she could make a move, Zhang Qiang, who already had a premonition that something was wrong, scrambled and dodged into the snow beside him.

Wang Mei rolled her eyes at Zhang Qiang regretfully, thinking that he ran fast, she originally wanted to reward him with another kick.

Wang Mei set her eyes on the door, while Wang's father and Qian Yang kept staring at Zhang Qiang unrelentingly, so that he had no chance to escape.

"Open the door." Wang Mei shouted coldly, "If you don't open the door again, don't blame me for being rude."

In the living room, Liu Yan, who was sitting on the sofa, ignored her. She was also on fire, suffocating to death.

You're welcome, Liu Yan sneered, and looked at the all-steel anti-theft door, she still couldn't believe it, they could still tear down such a strong door.

Outside the door, Wang Mei also laughed, this woman seems to be toasting and not eating fine wine, originally she didn't plan to do anything to this woman, but she couldn't bear her ignorance of current affairs, so I'm sorry.

Then, with a kick on the door, there was a loud "bang", and the security door slammed into the wall fiercely.

Liu Yan on the sofa stared dumbfounded at this scene and Wang Mei's slightly withdrawn leg, and couldn't help shivering.

Seeing Wang Mei walking straight towards her, Liu Yan hurriedly stood up from the sofa, trying to escape into the bedroom, but unfortunately she was a step too late when Wang Mei grabbed her by the hair,
Still wanting to struggle, she was slapped on the face by the impatient Wang Mei, her mouth and nose were bleeding immediately, her pale face was finally honest.

It's okay to be dishonest. At this moment, Liu Yan's head was buzzing from the slap, and the world was spinning. When she felt a little better, she was tied to the sofa with her backhand.

This slap told her that the woman in front of her was not something she could provoke. Liu Yan huddled on the sofa, trying to minimize her sense of existence. If the woman was upset and slapped again, the terrifying force would be overwhelming on her face. Don't want it.

Seeing the woman who knew the current affairs, she couldn't make any trouble even if she was tied up, Wang Mei was too lazy to pay attention to her, and immediately looked at Zhang Qiang who was threatened by Brother Qian Yang to enter the house, the meaning in her eyes was self-evident .

At this moment, Zhang Qiang didn't dare to have any fluke mentality at all, and he completely abandoned the plan in his heart. Unless he could get rid of three people at the same time, if the plan failed, he would definitely end up miserable, because when he was forced into the house just now, he Only then did he realize that Qian Yang turned out to be a fire-type power user.

If Wang Mei really accidentally kills him, don't worry, it's all done with a flash of supernatural fire.

So he honestly walked towards the innermost room on the first floor, which was the storage room. Wang Mei and Qian Yang, armed with weapons, followed closely, always paying attention to Zhang Qiang to prevent him from cheating.

The two did not enter the house, but stood at the door and waited. This distance is not afraid of Zhang Qiang playing tricks.

Zhang Qiang ran straight to the corner of the room and took out a schoolbag from a pile of sundries.

"It's all here, and I haven't had time to use it yet." After Zhang Qiang said this sentence tremblingly, he took a few steps away from Wang Mei honestly.

Opening the schoolbag, Wang Mei took a look, and weighed it again. It was indeed about the same weight as the one she had taken before, but it was obviously not enough to think of the sufferings her son had suffered.

Carrying her schoolbag, Wang Mei looked at Zhang Qiang with icy eyes, "Because of this thing, you made my son seriously ill. Zhang Qiang, you are the most cold-blooded person in the world. They say that a tiger's venom does not eat its children, so you are just a white man." A piece of human skin, do you think it’s enough for you to harm my son?”

After finishing speaking, she also laughed at herself. To be honest, she really suffered the consequences of herself. Who told her not to listen to her parents before.

Seen by Wang Mei's cold eyes, Zhang Qiang retreated again and again, his face was terrified, his eyes wandered, Wang Mei meant that he was not going to let him go, Zhang Qiang was really scared.


"I said that you are not allowed to call my name, you are not worthy."

"Okay, I won't shout, you listen to my explanation."

"What do you have to explain? You do such a thing, and you have the nerve to explain it."

Wang Mei laughed.

 Thank you for your recommendation and monthly ticket support, I love you all ()

(End of this chapter)

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