I just want to have a good time

Chapter 313 313. Resolve

Chapter 313 313. Resolve
"To be honest, Zhang Qiang, sometimes I really admire you. You really interpret shamelessly and selfishly to the fullest."

"You didn't cheat the child away."

Facing Wang Mei who was staring at him, Zhang Qiang, who wanted to quibble, opened his mouth and was speechless.

"You didn't lock the thinly dressed child in the room alone, no matter whether you asked him or not, he didn't even have to drink his saliva all day and night. Zhang Qiang, that's your son, not an enemy. How can you be so cruel to a five-year-old child? Listen! You explain, huh, ok! I'll hear what you have to explain."

Thinking of what his son suffered that day, Wang Mei couldn't stop trembling all over, with murderous intent in her eyes. At this moment, she really wanted to get rid of Zhang Qiang.
However, she hated this bastard who was also the son's father, so she couldn't do it herself.

"I... I, I, I didn't do it on purpose, you know, I never took care of children, I couldn't think of this... I was wrong, I was really wrong... Wang Mei, please forgive me..."

Seeing Wang Mei's increasingly fierce eyes, Zhang Qiang, who was still trying to explain, quickly shut up, and decisively admitted his mistake in a panic.

"I didn't expect one sentence, hehe...it's my fault", Wang Mei, who was laughing at herself, handed her schoolbag and long knife to Brother Qian Yang at the door, and approached Zhang Qiang inside the room step by step.

"Wang...Wang Mei, Wang was wrong, I was really wrong..." Zhang Qiang was forced to retreat again and again, looking at Wang Mei with a terrified expression.


The sudden scream made Liu Yan, who had been curled up on the sofa, tremble and buried her head deeply in her legs.

After venting, Wang Mei finally stopped after kicking the last kick.

Looking blankly at Zhang Qiang who was spread out like a pile of mud on the ground, Zhang Qiang owed him and his son.

He left the room with another bag of energy cores he found and brother Qian Yang.

Then, the two of them worked hard for a while, filling the car and the roof with supplies, and finally let Zhang Qiang go, and drove away from here.

After a while, it was confirmed that the person had really left, and Liu Yan, who had curled herself up on the sofa and was frozen stiff, dared to move.

It took a while to stand on the ground successfully, and then struggled to free the hands that were tied behind the back, and ran to the room where they stored supplies immediately, and breathed a sigh of relief.

There was still a lot of food left, curled up on the sofa and heard these people going back and forth many times before, but she didn't dare to make any movements, just the woman among the three of them would make her unable to eat and walk away.

Then he went to the sundry room and looked at Zhang Qiang, who had lost consciousness beyond recognition, with complicated eyes.

To be honest, it is impossible to have no feelings for Zhang Qiang. After all, his appearance is quite deceiving, and when we are together, he is considerate.

Sighing, Liu Yan finally did not let him lie on the ground, and dragged the unconscious Zhang Qiang to the bed with great effort, covered him with a quilt, and sat on the edge of the bed to see him for more than a minute Just got up and left.

Then she came to the utility room. She knew that Zhang Qiang's energy core was hidden in this room, although she also knew that it was unlikely to exist.

In fact, the same is true. After searching for a while, the energy core was not found.

Adding a thick cotton coat for herself again, Liu Yan drove the car parked on the side of the road to the door, and got busy like Wang Mei before.

...The next day, after breakfast, Wang Mei and Father Wang came to Shi's house with gifts and energy cores.


After the second snowfall, the zombies were frozen, and the entire Xia Kingdom really entered a state of recuperation. Except for the army and a few capable teams, almost everyone huddled at home, practicing kung fu, Maodong's Maodong.

Even in the army, only supernatural soldiers are sent out on missions. Ordinary soldiers can't last long under such extreme temperatures.

Therefore, every base is trying its best to encourage supernatural beings to take out missions, not only for the energy core, but also for this rare opportunity to eliminate zombies and animals.

Early in the morning, Shi Xiao, who practiced well and had a good meal, spread his wings and disappeared in Shijia Village.

Now she goes out every other day, her family and friends are used to it, and they all know what she is doing?
In fact, they also want to help, but unfortunately they don't have Shi Xiao's ability. Even Liu Yunhao, who is a wind-type supernatural being, has the ability to fly, but his speed and support time are not enough.

There is no way, since the roads are impassable, they can only stay at home, except for resting and eating, the rest of the time is almost spent on cultivation.

Although the amount of snow this time was about the same as the first snowfall, the temperature was much different. In addition, the people in the base almost had no shortage of food, so even though the base was tempted to go out, there were still only a few People are involved in clearing the snow.

Therefore, the snow removal work this time was much longer than the last time, and it took more than a month to clear the roads around the base for more than ten miles.

Not only that, in order to prevent disasters caused by the melting of the snow in the coming year, the base also specially allocated a group of people to select an open area according to the geographical environment after repeated research.

The excavator and the earth-type supernatural beings are the same as above. Under the leadership of Su Yiyuan, it took more than half a month to dig out an artificial pit three meters deep and several miles wide, just to relieve the pressure on the city's rivers.

Almost all the snow that was cleared from the roads was poured into artificial pits.


Shi Xiao, who appeared in the urban area, hung in mid-air and let go of his mental power, looking for places with zombies.

After she flew to the urban area every now and then, with the cooperation of her mental power and ultimate ultimate move, the few zombies left in the urban area disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The phenomenon of a large number of zombies gathering together is no longer seen in Jiangcheng. What Shi Xiao has to deal with now is a small number of zombies scattered everywhere.

Going to the North District, West District, and East District these days, no zombies can be found under Shi Xiao's mental power.

Today her main target is in the southern area. She visited this area the day before yesterday. Although a lot of them were solved in the last inspection, there are still a few areas with a small number of zombies. Today's goal is them.

Only when he finds the target, Shi Xiao will land from the sky, and without delay, he will activate his ability directly, and the zombies trapped in the snow will be solved while the vines are flying, and they will be taken away from the snow and collected in the snow. space.

Originally, Shi Xiao wanted to pile them up in a specific place, and let the fire-type superpowers get rid of them one by one when the ice and snow melt in the coming year.

But don't worry, although they have all become corpses, there are a lot of viruses in the corpses after all.

After the snow melts next year, there are still a few months. If there is any change during this period, Shi Xiao thought about it and gave up the idea.

After consulting Xiao Yuanling's opinion, I learned that the space itself has an automatic purification function, so there is no need to worry about the pollution caused by zombies entering the space.

Therefore, every time the zombies that have been dealt with will be taken into the space, and then they will be handed over to the base's fire-type abilities to deal with in an open space outside the base.

The busy time always passes quickly, and the whole morning has passed without knowing it, if it wasn't for the protesting sound of his stomach, Shi Xiao wouldn't have known that the time had passed so quickly.

Picking a place at random, and then dealt with the dozens of scattered zombies here, Shi Xiao chose a shop with a relatively intact door and stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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