Chapter 314 314. Luck
What she entered was a small supermarket. I don't know how many people had already visited it. In short, she didn't see food and water, but there were still a lot of other things left.

In line with the principle of not wasting, Shi Xiao easily took it into the space.

Then I found a fairly clean place to feed my stomach, and then entered the space to rest.

As soon as she entered the space, the tiger, which she couldn't bear to put into the space for a moment, leaned towards her side.

Since the tiger was taken into the space, it has automatically contracted. Most of the time it stays in the space. Only when she comes out alone, will it be released to let the wind out.

Shi Xiao never found a good opportunity to bring it back to the base, mainly because he was afraid of scaring his parents.

This big guy is not the same as the leopard and fox, it is the king of the forest, the beast among the beasts.

After stroking the big tiger and talking to Xiao Yuanling, Shi Xiao entered the stone hall. In order to respect the original owner, Shi Xiao didn't touch the soft couch here. Uh, it's really not her little cleanliness that is at fault.

Instead, an area was re-divided, and a bed was placed around it with gauze as a place for her to rest.

Shi Xiao, who was lying on the bed, looked through the gauze curtain at the doors in the hall that couldn't be pushed open.

I can't help but wonder what will be inside when these doors are opened?
Asking Xiao Yuanling also faltered but didn't say anything, and always used words to prevaricate her, saying that the spiritual power of the space was not enough, and the space could not be repaired, and it was useless to ask.

Xiao Yuanling didn't know that the more he looked like this, the more curious he was. It's a pity that this world has just recovered its spiritual power because of the Nine Lingzhu. It will take a long time to get full spiritual power, at least it is impossible now.

It is extremely difficult to upgrade, and how difficult it is to repair.

But I'm really curious, I really want to see what's inside that door?
Sighing in his heart, Shi Xiao closed his eyes, and soon his breathing became steady.

And as the breathing became steady, the Lingzhu tattoo that had been hidden on Shi Xiao's wrist and was almost forgotten by Shi Xiao suddenly emitted a faint silvery white light. Appeared in the hall, watching this scene in surprise.

Under the silver-white light, a touch of green gradually appeared, and with the appearance of green, the Wood Spirit Bead, which represented the wood element, had lifted its invisibility state, and was attached to Shi Xiao's wrist, spinning continuously.

The wood element was continuously released during the rotation, and the thick wood element tightly wrapped Shi Xiao in it.

At first, you can still see a faint shadow, but as the wood element becomes more intense, you can only see a mass of dark green.

After being surprised, Xiao Yuanling looked at the master in a complicated manner, but he didn't expect the master to activate Wood Heart by accident.

The Heart of Wood, as the name suggests, is the core of the Wood Spirit Orb.

Needless to say, the preciousness of the Lingzhu is that it is conceived from the most rare chaotic heartstone in the world through chance and coincidence through spiritual power, and the process is very difficult.

Every time a spirit bead is produced, it takes millions, tens of millions, or even tens of millions of years.

It can be said that any elemental spirit bead can support the spiritual power required by a world.

And the heart of wood is even more precious, no one knows what is the condition to trigger it?But as long as the chaotic heart stone in the heart of wood is triggered, it can arouse the power of chaos in the universe, absorb the supreme spiritual power, and even break the shackles and have the ability to travel through the world.

Of course, if one's own cultivation reached a certain height, he would naturally have the ability to break barriers and travel through the world, such as his former master.

And the Jiulingzhu, which was refined into a divine weapon by the former owner, already has the ability to travel through small worlds, and the doors that cannot be opened in the space are the doors of the small world corresponding to the Lingzhu.

But in order to make up for his fault, the master used all his spiritual power to keep this world. If he hadn't met the current owner, the Jiulingzhu would have completely collapsed and disappeared from this world.

With the current spiritual power in this world, Xiao Yuanling never thought about the possibility of the recovery of the Nine Lingzhu. As long as the status quo can be maintained, he is already very optimistic.

Unexpectedly, the master gave such a big surprise, touched the heart of wood, activated the chaotic heart stone, absorbed the chaotic spiritual power of the universe, and quickly replenished the spiritual power consumed by the wood spirit bead, Even other Lingzhu will benefit a lot.

That's right, the master is a strange individual, with an inexplicably powerful wood spirit power in his body, even he can't feel the extent of the master's wood spirit power, as if it is inexhaustible, inexhaustible, It seemed to be different from the elemental spiritual power he had learned before.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the master will trigger Wood Heart, the little Yuanling who can't figure it out finds an explanation for himself.

Then Xiao Yuanling looked enviously at the master who was surrounded by wood spirit power, the master benefited a lot now, of course it also greatly helped the spirit beads and the space.

The whole process took a very short time, and the wooden spirit beads quickly turned from extremely fast rotation to slow down. Just when Xiao Yuanling thought everything was about to end, he suddenly heard the sound of opening and closing the door, and then the owner of the bed disappeared on the bed.

The little Yuanling is like a ghost, so the master not only touched the heart of wood, but also touched the door of the small world.

This inexplicable luck is really amazing.

However, when thinking of the dazzling light of merit and virtue on the master's body before, Xiao Yuanling seemed to understand this inexplicable luck a little bit.

For some reason, Xiao Yuanling also began to get a little excited, not worried that the master would not come back, but this needs to be discovered by the master, I hope the director can find out sooner.

The two worlds do not interfere with each other, which means that every time the master leaves and returns, it will be at the same point in time.

As for the time difference over there, Xiao Yuanling didn't know. After all, the former master never said that he only visited each small world once, and this time, it was also because he wanted to confirm the coordinates of the small world.

But Shi Xiao knew nothing about all this, and was still in a sweet sleep.

Until Shi Xiao felt a warm breath surrounding her, as well as a faint fragrance of green grass.

She opened her eyes suddenly and stared blankly at the blue sky, blinking a few times involuntarily.

The breeze blew through her hair, and then Shi Xiao sat up suddenly as if she had reacted suddenly, and then she was stunned.

He obviously slept in the space, but after waking up, he found himself in a mountain full of emerald green vegetation. Wherever he looked, there were mountains everywhere.

The most important thing is that there is no snow here, both the temperature and the breath are extremely comfortable, Shi Xiao looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

So she is dreaming.

Although she has not dreamed for a long, long time.

Shi Xiao, who was stunned for a moment and sat up, lay down on the grass again, closed his eyes, since it was a dream, just continue to sleep.

In fact, she really fell asleep with a big heart, and when she woke up again, what she saw were still endless mountains.

Shi Xiao frowned, why was she still in a dream, speechless she lay down again.

But this time, she didn't feel sleepy no matter how closed her eyes were.

It is said that I have slept for two games in a row, so it is strange to feel drowsy.

But Shi Xiao didn't know, she just wanted to fall asleep quickly and return to reality quickly.

After falling asleep to no avail, she had no choice but to sit up and use the most stupid method to force herself to wake up, closing her eyes and meditating silently in her heart to wake up, but unfortunately it still didn't work.

Shi Xiao had no choice but to open his eyes, but was startled by a pair of eyes that suddenly appeared, and quickly made a defensive posture.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be a snow-white rabbit, but it was several times larger than normal rabbits, and its red eyes stared at her for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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