I just want to have a good time

Chapter 315 315. This dream is a bit strange

Chapter 315 315. This dream is a bit strange

Although it is a rabbit that looks cute and seems to have no attack power, Shi Xiao still keeps a trace of vigilance.

It is said that rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, and I heard that rabbits bite people very painful. The rabbit in front of him seems to be very interested in her, staring at her closely.

Shi Xiao didn't dare to move for a while, and stared at the rabbit for a while, as if he had no interest in her, the big white rabbit turned around and ran away.

Seeing the disappearing white rabbit, Shi Xiao suddenly laughed, such a cute animal, how could the rabbit attack people at will, besides, even if the rabbit became very fierce, it was in a dream, it belonged to her world, not her You can do whatever you want, she is really a bit of a loser.

After figuring this out, Shi Xiao was no longer nervous, and immediately stood up on the grass, and began to look around seriously.

This dream of hers was really strange, she actually dreamed that she was in a big mountain, surrounded by towering and endless mountains.

She should be in a valley. Not only are the plants lush and fragrant, but there is even a lake in the distance.

There is water in the mountains, and mountains in the water. The majestic mountain shadows are reflected in the water, misty and dark green, like a world of glazed glass, and as beautiful as Penglai fairyland, it is really a verdant dreamland.

The beauty is dreamlike, and it is easy to immerse yourself in it.

Shi Xiao is naturally immersed in such a beautiful scenery, and he can't wake up for a while. It's a pity not to stroll around such a beautiful scenery.

Thinking of this, Shi Xiao raised her feet and walked forward slowly, stepping on the soft grass, she felt an inexplicable sense of comfort, and didn't care at all whether her bare feet would be scratched by plants.

The valley was full of flowers that Shi Xiao didn't know. Walking in it, she couldn't help but bow her head and sniff lightly. A paradise.

Shi Xiao just enjoyed the scenery in the valley so leisurely, and he didn't know how long it took him to reach the lake.

This is a very large lake, on the other side of the mountain that has been extending all the way. The bottom of the lake is clear, like a piece of transparent jade. The surface of the lake is very calm, like a mirror, clearly reflecting the blue sky, white clouds, red Beautiful flowers, green trees, and the red sun falling straight on the lake.

Shi Xiao just stood quietly by the lake, admiring the beautiful scenery of the lake.

While she was admiring, some small animals gathered by the lake far away from her unconsciously, drinking water with their heads down, and some of them secretly observed her while drinking water. Smile at these little animals friendly.

After a while, Shi Xiao, who was sitting on the grass, became a little anxious. It had been such a long time, and it was time for her to wake up from this dream. She began to feel that something was wrong.

Everything in the dream is too real, whether it is the scent of grass or flowers, or the small animals that shuttle in the distance, or the various birds flying around on the branches, they are all so vivid and clear.

Shi Xiao stood up suddenly, but at this moment, all kinds of small animals that had been leisurely shuttled among the plants suddenly started running in a panic, and the valley fell into peace in just a moment.

Shi Xiao had a very bad premonition that something mighty might have come to make these small animals so frightened.

She slowly turned towards the lake, and then opened her eyes wide.

On the other side of the lake, a tiger apparently locked on to her, this one was slightly smaller than the mutant tiger in the space.

At this moment, the tiger was speeding towards her, apparently taking her as its prey.

At this moment, what Shi Xiao thought of was not running away, but who could beat the mutant tiger in the space compared to this tiger.

The tiger really deserved to be the king of the forest. She just thought about it for a moment, and this big guy was almost in front of her eyes.

Seeing the big tiger getting closer, Shi Xiao suddenly laughed, isn't she worried that she won't be able to wake up?
No, the opportunity is here.

She still doesn't believe it, this dream can continue when her life is in danger, but the doubt in her heart also makes her keep a little bit of vigilance.

Then Shi Xiao saw this big tiger pounced towards her, its bloody maw, its sharp teeth emitting a cold light, and the sour smell blowing towards her face, it was so real.

Seeing that he was only a few centimeters away from her, Shi Xiao couldn't help it. The tiger's mouth really stinks, and he really needs to clean up his oral hygiene.

At the last second, Shi Xiao, who spread his colorful wings, disappeared from the tiger's mouth, and she even saw the tiger's face bewildered when he slammed into his teeth too hard.

Then flicked his tail and spun around, looking around in a daze, as if wondering why the flesh in his mouth suddenly disappeared.

In the end, I still couldn't believe it. I walked around the valley, but I couldn't find Shi Xiao, so I scared the little animals that were hiding.

If it can look up, it can find the prey it is looking for is hanging high in the air and looking at it with a smile.

As if giving up, the big tiger came to the lake and began to drink water.

While it was drinking water, Shi Xiao disappeared into the valley.

It was too real just now, making Shi Xiao feel like this wasn't a dream, and she pinched herself fiercely in mid-air, the kind that didn't hold back.

As a result, she was so painful that she almost lost control and fell from the air, and immediately the skin on her arm was black and blue.

Seeing the black cyan on her arm, Shi Xiao was stunned, so this was not a dream she thought was real, but a real existence.

But she obviously fell asleep, this hand is still her own hand, this foot is still her own foot, and she hasn't even changed her clothes.

No, I lacked a coat. I took off the coat when I went to sleep, and I wore a white shirt with a pair of tight leggings on my legs.

Even if she didn't look in the mirror, Shi Xiao knew it was her, but it was too incredible.

After flying for a few minutes, Shi Xiao found a fairly flat mountaintop and landed. She needed to slow down.

Looking at the sun, it should be noon now, but it was already past noon when she went to sleep.

He raised his hand and glanced at the pointer on his wrist that stopped turning and stopped at 01:30, it should be the last time he stayed in the space.

Obviously the time here is different from the space time she is in.

The top of the mountain is not cold, but the wind is a bit strong, but it is very comfortable to blow.

Shi Xiao sat on a flat boulder, looking at the Wu Qing on his arm, he was speechless for a while.

Then she tried to enter the space again. Surprisingly, no matter how she tried, she couldn't enter the space, but she could clearly feel the existence of the space, and the bottle of water that appeared in her hand was the evidence.

But why can't she get in? Originally, she wanted to go into the space to find Xiao Yuanling and ask what happened.

She disappeared in space, this little guy must know.

Now it seems that it will not work.

Looking at the surrounding mountains, Shi Xiao was speechless.

She can't stay in the mountains all the time. Although the scenery in the mountains is pleasant, it's not a place for people to stay. The tiger was still vivid in her memory just now.

I don't know what this place is, how could she come here in a daze and fell asleep.

After drinking the bottle of water in his hand, Shi Xiao decided to leave. He glanced at the colorful wings behind him. Fortunately, she still has this, otherwise the endless mountains rely on her feet. I don’t know when I can walk. go out.

To be honest, at this moment, Shi Xiao felt really lucky in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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