I just want to have a good time

Chapter 320 320. Skyscraper Continent

Chapter 320 320. Skyscraper Continent
Shi Xiao stood up and walked towards Qin Yu.

Don't look at her having fun playing with the little animals, in fact, she has never relaxed her mental strength. When this guy got up and looked at her, Shi Xiao knew it clearly.

While walking, Shi Xiao couldn't help sighing in his heart, this is really a peerless man.

The tall and straight figure, the proportions of the facial features are as flawless as a knife carving, and the black shirt swayed gracefully in the breeze, making Shi Xiao, who loves to see all beautiful things, couldn't help but take a second look .

Shi Xiao stood beside the man in the black shirt. Compared with the two, Shi Xiao, who was extremely satisfied with his height, felt short for the first time.

This height is definitely more than 1.9 meters, just more and no less, so Shi Xiao took two steps back.

These actions made Qin Yu a little puzzled, he couldn't understand what kind of women in strange clothes were advancing and retreating.

While Shi Xiao was looking at Qin Yu, Qin Yu was also looking at Shi Xiao.

Putting aside the women's different clothes, Qin Yu, who was used to seeing handsome men and beautiful women, couldn't help being amazed for a moment.

The waist-length black hair was draped lazily behind her back, and the breeze sometimes lifted a strand of hair on her shoulders and danced mischievously in the wind.

The skin is delicate and white, the expression is leisurely, the stars are twinkling in the beautiful eyes, the cheeks are smiling, the words are not spoken, the breath is like orchids, and there is an air of lightness, elegant, refined and unique.

But when Qin Yu was stunned and put his eyes on the woman, he hastily looked away, and there was a hint of redness on his cheeks.

What kind of clothes are they wearing, not to mention outlandish clothes, a large piece of skin is exposed on the chest, it's just... .

In the end, Qin Yu still swallowed the four words "immoral", because the woman in front of him, except for her clothes, had a calm expression and clear eyes.

The scene of the man in black shirt turning his head suddenly caught Shi Xiao in a daze, and when he saw a faint pink rise on his face, he suddenly understood what was going on.

Shi Xiao quickly looked at himself, only to find that the top two buttons of the shirt were open.

The first one was already open, and the second one may have been accidentally opened when she was playing with the big white rabbit.

Looking at the slightly exposed chest curve, in fact, it's nothing, this man in black shirt is too innocent, it really made Shi Xiao feel more at ease.

Quickly buttoned the two buttons, and after tidying up, Shi Xiao stretched out his white right hand to the man in the black shirt, "Hello, my name is Shi Xiao."

Shi Xiao didn't care if the other party could understand or not, so he said hello first.

Fortunately, the other party was able to understand, but she was a little curious about the hand she stretched out, as if she didn't understand what it meant.

"Qin Yu", the man in black shirt folded his hands and pushed forward lightly, nodding his head slightly.

Shi Xiao nodded subconsciously, the name sounds pretty good, Shi Xiao smiled brightly at it, and was not too satisfied with the barrier-free communication.

"Thank you girl for saving me," Qin Yu, the man in black shirt, folded his hands again and said, alluding to Shi Xiao's use of spiritual power to save him.

"You're welcome, it's just a coincidence," Shi Xiao smiled and waved his hands.

"That Mr. Qin, can I ask you some questions?" Shi Xiao didn't beat around the bush, eager to know where this place is.

"Sir?" Qin Yu was also a little surprised by this title. The word "sir" is usually used by powerful people, so he dared not.

Qin Yu: "It's enough for the girl to say that she is Qin Yu, but I don't dare to be the husband."

Shi Xiao: "..." She forgot that this is not her world. Mr. is just a polite name for people, without any special meaning.

"In that case, let me call you Brother Qin," Shi Xiao discussed.

Qin Yu nodded, as long as he doesn't call Mr., anything is fine.

"Brother Qin, to tell you the truth, I came here by accident from the countryside I live in. I don't know where this place is. I wonder if Brother Qin can clear up the confusion?"

Qin Yu nodded, and was not surprised when he glanced at Shi Xiao's clothes. They had never seen such simple clothes in Motian Dalu.

"This place is the Barren Mountains, a famous [-] mountain in the Motian Continent. The Barren Mountains are divided into the inner world, the outer world, and the restricted area. We are now in the outer world, which is a relatively safe interface.

However, the inner world is deeper in the hinterland of the mountain, and it is also more dangerous. Even a monk like me can't say that he can come out safely after entering it.

The restricted area is an area that is completely forbidden to enter in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. There are many dangers there, and it is a gathering place for monsters. It is said that there are ancient monsters in every Hundred Thousand Mountains. Unless they are powerful, the entrants can come out. hardly. "

The barren mountain, the Skyscraper Continent, and the ancient monster, with just these three smiles, they can already confirm that this is not his world, it should be one of the thousands of worlds Xiao Yuanling once said.

However, how could she come to such a strange place for no reason, Shi Xiao really couldn't figure it out.

Even the novels dare not write it like this. It's not like she fell asleep and fell asleep in a strange place, and it was such a dangerous place.

Skyscrapers Continent is not an ordinary place at first glance. There are also barren mountains and restricted areas. I think the place where she wakes up should not be restricted areas. Otherwise, how could she come out so easily.

Thinking about it this way, Shi Xiao was really sweating for himself.

"Thank you, Brother Qin, for clarifying the confusion. I wonder if Brother Qin can talk about Motian Continent. The place where I live is too remote, and I'm really very ignorant." Shi Xiao said shyly, embarrassed.

Qin Yu glanced at Shi Xiao, and for the sake of her saving himself, he simply said more.

"Motian Continent is composed of four continents and Endless Sea, Tumi Island, Chaodu Island, Beichen Island, and Tianyin Island. These four continents are Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, Suzaku..."

Qin Yu took a lot of effort, briefly introduced Motian Continent, and told Shi Xiao that the barren mountain range they were in now belonged to Baihu Continent.

Shi Xiao was dizzy when he heard this, the Skyscrapers Continent is too big, the area of ​​the White Tiger Continent alone is almost larger than the Mercury where she is, and there are countless countries in it, Shi Xiao didn't remember any of them.

However, I remember that there are seven sects, ten sects and nine great families in the White Tiger Continent, and there are countless other small sects.

This is a plane of comprehension, and the highest level is the Hunyuan level, which is what Qin Yu calls a powerful person.

Feeling the truth of nature and understanding the way of heaven and earth is the direction of all cultivators on this plane.

When Shi Xiao heard Qin Yu say that at their current location, it would take at least four days to fly to the nearest small town, she still opened her mouth slightly in shock.

This is really a hundred thousand mountains, so big that you doubt life.

Although the atmosphere here is comfortable and the aura is abundant, Shi Xiao still wants to leave the mountain as soon as possible.

Shi Xiao's shocked appearance succeeded in pleasing Qin Yu, and he felt that the girl in front of him was a little bit cute, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, making her even more handsome.

Regardless of the shocked girl, Qin Yu took out food from the storage ring and sat on the floor, eating.

In fact, in his realm, he has already bigu, but Shi Xiao's appearance of eating before has aroused his appetite, which is also one of his few hobbies, otherwise, how can he prepare food in his storage ring, of course he The food he eats is all processed from specially grown spiritual plants, which will not cause excess load to the body, nor will it affect his way of cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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