I just want to have a good time

Chapter 321 321. Excited

Chapter 321 321. Excited

While Shi Xiao was slowly digesting the news, Qin Yu ate the spiritual food taken out from the space in a gentle manner, showing nobility with his gestures.

The speed was fast and elegant, the food disappeared in a moment, and Shi Xiao had returned to normal.

"Thank you, Brother Qin," Shi Xiao said, nodding to Qin Yu who had returned to being a serious young man after eating.

Qin Yu: "No, this matter has nothing to do with the girl's kindness in saving my life."

"I actually didn't do anything, Brother Qin, don't worry about it." Shi Xiao said seriously.

Shi Xiao didn't plan to tell the story of her ability to save people. To be honest, if she didn't have a purpose, she would stay away from such things as far as she could.
But Qin Yu didn't know. Looking at the serious face of the girl in front of him, her clear eyes, and smiling at him, he felt that this girl was really different.

If it was another girl, she would definitely take this opportunity to hold him tightly, or exchange for the resources they needed.

Qin Yu's name is also considered to be on the list of the younger generation in the White Tiger Continent, one of the top ten.

So he can be regarded as a celebrity, plus a good background, he is the son of the suzerain of Shang Yuanzong, one of the five sects, and he is very handsome and very popular with female cultivators.

Under normal circumstances, apart from his fellow disciples, Qin Yu stayed away from female cultivators.

But Shi Xiaoqin Yu didn't feel this way, maybe it was because the girl saved her with clear eyes.

The corner of Qin Yu's mouth raised slightly and he didn't speak. How could he not have done anything?
Even if Shi Xiao failed to heal him, and just took him out of the valley, he was already saved. Although he fell down with confidence after watching his opponent fall, who would have expected the unknown? Woolen cloth.

But he kept this love in his heart.

Shi Xiao said again: "Brother Qin, are you going to leave next?"

Qin Yu nodded. After coming out to practice for so long, it was time to return to the sect. Another reason was that Meng Changhe would not give up outside. After all, what he got was too tempting.

Those were the entry fragments that suddenly appeared in the ancient secret realm of Zetian Realm. The moment they suddenly appeared in the ancient secret realm of Zetian Realm, the entry key split into dozens of pieces and flew away in all directions.Only those who hold the fragments can bring people into the country.

And one of them happened to fly to his area, so he was the first to arrive, and was very lucky to get the fragment.

But the others were not slow, they were surrounded by people before he left, and Meng Changhe was one of the most difficult opponents, this guy kept chasing him after he broke out of the siege, and they fought all the way In the barren mountains, both sides will suffer in the end.

Although he was taken away from the valley by Shi Xiao, he knew that with Meng Changhe's ability he would not be able to die, so at most he could cultivate for half a month.

Therefore, in order to ensure that he can enter the secret realm smoothly in the future, it is most appropriate for him to stay in the sect during this period.

Qin Yu looked at Shi Xiao, and then at the endless [-] mountains, and understood what Shi Xiao meant.

Smiling slightly, he said, "If you don't mind the girl, you can leave with me."

Yaoshou, Shi Xiao felt his heart beat faster for a moment. It is a foul to be too handsome, and it is easy to make people daydream.

Hearing this, she nodded repeatedly, "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, I also want to thank Brother Qin."

Qin Yu smiled slightly, "Then let's leave now." After speaking, a sword appeared under his feet.

Shi Xiao couldn't help staring at the sword again and again, thinking that the two shooting stars when he found them turned out to be it.

The plots in Yujian flying, TV, movies, and novels are so cool, Shi Xiao watched with his eyes shining.

This unseen appearance made Qin Yu smile again, feeling inexplicably cute.

"How about, I'll take you for a ride." Qin Yu didn't expect to say this sentence, and he attributed it to the fact that this girl is too cute.

"Is it possible?" Shi Xiao was very pleasantly surprised, he didn't notice anything wrong, wasn't it just standing on a sword, and it wasn't crowded when taking the bus.

Qin Yu nodded, and immediately the long sword under his feet jumped a few feet, which was more than enough for Shi Xiao to stand down.

"Thank you" Shi Xiao said gratefully, and then jumped on the long sword automatically without help, his heart pounding with excitement.

Then the long sword rose steadily into mid-air, "stand firm" and disappeared in this area at a sudden speed after Qin Yu's words.

With this speed and inertia, Shi Xiao, who was already mentally prepared, was flashed into Qin Yu's arms.

At this moment, she didn't have any other thoughts in her mind, she could only be thankful that she chose to stand in front of Qin Yu, otherwise she would not have been thrown off the sword.

Then with Qin Yu's help, he stood up again.

"It's my fault, I forgot to add a layer of protection." Qin Yu's cold and slightly warm voice was mixed with a hint of embarrassment.

When he was flying with his own sword, he would not be protected unless he was flying at full speed, so he didn't think of it at the first time.

"It's okay," Shi Xiao waved his hand to express his understanding.

If Shi Xiao turned his head to take a look at this moment, Qin Yu's face would definitely flush.

Qin Yu has lived for 30 years, and it is impossible to say that he has never had contact with a woman, but it is the first time that he has been so close.

The female disciples inside the sect didn't dare, but the female cultivators outside were forced to retreat or drive away by his cold eyes before they took any action.

This is the first time that I have been so close to a woman, and it is also the first time that I have really come into contact with a woman. She is soft, fragrant, magical but not annoying.

Shi Xiao didn't know anything about it, all his mind was on the sword under his feet at the moment.

Unexpectedly, with a layer of protection added, Yujian is as stable as standing on flat ground, which feels really good.

Shi Xiao couldn't help but also had the idea of ​​flying an imperial object for everything.

Just like this, it took a whole day to fly, and the surroundings were still surrounded by mountains, which was amazing.

Shi Xiao's hungry stomach has been pounding for a day, and the person in charge of Feijian didn't speak, so she just endured it.

Finally, when Shi Xiao was so hungry that he couldn't hold on anymore, Qin Yu controlled the flying sword and fell from the sky when it was getting dark.

If he didn't come down again, Shi Xiao was really afraid that he would faint on the flying sword from hunger.

So that the first thing to come down is to take out the table from the space, then steamed buns, steamed buns, eggs and duck eggs, and a bowl of thick porridge.

Qin Yu has her own space, and Shi Xiao has nothing to hide, mainly because she doesn't want to abuse herself.

It is not easy to not forget to greet Qin Yu before eating.

However, Shi Xiao didn't think Qin Yu would eat her food. The faint nobility exuded by this person's demeanor was telling Shi Xiao the fact that Qin Yu had a good background.

But unexpectedly, Qin Yu took a bun and ate it, and he really ate it.

Shi Xiao was so surprised that he forgot to chew the mouthful and swallowed it directly. He was so choked that he hurriedly took a mouthful of porridge before going down.

Embarrassed, Shi Xiao looked at Qin Yu embarrassedly, and quickly took out some steamed buns and a bowl of porridge from the space.

She was just being polite before. Although the food she took out seemed to be a lot, it was calculated according to her own minimum amount. Now it is definitely not enough to add one person.

With enough things prepared, Shi Xiao felt at ease now, and began to seriously fill his stomach.

Qin Yu didn't know why he picked up a steamed bun and ate it by accident. He didn't see that Shi Xiao was being polite.

But seeing how delicious the girl's food was, her body was more honest than her brain, and when he realized it, his hand had already touched the bun, and he was about to send it to his mouth.

 Thank you for your recommendation and monthly ticket support, I love you ( )

(End of this chapter)

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