I just want to have a good time

Chapter 322 322. No Contrast No Harm

Chapter 322 322. No Contrast No Harm

Originally, he wanted to eat this one and stop moving, but whoever bit it down, the buns tasted surprisingly good.

One couldn't hold back and stretched out his hand again. He not only ate a few buns, but also drank a bowl of porridge. Although the taste of the porridge was thick, it was still much worse than the buns.

It's right that they are different, one is porridge made from food before the end of the world, and the other is buns made from the meat of mutant beasts, it's no wonder they are the same.

In short, the food on the small wooden table was cleaned up by the two people, and most of it went into Shi Xiao's stomach.

Qin Yu had to admire this amount of food, it was more than half more than a big man like him, but his stomach was as flat as if he hadn't eaten anything.

I really didn't look at it on purpose, I just caught a glimpse of it without paying attention.

After Shi Xiao packed up his things, the sky in the mountains had already darkened.

The place to rest temporarily is still a valley. The most indispensable thing in the Barren Mountains is a variety of valleys.

The valley they landed in is an irregular oval as a whole, the kind that can be seen at a glance.

Seeing that the sky was about to darken, Shi Xiao finally restrained his hands that were about to move, and did not use his abilities.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Qin Yu, but that she wants to have one more card in her hole, so that if there is any danger, she can catch him by surprise.

Although they are not prepared to use their powers, they still need to choose a good place to rest. This is definitely not where they eat.

Just under a tree randomly found, there is no concealment, and safety cannot be guaranteed.

Just when Shi Xiao was about to talk to Qin Yu about finding another place to stay overnight, Qin Yu walked to a place near a mountain where there was a natural boulder sloping and got busy.

I saw that he took out something similar to a formation plate from the space (don't ask Shi Xiao how he knew it, just ask his intuition) some materials and a few fist-sized glowing stones.

Then put one here, one there, and then Qin Yu disappeared under Shi Xiao's gaze.

The mountain is still that mountain, but the busy people in front of the mountain disappeared.

So this is really a formation, Shi Xiao really admires his own eyesight.

Then she couldn't help getting closer, this formation is powerful, she clearly remembered that Qin Yu set it up under this boulder, but she had already walked up the mountain, stepped on the boulder but didn't notice anything unusual .

No, something seemed wrong, Shi Xiao, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped, staring at his feet.

Although she felt that she was stepping on a boulder, what she saw was indeed a boulder, but she just felt something was wrong.

Shi Xiao felt it carefully again, and finally realized that the touch under his feet was not right, not hard enough.

Most people would not care about such insignificant details. If she hadn't seen Qin Yu disappear with her own eyes, she would not have thought about it because she was curious.

So if she understands correctly in this formation, it should be psychedelic. Thinking of this, Shi Xiao closed his eyes and used his mental strength to look.

Ever since Qin Yu woke up, Shi Xiao basically didn't use his mental strength. First, he felt that he should not use his axe in front of the masters, and second, he still wanted to protect himself.

Then under mental strength, Shi Xiao realized that she hadn't walked up to the boulder as he saw, but had been circling around the foot of the mountain.

In other words, this battle is much more powerful than she imagined, and she really wants to do something, it is best to cover the entire Shihe base in it, thinking about it makes her excited and flustered.

This set should be for sale.

When Shi Xiao fell into deep thought, Qin Yu, who was forming the formation, walked out of the formation, looked at Shi Xiao who was standing on the side of the mountain with his eyes closed, apparently in deep thought, and smiled lightly.

Just now Shi Xiao's curious appearance was completely caught by Qin Yu's eyes.

It is said that the isolation formation is the simplest formation, as long as there are spirit stones, you can buy them from the shops in Fangshi.

Although his Isolation Town was a little more complicated because of the addition of the phantom array, it was just a few more materials and a few spirit stones.

Shi Xiao's performance is obviously not in contact with this aspect, which makes Qin Yu not only a little curious about Shi Xiao's background.

Before he could speak, Shi Xiao came back to his senses, and his gaze towards Qin Yu suddenly became eager.

Qin Yu: "..."

This kind of naked fiery gaze was really the first time someone had seen it like this.

Although women in the cultivation world don't have so many rules and regulations like those in the secular world, they still have some restraint. Where is the girl in front of her so straightforward and fiery, as if she is looking at a piece of delicious food, making Qin Yu's cheeks start to twitch? Slightly hot.

"Brother Qin, you're here." Shi Xiao shouted happily.

Facing Shi Xiao who was so happy, Qin Yu nodded uncomfortably.

"Brother Qin, you were just now..."

"Oh, I'm setting up"

This answer made the light in Shi Xiao's eyes unable to be concealed even when the sky turned dark.

"Brother Qin is so amazing." With a gesture of praise, Shi Xiao began to compliment and flatter him.

How could Qin Yu not be able to see such a deliberate flattery, but he didn't like the dislike of the female cultivators in the past, but felt a little cute, which made Qin Yu a little confused.

"As you said before, this is the simplest isolation formation. It's not difficult. Even ordinary people can form it." Qin Yu said lightly, hiding the trace of confusion in his eyes.

"Really? Ordinary people can do it too." This is really good news, so that Shi Xiao will not be afraid that he will not be able to learn it, and he will be even more rare about this thing.

So Shi Xiao smiled brightly at Qin Yu, a very happy and heartfelt smile.

Qin Yu was taken aback by such a happy and genuine smile, but soon returned to normal. Shi Xiao had no idea that he had unintentionally teased someone.

"Then can I go in?" Shi Xiao looked in the direction of the boulder, eager to try in his eyes.

"Of course, it's where we stayed at night."

While speaking, Qin Yu walked in first, and Shi Xiao hurriedly followed.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it, the front was lined up.

With awe in mind, Shi Xiao followed closely, and with a wave of light flashing, the two stepped into the formation.

From the outside, it is completely transparent and nothing, but from the inside, apart from the thick night, there are ripples of microwave undulations, and the difference can be seen at a glance.

Then Shi Xiao belatedly realized that she had overlooked a problem. She could see the ripples, and the formation was actually bright.

Shi Xiao glanced outside the formation again, it was already pitch black, so where did the light come from.

With this question in mind, Shi Xiao's eyes began to scan the isolated array of several meters in width and length, and then found a bead the size of her fist on a low tree branch, a bead that could emit light.

Could this be the legendary Ye Mingzhu, Shi Xiao looked at the pearl and thought in a daze.

"Like it? This hanging bead is for you."

Qin Yu looked at Shi Xiao and stared at the hanging beads on the tree, and said, as naturally as drinking water.

"Ah, no, no, I just haven't seen this kind of bead before, so I was just curious."

Such things should be very precious even in ancient times, but Shi Xiao was embarrassed to take them, so he hastily declined.

Qin Yu pursed his lips and smiled when he saw Shi Xiao's serious look, and then flicked his sleeves and a simple and elegant round table appeared on the ground, which made Shi Xiao suddenly think of the simple wooden table she used to eat before, so this is the real version. Comparison does no harm.

(End of this chapter)

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