Chapter 323.
Immediately after this majestic log, an equally majestic and exquisite wooden box appeared.

While Shi Xiao was appreciating, Qin Yu flicked his palm again, and the wooden box lid opened in response, and a dazzling light overflowed immediately, which could blind people's eyes.

Shi Xiao really saw something, this box was full of night pearls, no wonder Qin Yu would so generously say that he would give her one, her thumping little heart.

So Qin Yu is telling her that he has a lot, so you don't have to be polite.

I'll go, although I'm mentally prepared that she might have saved a second or third generation of Xiu, who is commonly known as a rich man, but I still can't calm down when I see it.

Shi Xiao struggled to look away from the box, although she wanted it very much, but if it wasn't hers, she wasn't herself, she was still very principled in life.

"It's very beautiful, but brother Qin should put it away quickly." Shi Xiao, who had recovered after taking a deep breath secretly, said, the restlessness just now disappeared from his eyes.

Qin Yu took a look at Shi Xiao. She was able to recover from material desires so quickly. This girl has good self-control ability and she is determined.

But he didn't mean to test Shi Xiao, but he really felt that he had a lot of these things, which were really not important in his eyes, they were just used as lighting items.

Qin Yu didn't put away the things, but went to the wooden box, took out one and handed it to Shi Xiao.

"Take it, you saved me, this thing is nothing compared to it." While smiling, Qin Yu's eyes signaled Shi Xiao to put it away.

"No, no, I can't accept this thing. I know that this thing means a lot to Brother Qin, but I can't erase its value. It is still very precious in the world." Shi Xiao resolutely refused.

"What I send out, I never take it back, just treat it as your thank you for bringing me out of the valley."

Qin Yu moved the hanging bead closer to Shi Xiao.

Shi Xiao still waved his hands. If she was really allowed to choose to thank the gift, she would rather have a formation disk with the kind of formation disk that can be defended.

"Thank you, Brother Qin. If Brother Qin wants to express something, it's fine to hang the beads. If possible, can Brother Qin give me a formation disk that can resist foreign invasion?"

Shi Xiao finished his sentence with a reddish face, he had never done such a thing as rushing to thank him.

Qin Yu wasn't too surprised. He had seen Shi Xiao's expression of interest before, but he took another look at the blush on Shi Xiao's cheeks. Inexplicably, he felt that it looked like the peach fruit he ate before. , pink, tender, watery.

Qin Yu didn't put the pendant in his hand back into the box, but directly took out another array-shaped object from the space ring, and put it in Shi Xiao's hand together with the pendant in his hand.

"Take it, this is the array disk that is needed, and it has the offensive ability of isolation and defense." Qin Yu said softly.

What was in Shi Xiao's eyes surprised Shi Xiao. He didn't expect that Qin Yu still had it, but looking at the Ye Mingzhu in his hand, and seeing Qin Yu who had already walked to the other side and sat down with a futon, Shi Xiao finally Not yet.

Qin Yu's attitude is already very clear, Shi Xiao thinks about it and don't make Qin Yu unhappy, if he takes back the array because he is unhappy, then he really wants to cry without tears.

Another self did save him, so it shouldn't be a problem to receive a little thank you.

Thinking of this, Shi Xiao no longer struggled, put Ye Mingzhu into the space, and came to Qin Yu with the formation plate.

"Thank you, Brother Qin, but should Brother Qin teach me how to use it?" Shi Xiao grinned as he sat on the grass next to Qin Yu, asking for advice humbly, with a serious smile on his face. looked at Qin Yu.


Then Qin Yu took out a book and handed it to Shi Xiao.

There are a few simple and clear words "analysis of elementary formations" written on it.

"Give it to me." Shi Xiao glanced at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu nodded, "Take it with peace of mind, it's not worth much, this is the most basic one, and you won't need a few low-grade spirit stones."

What Shi Xiao didn't know was that Qin Yu's so-called low-grade spirit stones cost 100 yuan.

100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones may be nothing to disciples above foundation establishment, but it is not a small amount for disciples below foundation establishment.

The disciples below the foundation of Shang Yuanzong where Qin Yu was located, the outer disciples only had ten low-grade spirit stones a month.

If you want to accumulate spirit stones, you can take the mission of the sect and obtain spirit stones after you have a certain self-protection ability at the fourth level of Qi training.

So this book is really not worth anything to monks above foundation establishment, but it is not low for monks below Qi refining.

Shi Xiao didn't know, the main reason was that he really didn't think too much about the word junior.

After thanking happily, Po opened it impatiently, only to be dumbfounded again.

She forgot that this is ancient times, and the characters must be in traditional Chinese characters. Most of them can be understood even by guessing, but there are still some characters that she knows but she does not.

After Shi Xiao opened the book, the dazed Qin Yu lowered his gaze, and immediately took the book in his hand, "Although it's a beginner's book, I guess you haven't touched it before, so let me explain it first."

Hearing this, Shi Xiao nodded fiercely, the words came too timely, she is very grateful.

To express her gratitude, Shi Xiao took out the peaches she had picked in the valley before, as well as the unknown very fragrant fruit.

Qin Yu looked at the fruits on the wooden table in surprise, especially the yellow ones.

Unexpectedly, Shi Xiao could produce these two kinds of fruits.

The peach-shaped fruit was not the peach fruit they ate in the true sense. Although its shape really resembled a peach, he recognized it as a very rare Baijia fruit at a glance.

Eating one can at least improve the mana for a hundred years. Not only that, the fruit core is also very useful, and can be used to make magic tools to exorcise evil spirits and calm the soul.

If this Baijia fruit is auctioned, it will be worth at least [-] middle-grade spirit stones, and even the peach pit can be worth a thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

Even if he, the son of Shang Yuanzong's head, only ate it once, this kind of food can be said to be rare.

The fruit with the red seven-star imprint on the yellow top is also not simple. It is Jin Yanzi, a fruit that both men and women want to eat.

Its function is very simple, and it has the effect of nourishing and beautifying the skin, which is even better than the effect of Zhuyan Dan.

This fruit is also very rare, and the price is skyrocketing.

Obviously the girl in front of her didn't know the value of these two fruits, otherwise she wouldn't have given them to him so carelessly.

Qin Yu smiled unconsciously, the value of these fruits was much higher than what he gave Shi Xiao.

"Do you know what this is?" Qin Yu didn't touch it, but asked Xiang Shixiao instead.

This time, Shi Xiaowen was dumbfounded, and he also looked at the fruit on the table. Qin Yu would do this, so could it be that there is something special about this fruit.

"Isn't this a peach?" Shi Xiao pointed to one of the Baijia fruits, and then shook his head at the other one to show that she didn't know either.

The corner of Qin Yu's mouth was raised by Shi Xiao's confused and puzzled eyes, and he carefully took one of the Baijia fruits.

"It looks like a peach, but in fact it is a kind of spiritual fruit called Baijiaguo. When the Baijiaguo is half red, eating it can increase spiritual power for nearly a hundred years. When it is fully red, it is even more against the sky. It is rare I am looking for a kind of fruit, this one can be exchanged for more than a few hanging beads, so you are really going to give it to me."

In short, from the above, the things she took out were of very high value, and Shi Xiao was really stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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