I just want to have a good time

Chapter 324 324. Formation

Chapter 324 324. Formation
Isn't that like pie in the sky as people often say.

Shi Xiao really couldn't believe that he would encounter such a thing one day.

Isn't it just saving someone, choosing a place to stay overnight, walking around a few times, and picking some fruits?
How did this thing become a fruit with high value that can't be sought?

Sure enough, when she got here, everything couldn't be done according to common sense.

Shi Xiao suddenly remembered that she ate two or three meals in a row last night, did she suddenly increase her spiritual power for hundreds of years?

But apart from the warmth on my body, I don't feel anything special!
This thing won't only have an effect on the natives, Shi Xiao couldn't help but doubt it.

How did she know that ever since she arrived in this small world, both the spirit domain and the spirit beads on her wrist have been absorbing spiritual power all the time.

Although the energy of Baijiaguo is against the sky, but she has two spirit-swallowing beasts on her body, so it is strange to feel any special feeling.

But this is enough for Shi Xiao to be pleasantly surprised, this is really a place full of surprises everywhere, first is the formation plate, and then there is Baijia fruit, it won't be that the yellow fruit is not ordinary.

While Shi Xiao couldn't help but look more, he still didn't forget to use actions to answer Qin Yu's question just now, and moved a few fruits in the rattan frame to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu acted so grandly just now, and he wanted to teach her formation, how could she be stingy.

Isn't it just a few Jiazi fruits?Besides, how could she know the value of these fruits if Qin Yu didn't tell her.

Qin Yu saw it in his eyes, and the smile in his eyes deepened, and he put the Jiazi fruit in his hand back in the rattan frame, he didn't say yes, he didn't say no, but picked up another fruit .

Shi Xiao suddenly regained his energy, and stared at Qin Yu closely, wanting to know what kind of fruit this is.

Then she really lived up to her expectations. If this kind of fruit is useful for outsiders like her, then she won't have to worry about wrinkles and aging on her face in the future.

According to Qin Yu's meaning, after eating this kind of fruit, even if the life limit is up, he will die with a young body and a young face.

The value of this kind of fruit is slightly lower than that of Baijia fruit, but it is also a very rare fruit, and its value is also daunting to many people.

So her luck is really good, if she handles these fruits in the space, she will immediately be promoted to the ranks of rich people.

When Shi Xiao was secretly happy, Qin Yu spoke again.

"Since you are determined to give it to me, well, just take one." Qin Yu took a Jiazi fruit, "But I bought the rest, don't refuse you and listen to me." Qin Yu called Broke Shi Xiao's mouth that was about to open,

"I see that you are very interested in formations, so you have to accept my opinion even more. Whether it is learning formations or setting up formations in the future, the materials required and the support of spiritual power all need spirit stones as the foundation. Even today I Setting up the simplest isolation array also needs the energy in the spirit stone to support it."

Shi Xiao was really moved when he heard that the formation needed spirit stones to support it, but he still firmly shook his head, and then put these fruits into Qin Yu's hands, the meaning of the firm expression was self-evident.

Then, like Qin Yu did before, he boldly placed another basket of Jiazi fruit on the table.

Qin Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw it. Except when he was a child in front of his parents, this was the first time he grinned as an adult.

The girl was trying to block him with what he had done before, and it did succeed.

Shi Xiao is too innocent, and too easy to trust people, so he is not afraid that he will be greedy for a while, and he will be cheated, or that the girl also thinks that there is a way to save her life, so she is confident.

Qin Yu took a deep look at Shi Xiao, and put the fruit in his hand together with the rattan frame into the space without saying a word.

Seeing this, Shi Xiao also laughed, and immediately put the fruit she took out into the space.

Think of it as Qin Yu's tuition for teaching her formations, so there is no extra burden on my heart.

Only by not taking advantage of others can we get along with them confidently.

In the following time, besides the necessary training time for the journey, Qin Yu explained the elementary formation to Shi Xiao in detail, and at the same time, he made Shi Xiao understand all the unfamiliar characters on the formation.

She didn't feel embarrassed either, and when she encountered a word she didn't know, she pointed it out to Qin Yu openly.

In just a few days like this, Shi Xiao understood the elementary formations, but he understood them roughly.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, this book contains various primary formations, such as defensive formations, isolation formations, trap formations, phantom formations, maze formations, attack formations, killing formations, and so on.

Shi Xiao also tried to arrange it himself, like the isolation array used for rest every night, Shi Xiao has been able to arrange it by himself.

Of course, the formation board and the spirit stones needed for the formation were all contributed by Qin Yu.

Apart from the first two failures, the isolation formation was almost a success. Qin Yu really didn't expect Shi Xiao to have a talent for formations.

You must know that formation is different from the exercises they usually learn. It is the most difficult of all cultivation methods. He needs to cover a wide range of areas. It's complicated and there's a lot to learn.

There are also different materials and magic weapons consumed by different formations. The important thing is that the formation needs to be very precise, and learning these requires a lot of energy, and even more talent.

Shi Xiao learned very quickly, much faster than when he first came into contact with formations.

He has only dabbled a little bit, and knows a little more than superficial. If Qin Yu came to an intermediate magic circle, it would not be so easy.

These days, Shixiao seems to have returned to the age of learning. Except for the necessary time, she spends the rest of her time studying formations. It can be described as hunger and thirst. From Qin Yu's point of view, she seems to be obsessed.

Except for isolation, phantom array, defense array, killing array, as long as Qin Yu has materials, she has experimented with it.

The result made Shi Xiao satisfied, no matter what, she finally mastered these magic circles.

After tonight, they will be able to leave the barren mountain completely, and finally Shi Xiao will no longer be so obsessed with learning formations.

Sitting next to Qin Yu, he looked eager to learn and asked about large-scale defense. In fact, it can also be said to be a mountain protection town. Some aristocratic sects and sects will have their own mountain protection formations.

In this way, even if there is an invasion by foreign enemies, it can not only resist foreign enemies, but also give them time to react.

Shi Xiao doesn't care about this. If possible, he can go to battle in his own base, wouldn't he be able to sit back and relax?
In fact, the mountain protection formation is much more complicated than what Shi Xiao understands. It is a large-scale formation, and it is mostly composed of a large number of small and medium-sized formations. It will involve a lot of materials, magic weapons, and even spirit beasts.

Its purpose is to borrow the powerful spiritual power between the heaven and the earth, so it is often placed in the cave of heaven and earth.

The power of a large-scale formation is extremely terrifying, and it can often confront or even defeat opponents who are one level higher than the one who set it up.This kind of formation is extremely difficult to destroy, but at the same time it is difficult to take care of every corner. The way to deal with them is to sneak in secretly, and then destroy them little by little.

Of course, this kind of formation is out of reach for Shi Xiao, unless her attainments in formation can reach the level of a master of formation.

Of course, Shi Xiao didn't think about formations of this level. What she needed was something that could be defended, such as a shield formation.

(End of this chapter)

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