I just want to have a good time

Chapter 325. Chapter 325

Chapter 325. Chapter 325
Shi Xiao mainly wanted to ask if there was such a large defensive formation for sale, and if she couldn't, she would buy the materials and explore by herself.

"Miss Xiaoxiao is referring to how large a defensive formation is." Qin Yu said after a moment of thought.

"Probably [-] to [-] miles horizontally and vertically," Shi Xiao estimated. The exact number has not been measured, so it is probably about the same.

This range is indeed not small, but it is only the size of the guard formation of a small sect, but it is difficult to buy it in a small market, and you need to go to the big city.

Originally, Qin Yu asked this question because he had stored some magic circles in his storage space. If the size was right, he would give it to Shi Xiao. Looking at it this way, the ones he stored were still a bit small.

Qin Yu's serious face made Shi Xiao feel a little nervous, whether it was there or not!
Until Qin Yu nodded, Shi Xiao's heart just relaxed, and he raised it again when he heard Qin Yu say "but".

"Yes, but we have to go to the big city." Qin Yu said.

"Huh..." Shi Xiao let out a breath, it turned out that there was still something, which made her nervous.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have it," Shi Xiao said happily, and then thought about the cost, and asked weakly, "Brother Qin, will it be very expensive?"

She had already figured it out, when the time came, she could sell the Baijia fruit, or exchange it, anyway, she needed the defensive formation.

Qin Yu shook his head, "Don't worry, it won't be very expensive, and the value won't exceed one Baijia fruit."

Hearing this, Shi Xiao was relieved, but she still wanted to sell some Baijia fruit and buy some formation materials. When she went back, she would have time to study and experiment. Shi Xiao felt that this aspect was really interesting.

Shi Xiao: "In this case, I may have to trouble Brother Qin again in the next time."

Qin Yu: "It's okay, if Miss Xiaoxiao has no place to go for the time being, you can go back to the sect with me and make plans later."

"Thank you, brother Qin, for your concern. If there is a chance, I will definitely go." Shi Xiao thanked him sincerely, but he had already refused in words.

Now that he came to this world by accident, Shi Xiao is not going to hide in one place, but wants to take a good look around, experience the humanities here, and have a good experience. This kind of opportunity is not available to everyone.

Qin Yu nodded and understood what Shi Xiao meant, but he thought differently from Shi Xiao, thinking that Shi Xiao refused because she was a woman.

Although female cultivators in the cultivation world don't have as many rules and regulations regarding men and women in the secular world, they still have to pay attention to the defense of men and women under normal circumstances, Qin Yu can understand.

This girl doesn't look like someone from them in terms of clothing, temperament, and conversation. It can be said that she doesn't understand Skyscraper Land at all.

He also couldn't bear it for a while, fearing that Shi Xiao would have nowhere to go, so he impulsively invited him, but he also realized something was wrong after he spoke, and seeing that Shi Xiao didn't agree, he didn't mention it anymore.

In the following time, Qin Yu meditated and practiced, while Shi Xiao took out the reclining chair, covered it with a thin blanket, and rested.

Shi Xiao could tell that this was an honest gentleman, and he seemed to have some innocent feelings. What he shouldn't look at was that he didn't look too much, and there was no safety issue. Shi Xiao slept peacefully.


Although it is not the end of the world, but the biological clock of rest has been formed, and Shi Xiao still wakes up on time.

When she got up, Qin Yu also opened his eyes from the state of meditation. At this time, the sky in the valley was still dark. According to Qin Yu, there was still more than half an hour before dawn.

The next time is for Shi Xiao to exercise.

After some warm-up exercises, she played the attack moves she was familiar with,

Qin Yu has been watching Shi Xiao's kung fu for three days straight. To be honest, this kung fu is really simple. Shi Xiao has the momentum, but the power doesn't seem to be great.

The simplest martial arts in their comprehension world is much better than this.

Seeing Shi Xiao who practiced so self-disciplined and earnestly, Qin Yu cherished his talents, took out a book from the space, and called Shi Xiao.

When Shi Xiao, who was called out, saw the book in Qin Yu's hand, his eyes lit up.

According to her superficial understanding of Qin Yu, he would never produce a book for no reason, there must be a big article in the book.

Sure enough, Shi Xiao, who had taken the book, told her in large characters that it was a secret book of martial arts.

The three big characters of "Xinxinjian" are written on the book.

Shi Xiao, who was holding a book, looked at Qin Yu. Is this what she thought?

Qin Yu smiled slightly, "This book records a set of swordsmanship, especially suitable for women to practice. I got it by accident, so I will give it to you."

This book was indeed obtained by him before, and he got it by inadvertently intruding into a small secret realm during his training. It can be regarded as finding a suitable owner.

Shi Xiao happily flipped through a few pages, not only the moves but also the mental method, it didn't look too simple, Shi Xiao hesitated.

"Brother Qin, this cheat book is very precious." Shi Xiao asked.

The corners of Qin Yu's lips raised slightly, "Take it at ease, no matter how expensive it is, the fruit you gave me will not be more expensive. Moreover, I got this book by accident, and it didn't cost me anything."

"Then I'm relieved." Shi Xiao really didn't feel burdened now, she was most afraid of being in debt to others.

Just like Brother Yan, she also found love from other places later.

She didn't practice any exercises either, so she looked through it impatiently.

Every move and posture of Liuxin Sword is drawn in the book. It looks not difficult, but the difficult thing is the mental method.

Shi Xiao had never come into contact with this aspect before, and some words she didn't know appeared in it, so she held the book and began to ask Qin Yu, a temporary teacher, for advice.

The study time passed quickly, and the sky lit up unconsciously.

She has recognized all the words, and the rest is practice. To be honest, Shi Xiao really has no confidence in herself, after all, she really has never practiced such a style.

So in the next period of time, Qin Yu has to continue to be his martial arts teacher, otherwise Shi Xiao really feels like he has one head and two heads.

When Shi Xiao made this request, Qin Yu couldn't help laughing, he really gained a lot from coming out this time.

Not only did he get a fragment of an ancient secret realm, but he also got a motivated and studious temporary student.

After eating a simple breakfast, Shi Xiao got used to standing on Qin Yu's flying sword and flew into the sky.

After Yujian flew for half a day, Shi Xiao smiled happily, because she finally saw the plains instead of the endless mountains in front of her sight.

It was really not easy. It took a total of six days to add up the front and back. The barren mountain range is worthy of being the famous hundred thousand mountains in the White Tiger Continent.

Shi Xiao, who flew out of the mountains, felt very interesting about what he saw in his eyes, and felt that his eyes seemed not enough along the way.

Although there is no cement and asphalt roads in their world, and the windy places in the lower places are still dusty, but the air here is good and the environment is good, and the aura is much more abundant than the post-apocalyptic world.

After flying for another two hours, Shi Xiao saw traces of human existence in the middle of the afternoon, and more and more houses appeared before Shi Xiao's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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