Chapter 327
Thinking about it this way, Jin Yanzi might not have much left of the Baijiaguo in her space. Who made her have a bottomless pit for absorbing spirits? Shi Xiao, who was walking around, unconsciously touched his wrist through his clothes.

As the shopkeeper said, the silver shop is indeed very close, that is, a distance of hundreds of steps.

On the top of the door, there are simply four big characters Li Ji Yinpu written on it.

As soon as the two entered the silver building, it was no surprise that they received a lot of astonishing gazes.

No matter the customers or the shopkeepers inside, the shopkeeper watched the two fairy-like figures enter the shop stupidly.

"It's from the shopkeeper," Shi Xiao shouted when he came to the dazed shopkeeper, knocking on the counter slightly, and glanced at Qin Yu beside him.

Obviously, everyone's anomalies were attributed to Qin Yu, who made him have a disaster-level fairy appearance, completely unaware that she herself also contributed a part.

"Ah... sir, welcome, welcome" the shopkeeper who came back to his senses hurriedly showed a smiling face, and looked at Shi Xiao with a little doubt, seeing how he was dressed like a man, and his voice was so soft.

Shi Xiao smiled slightly, "Hi shopkeeper, do you accept jewelry here?"

"Hand ornaments, put them away." The shopkeeper nodded repeatedly.

Shi Xiao was relieved, and under the surprised gaze of the shopkeeper, he took out ten sterling silver bracelets and two pure gold bracelets.

The hanging tag on it was cut off by Shi Xiao with his divine sense before taking out the space.

Needless to say, the quality is of course brand new at first glance. After the shopkeeper collects it, there is no need to deal with it, and it can be sold by changing hands.

Naturally, the shopkeeper was very happy with such a good style and fineness, and finally Shi Xiao sold it for 110 five taels of silver.

Not much, but enough for Shi Xiao to use for a while.

Then the two decided to rest here for the night before leaving.

Uh, Shi Xiao actually decided that Qin Yu would acquiesce.

I went to the best inn in the town, asked for two upper rooms, and the Shixiao dinner, which I am very obsessed with, must not be missed.

Asked for a private room, and Shi Xiao, who had been in this world for a few days, tasted local delicacies for the first time.

Generally speaking, the dishes are quite satisfactory. Maybe it is because the world is full of spiritual power that makes the nature of the ingredients different. Although there are no ingredients, the taste is surprisingly good.

This is just a remote town, it’s good to be able to make it like this, especially braised pork, Shi Xiao still likes to eat it, the meat is very fragrant, fat but not greasy, soft and delicious, so that Shi Xiao started to eat Looking forward to the delicious food in the big city.

The three meat and three vegetables were basically taken by Shi Xiao alone, and Qin Yu only took a few symbolic mouthfuls. This is still a tool man who started the whole process because of Shi Xiao's taste.

After eating, the two went back to their respective rooms.

He hadn't slept in bed for several days. After returning to his room, Shi Xiao suppressed the urge to sleep, sat cross-legged on the bed, took out the XIXIN sword manual and consolidated it in his heart again, and decided to try to cultivate the mind.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Xiao closed his eyes, calmed down, embraced the essence, and drove the aura in his body to run according to the heart formula.

Another surprise for Shi Xiao was that it was not as difficult as imagined. Almost at the moment when he calmed down, the spiritual energy began to run according to the trajectory of the formula, which was unbelievably smooth, as if it had always been running like this, transported to the spiritual realm of the abdomen, and repeated again and again. , and then re-absorb the aura to continue running.

Shi Xiao only felt that her body was extremely comfortable, and waves of gentle spiritual power washed over her divine body. If Shi Xiao opened his eyes at this time, he would definitely be surprised by the power he created.

Countless auras rushed towards her room, and the room was tightly wrapped by auras.

The aura is colorless and invisible, but at this moment, because of the large amount of gathering, it emits a faint light, which is more obvious in the night.

Qin Yu walked out of the room as soon as he noticed the abnormal spiritual energy, and stood outside Shi Xiao's door with dark eyes.

Surprised?Of course.

It is certain that Shi Xiao is practicing, but whoever does it can make such a big movement, his body is like a bottomless pit, absorbing a steady stream of spiritual energy.

If it weren't for being able to feel that Shi Xiao was breathing evenly in the room, Qin Yu would really have rushed in. Such terrifying spiritual power, even he couldn't bear it, and there was a high probability that he would explode and die.

The woman in front of him became more and more fascinated, and Qin Yu did not forget how he looked when he saw her for the second time in the valley.

With colorful wings on the back, I have seen this kind of magic weapon before, but it is still colorful due to the illusion of spiritual power. Maybe he is ignorant and has never seen it. Just at that glance, Qin Yu knew that this girl was not simple.

Looking at the spiritual power still continuously gathering, Qin Yu smiled, how can it be a simple person who can make such a movement.

It wasn't just Qin Yu who made such a big noise, it should be said that everyone in the town who didn't rest had noticed it.

There were even a few monks who passed by here temporarily as a foothold, and they rushed to the inn where the spiritual energy gathered at the first time.

But because the aura guarding the door was too strong, he didn't dare to get close, but he was sighing in his heart, not knowing which strong man was practicing, and the momentum was too amazing.

Shi Xiao had no idea how much commotion she caused. At this moment, she was immersed in her practice, and her wrist hidden in her sleeves glowed faintly. It was a spirit bead, and she was also crazily devouring spirit power.

The whole process lasted for more than an hour, and it could be regarded as sweeping all the auras in a radius of hundreds of miles. With such a huge momentum, how could it not attract the attention of interested people.

Dozens of monks have successively arrived at the inn in the four directions of southeast, northwest and north in this more than an hour, all of whom were attracted by the abnormal spiritual energy.

I thought it was some kind of genius and earth treasure that was born, and only the birth of a genius and earth treasure can cause such a large-scale aura abnormality.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived, it turned out to be caused by people practicing kung fu. The gap in their hearts can be imagined, but such a big momentum also made them extremely jealous.

Although I don't know the abilities of the practitioners inside the door, but looking at the power emanating from the guards outside the door, I know that the people inside are not something they can provoke.

So most people leave soon after they come.

But there are also some monks with good self-sufficiency and some small thoughts in their hearts who did not leave.

They belong to Liao City for thousands of miles, but the location is too remote, the aura can only be regarded as the middle and lower, and the resources are scarce, so it is not the first choice for cultivators.

Of course, if you are brave enough to go to the barren mountains, there may be unexpected gains.

Moreover, the people guarding the gate are not easy to mess with at first glance, but their clothes show that they are a thick piece of fat, and some of them start to feel a little bit of a little bit of a joke.

Decided to wait here and make plans after observing the situation.

Half an hour later, the spiritual energy was finally slowly decreasing, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

At the same time, Shi Xiao, who was in the room, opened his eyes, and without using his mental power, he clearly felt the gentle breathing of no less than dozens of people outside the door where she was, and there was a familiar voice among them. .

Shi Xiao: "..."

I'm a little confused, why everyone is standing not far from her door, and I feel that these people are obviously not ordinary people.

It's just a practice, how can it attract so many monks, and where do these monks come from.

No matter how you look at it, the battle outside the gate has something to do with her. Qin Yu obviously stayed outside the gate to protect her.

So, during her practice, did something happen that she didn't know about?
The doubt in Shi Xiao's eyes slipped away.

 I asked for a day off yesterday, and my mother was hospitalized. I really don’t have time. It will be updated normally in two days at most. I’m sorry dears (﹏ )
  Here I would also like to thank my friends who have always supported me, thank you for your recommendation support and monthly ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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