I just want to have a good time

Chapter 328 328. Uncommon

Chapter 328 328. Uncommon

Although there were many doubts in his heart, Shi Xiao didn't move immediately.

Still continue to meditate, feeling the surprise brought by this exercise.

Although it was the first time she came into contact with this mental method, there were no difficulties as she thought, and it was as smooth as eating and drinking water.

The heart method of Suixinjian is divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. It can be said that she has worked hard to connect the upper, middle and lower parts of the heart method. Phenomenon.

Although Shi Xiao couldn't figure out the various reasons, he still felt that it had something to do with his supernatural ability and the spiritual domain in his abdomen.

Her eight extraordinary meridians had obviously been connected long ago, which reminded her of the eight-day sleep when she first awakened her power. At that time, she was surrounded by light cocoons.

As for the level that can be achieved in this exercise, I'm sorry, Shi Xiao really doesn't know.

The spiritual power in her body can't be judged by common sense at all.

Just ask, who can have a spiritual domain that is so rich that it condenses into several mountains like her.


It wasn't until all the aura in the body returned to the abdomen along the meridians that Shi Xiao finally stopped.

The most direct feeling is that the whole body is lighter than before.

It was as if every cell in the body was filled with spiritual power.

Sensing Qin Yu who was still guarding outside his door and the uninvited monks watching outside, Shi Xiao, who had finished practicing, walked towards the door.

She was afraid that Qin Yu who had been guarding outside the door would not leave unless she went out.

To be honest, Shi Xiao was really touched at the moment when he felt Qin Yu guarding the door.

I really never thought that in the short few days of acquaintance, someone would silently guard outside the door for her safety, although she still hasn't figured out why she guarded outside the door.

There are also those monks who appeared inexplicably, the senses of a few of them make Shi Xiao very displeased, it seems to imply malice!
With a "creak", the wooden door carved with simple patterns was opened.

Under the hazy moonlight, a man dressed in white, who was as beautiful as a dream, walked out, male and female indistinguishable.

At the same time, Qin Yu, who had been silent and turned his back to a group of monks, also moved, took a step forward, and breathed a sigh of relief seeing Shi Xiao who was intact.

"Brother Qin, thank you." Although Shi Xiao didn't understand what happened, it didn't prevent her from saying thank you.

Qin Yu shook his head and smiled slightly, then turned to look at the surrounding monks not far away, because he was worried that Shi Xiao would not take care of him before, it was time for these people to leave.

In the moonlight, Qin Yu, who was dressed in black, looked stern, and no longer concealed the coercion that belonged to Jindan cultivators.

Don't think he doesn't know that there are malicious people in the crowd.

And these monks didn't have time to marvel at Qin Yu's fairy posture, they were almost unable to straighten up due to the coercion, and even sat on the ground with their buttocks.

The constant release of coercion and the absolute suppression of levels made them tremble from the soul, and they couldn't get up a little bit of resistance.

Among them, the one with the highest cultivation level was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and couldn't resist Qin Yu's deliberate suppression when he was only one step away from entering the Nascent Soul level.

Then after Qin Yu gave them a sharp look, the coercion disappeared. This was a warning from Qin Yu to them.

After feeling that he could move, all the monks rushed up and disappeared into the inn almost instantly.

As for small thoughts, who would dare to have them at such a time, they are Jindan monks, who can be regarded as elder-level powerhouses in the big sects of cultivation families, for the sake of their own lives, it is better to go back and wash up and go to bed early.

If they knew how scary this person was, they would leave as soon as they arrived, so they wouldn't be crushed by someone with their cultivation.

Standing behind Qin Yu, Shi Xiao saw the reaction of the cultivator opposite. She knew what Qin Yu must have done?
This group of people was obviously frightened, and they fled in a panic.

So here comes the question, obviously Qin Yu didn't do anything, how did he scare these people away?

After making sure that there were no other people waiting, Qin Yu turned around again and looked into Shi Xiao's puzzled eyes.

The gaze was too obvious, allowing Qin Yu to feel that the girl was confused at a glance, and at the same time, it also told Qin Yu that his previous feeling was not an illusion.

When he was not controlling the cultivation of Golden Core cultivator, he was ready to shield Shi Xiao from coercion, but Shi Xiao didn't feel anything, so Qin Yu gave up this idea.

Even later, she deliberately increased the release of the golden core monk's coercion, but the girl still didn't realize it. If Shi Xiao didn't know anything about Motian Dalu before, it wouldn't be like a fake, and he didn't even understand the most basic common sense. Motian Dalu didn't know many characters, otherwise, with such a big commotion tonight, and her appearance of not ignoring the coercion he unleashed, and not being affected at all, it would really make him mistakenly think that what was in front of him was a A strong man, at least much stronger than his cultivation base.

At this moment, Shi Xiao was still looking at him as if he didn't know what was going on, and Qin Yu didn't know what to say for a while.

You can't tell Shi Xiao that these people were scared away by the coercion exuded by his Golden Core cultivator. There is always a suspicion of boasting, although this is also true.

"Go to sleep", Qin Yu finally didn't explain anything, he said gently, and didn't worry about why Shi Xiao could be immune to the coercion he released.

No matter what is unusual about Shi Xiao, it is a fact that he was saved, and now they are considered friends.

Shi Xiao raised his brows slightly and nodded with a smile, knowing that Qin Yu definitely didn't plan to say anything more if he could say these two words, so it didn't make sense for her to be entangled, and said good night to Qin Yu and closed the door and entered the house.

She was just curious, and didn't care too much about it. Besides, these people have left, so it's better to go back to bed and have a beauty sleep. She hasn't been in close contact with the bed for several days. To be honest, she really misses it.

I'm not going to sleep on the bed in the inn, so I can use it to meditate and practice. As for sleeping, Shi Xiao is more used to his own bed.

Seeing that there was enough space in the upper room, her thoughts moved slightly, and the bed that she was used to sleeping in the space appeared in the bedroom.

After washing up for a while, Shi Xiao lay on the bed. Before falling asleep, he thought about buying some books on elementary spells and other aspects after he changed to Lingshi in the Great City of Cultivation, and tried to see if he could practice.

At the very least, cleansing, drying, these spells that are closely related to life can bring a lot of convenience to oneself.

Think about one day when you are tired and don’t want to take a shower, it feels great to clean your body immediately with a cleansing technique, and the peculiar smell disappears...

The next day, when Shi Xiao woke up, Qin Yu was already waiting at the door.

It's not that she got up late, but that Qin Yu got up too early.

Seeing that it was still early in the morning, Shi Xiao called the staff to prepare something for breakfast, and then dragged Qin Yuzai to the open space in the backyard of the inn.

Picking up a branch from the yard, she began to try to practice the Xingxin sword technique.

Every move in the book has been memorized in her mind, the only thing that is lacking is practice.

With such a good teacher in front of him, Shi Xiao will not let go of such a good opportunity, even if he will make a fool of himself, but as long as he can practice the sword well, making a fool of himself is nothing.

The Heart Sword is like the name of the sword manual, and the power of the sword lies in the elegance and freedom.

The main methods are hooking, hanging, pointing, picking, stabbing, teasing, chopping, and so on. During practice, the sword is required to go with you, and you should carry the sword with your body. God is in harmony, and God follows his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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