Chapter 332.
The street is paved with neat bluestone slabs, and there is a street lamp almost every few steps. It can be imagined that even at night, the lights here should be bright and lively.

Every shop is magnificently decorated, the kind that you dare not enter without money, and there are even more patrols than other streets.

Da Zhuang stopped at the street, "I can't get in here, the two elders. You can see Shanglingbao Pavilion in a short time if you walk forward."

Qin Yu nodded at him, expressing his understanding.

"Xianchang, if there is nothing else, I will leave?" Da Zhuang carefully looked at Qin Yu and smiled, with an uneasy expression on his face.

Qin Yu nodded again, surprise appeared on Da Zhuang's face, before he could take two steps, he was stopped by another fairy who suddenly called out.


Da Zhuang turned around carefully, with a flattering smile on his face, anxiously looking at the other fairy who was walking towards him, his body became tense involuntarily.

"You take this." Shi Xiao took out a cloth bag containing silver and stuffed it into Da Zhuang's hands.

Although the value of spirit stones is higher, it is a problem whether little beggars like them who live at the bottom can keep them.

What she took out were scattered coins, which were easy to hide. I hope it can help these children.

Da Zhuang, who took the bag, felt that it was full of silver. He looked at Shi Xiao in surprise, and the eyes of the half-grown child suddenly became moist.

Since becoming a beggar without parents, except for a few little beggars beside me, it has been a long time since I felt the feeling of being cared for.

He wanted to have the backbone to say no, but the feeling of being hungry was really bad. Da Zhuang clenched the cloth bag in his hand, bowed to Shi Xiao and said "thank you".

"You're welcome, remember to hide it carefully." Shi Xiao patted Da Zhuang's shoulder without disdain.

"En." Da Zhuang nodded heavily, then bowed to Shi Xiao and Qin Yu each, turned and ran away.

He knew that they really met good people today, and with these, maybe they really don't need to be beggars anymore.

This speed is quite fast, Shi Xiao looked at the little beggar who had disappeared in a swipe and smiled.

"Brother Qin, let's go." Shi Xiao, who walked to Qin Yu's side, said softly.

Qin Yu nodded, looking at Shi Xiao with more gentle eyes.

The two stepped into the street of the rich side by side.

The whole street is full of shops, a dazzling array of all kinds.

There are shops suitable for ordinary people, and there are also spiritual shops for practitioners.

There are all kinds of strange things.

This is not the family that Shi Xiao just passed by, and the Baijia Yushou Pavilion is one of them.

The name is easy to understand, Shi Xiao also recognizes it, isn't it an upgraded version of the pet shop.

The front of the door is decorated with golden light, and Shi Xiao has every reason to suspect that the door is covered with gold leaf.

Sure enough, no matter which world it is in, it is the same. There is no absolute fairness for drought and flood.

"What's the matter, do you want to go in and have a look?" Qin Yu looked at Shi Xiao who stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the Royal Beast Pavilion.

Shi smiled and shook his head, "No, I'm just curious, let's go to Lingbao Pavilion first."

"En." Qin Yu heard Shi Xiao's other meaning, and it really didn't lie in such a short while.

Then Shi Xiao passed another Shangyu Pavilion, which was a clothing store, and the name of the shop in ancient times was Aesthetic and Tall.

After changing to Lingshi, I must come and have a look. As a woman, I am still a woman who is very confident in her appearance. She is also tireless in her pursuit of beauty. She cannot resist the temptation of beautiful clothes, especially this kind of elegant and fairy-like of.

Then there were various wine shops, inns, pharmacies, aura halls, etc., and finally arrived at the destination after passing through dozens of shops.

Of course, the style exuded by Shanglingbao Pavilion did not disappoint Shi Xiao, and it fit the temperament of this street very well.

Although the front of the door gives people a very luxurious feeling, the overall decoration after entering is still luxurious and reveals a low-key, in short, it is not annoying.

"Please come from the two fairy elders." They just stepped into the Shanglingbao Pavilion, and they made the shopkeeper and the assistants stunned, but only for a moment, one of the assistants hurried up to greet them, with a just right smile on their faces.

The demeanor of the two is not ordinary people at first glance, the buddy is very proactive and enthusiastic.

"Is the manager of your Baoge here? We have something to sell." Qin Yu said straight to the point while walking around.

As soon as he heard that there was something to sell, the man immediately became more enthusiastic, "We are in charge, and the two elders will follow me."

Those who can come to Shanglingbao Pavilion to sell things will not be Fanpin, can the buddy be unhappy?What he brought up now has a lot of dividends.

Respectfully led Qin Yushi up to the second floor with a smile, and walked towards the most simple and generous room in the innermost.

After stopping, he smiled politely at Qin Yushi and knocked on the wooden door of the room.

"Who is it?" A middle-aged man's slightly hoarse voice came from the room.

"Master, I'm Xiao Shi. There are two elders who want to see you."

"Bring them in"

"Yes" Xiao Shi said respectfully.

"Please come inside the Immortal Elder," said Xiao Shi, who made an invitation gesture, and then gently pushed open the wooden door.

They didn't see anyone at the first time when they pushed the door, and then they felt that the room was very large and divided into two rooms, inside and outside.

Different from the jade floor outside, the entire room is covered with thick carpets. Except for a carved square table and a few futons in the center, there are antique shelves for valuables all around.

"Please sit down, Immortal Elder," the clerk Xiao Shi pointed to the two bunks on the ground respectfully, then took the exquisite purple jade pot from the guy behind and poured tea for the two people who were already sitting on the futons, and then exited the room, And gently close the door.

Also at this time, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of Qin Yu Shi Xiao, with a silent appearance, if Shi Xiao hadn't been sensitive, he would have been startled.

With just one glance, Shi Xiao had the feeling that this person was a master. When he glanced at Qin Yu, his expression was calm and composed, and there was no surprise on his face.

The man sat across from Qin Yu with a smile on his face, "Haha, I kept the two little friends waiting for a long time. I am the head of the Shanglingbao Pavilion, so I am sorry for your surname Shangguan."

"No, we interrupted you." Qin Yu nodded with a light smile, and extended his hand in a salute.

Shangguan also nodded his head in return, laughed again, and pointed to the two bowls of tea in front of them, "Look at me, two little friends, don't be dazed, drink tea and moisten, this is the unique dew of our Baoge , it’s hard to get it in other places.”

Shi Xiao glanced at Qin Yu, saw him nodding slightly, then nodded to the manager, picked up the cup of tea and took a sip, then his eyes slowly lit up.

This tea is indeed as unusual as the director introduced. It is slightly astringent with a hint of sweetness. It seems to have a hint of coolness. The aftertaste is strong and has a hint of fragrance. , a rare good tea.

After taking a sip, Shi Xiao couldn't help but take another sip, and after a few sips, the small cup of tea quickly bottomed out.

"Girl, it's delicious." Shangguan Zhang looked at Shi Xiao with interest. It was rare to see someone finish the tea in the bowl at once. One of his favorite teas, he is naturally happy when someone likes it.

(End of this chapter)

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