I just want to have a good time

Chapter 333 333. Transactions

Chapter 333 333. Transactions
The sound of "girl" made Qin Yu glance at Shangguan, who was in charge, and didn't make a sound.

It is not surprising that anyone who can be in charge of the job is not a person with deep cultivation. It is not surprising to see that Shi Xiao is a woman.

"It's delicious, uncle... Uh, can I buy some of the condensate from Shangguan Zhangshi later?" With a bald mouth, he almost habitually called uncle, completely oblivious to the word "girl" in the mouth of the boss, thinking to himself Waiting to go back and let my parents have a good taste of this tea.

"Of course, our Baoge already sells condensate, just because you called me uncle, uncle decided to give you a discount." Shangguan said in a good mood, this is the first time someone called him uncle Well, it feels kind of weird, but kind.

"Then thank you for being in charge." After a discount, Shi Xiao was naturally happy, and laughed crisply.

"No thanks, then let's get down to business, can you show the good things of the two of you to make me dizzy." Shangguan looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Naturally," Qin Yu replied.

Shi Xiao followed Qin Yu's words and took out one each of the Baijiaguo and Jinyanzi in the space and put one on the table, and a sweet fruity fragrance immediately filled the room.

The moment the things were placed on the table, Shangguan Zhangshi's eyes widened suddenly, the smile on his face froze, and then he began to observe carefully, and then the smile on his face became more and more sincere.

Knowing that the things they can come to the Lingbao Pavilion to take out will not be ordinary products, but I really didn't expect it to be Baijiaguo and Jinyanzi.

Any news released by any of them will make people flock to it. This is really a rare thing!

"Top-grade Baijiaguo, Jin Yanzi." Shangguan said after regaining his composure and confirmation.

Shi Xiao doesn’t know if it’s top grade or not, but she must have nodded after the experts said so. At the same time, it reminded her that there are more than a dozen red Baijia fruits in the space, and the ones that are half red are top grade. Wouldn't the red one be the best.

"These two kinds of fruits, are you going to auction them in our bank or resell them directly?" After confirming the authenticity of the fruits, the next step is to get down to business.

I thought it would be the man in the black shirt who spoke, but unexpectedly it was the little girl who called him uncle just now and told him to resell it very decisively. This little girl has it all.

The head of the Shangguan nodded. For their auction house, they hoped that the owner would resell it, so that the auction house could also obtain higher profits.

"The fact that the two little friends came to my Lingbao Pavilion is because they trust us. I am very moved. How about this? We will receive [-] middle-grade spirit stones for the top-grade Baijiaguo, and Jin Yanzi is also very rare. At the price of [-] middle-grade spirit stones each, what do you two friends think?" Shangguan's manager smiled and looked at Qin Yushi with a smile.

Shi Xiao really didn't know whether the price was suitable or not. He gave Qin Yu a metaphorical look. As a rich native, he should know about this aspect.

Until Qin Yu nodded his head imperceptibly, Shi Xiao was relieved, it was fine if there were no pitfalls.

Immediately, he also looked at Director Shangguan with a smile, "Based on the price of Director Shangguan, I believe that Director Shangguan who is in charge of such a large Shangling Treasure Pavilion will not cheat people casually." After speaking, he blinked mischievously.

Hearing the words, Shangguan Zhangshi laughed, as if he really believed him, if the price was not really fair, how could this little girl talk so softly with her temper, probably she would either leave the case or leave A bit of haggling, but a clever kid who reminded him of his own grandson.

"It's fine if you don't have an opinion, I don't know how much you plan to sell?" Shangguan said to Shi Xiao what he was most concerned about. He didn't think it was only the two he took out.

Shi Xiao didn't reply immediately, but smiled and closed his eyes as if he was thinking, but he was actually thinking about it.

She didn't count these fruits when they were put into the space, and she really didn't know the exact number.

Now I am using my spiritual sense to determine the number in the space, not many, minus the ones given to Qin Yu and her to eat, there are still 95 Baijia fruits, and only 57 Jinyanzi.

These are all the intact fruits of the seven fruit trees in the valley, but there are really not many.

In this world, spirit stones are very important, not only in practice, but also in many places. Think about it, since the shot is still in place, Shi Xiao has considered it.

Baijiaguo and Jinyanzi kept twenty pieces each, and sold all the others.

After making the decision, Shi Xiao didn't hesitate, Shangguan was still waiting.

Still did not speak, but directly took out Baijiaguo and Jinyanzi that needed to be shot from the space.

There were hundreds of spiritual fruits, and none of them could be put down on such a large table, so they could only be placed on the ground, filling the room with the fruity fragrance.

""So many", Shangguan Zhangshi was surprised from the initial surprise to surprise, such a large number allows them to go to Lingbao Pavilion to make a good operation.

The Shangguan is not too troublesome to be in charge. The inspection one by one is mainly to check whether there is any problem with the quality and whether there is any damage. After all, things like Lingguo are still relatively fragile, and once they are accidentally damaged, the price will drop. Big discount.

After some inspection, every spirit fruit was intact, Shangguan was relieved, if there was any damage, it would be enough for him to feel distressed, but they are all white spirit stones!
Qin Yu was also surprised by so many spiritual fruits that Shi Xiao took out. He thought that Shi Xiao had some, and at most there were twenty or thirty of these two kinds of fruits, which would be about the same. Wouldn't it be picking all the valleys?

Qin Yu's guess was similar, Shi Xiao picked all the good ones, and the ones left were either bad in appearance or eaten by birds.

The Shangguan, who had been confirmed here, smiled at Shi Xiaoqin Yu, then went to the inner room, and reappeared after a while, with an extra ordinary-looking wooden box in his hand.

After opening it, there is something strange inside. The seemingly small wooden box has a large space, divided into several small compartments of varying sizes.

Then Shi Xiao saw that Shangguan took out a small jade abacus, and moved a pair of big hands up and down on it.

Then Shangguan Zhangshi stopped, looked at Shi Xiao with a smile, "I figured it out, 75 Baijiaguo totaled 110 medium-grade spirit stones, and 37 golden Yanzi totaled 18 medium-grade spirit stones." Pin Lingshi."

"We also have high-grade spirit stones here, and you can exchange them at a rate if you need them." Shangguan Zhangshi added.

Hearing that there were high-grade spirit stones, Shi Xiao was really moved. He definitely wanted them. It was always right to prepare some.

Qin Yu's knowledge about spiritual stones had been popularized with her in the mountains.

Shi Xiao knew that one middle-grade spirit stone could be exchanged for one hundred low-grade spirit stones, one top-grade spirit stone could be exchanged for one hundred middle-grade spirit stones, and one top-grade spirit stone could be exchanged for one hundred top-grade spirit stones.

Of course, according to what Qin Yu said, these kinds of spirit stones are not the only ones.

Among them, king-grade and top-grade spirit stones can still be found occasionally, but they are all in the hands of the sect family, while saint-grade and heaven-grade stones only exist in legends, and no one has seen them.

Shi Xiao thought for a while and decided to exchange 20 middle-grade spirit stones for top-grade spirit stones.

"Thank you Shangguan for your reminder, please help me exchange 20 middle-grade spirit stones."

"No trouble", after finishing speaking, Shangguan pulled down a rope in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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