I just want to have a good time

Chapter 334 334. Spirit Artifact Workshop

Chapter 334 334. Spirit Artifact Workshop

Then Shangguan began to put the Baijia fruit on the table back into the box. This kind of spirit lock box is specially used to store fruits and has the function of keeping fresh.

Originally, Shi Xiao wanted to help, but seeing the cautious appearance of the manager, he might as well forget it after thinking about it, he must be more at ease doing such things by himself.

At this moment, the door of the room knocked from the outside, and a man's voice "in charge" sounded.

"Come in," Shangguan took the time to reply.

Seeing that the visitor signaled him to wait a moment, after all the Baijia fruits on the table were packed, Shangguan waved his hand and a pen, ink, paper and inkstone appeared on the table, he started to write and handed it to the visitor.

Shi Xiao had seen this person when he came in, it was the shopkeeper standing at the counter.

After the person left, Shangguan, who had put the spirit fruit into a box, looked at Qin Yushi with a smile, "Two little friends, wait a moment, the spirit stone will be here soon."

"No hurry" Shi laughed.

There was really no rush and Ben didn't make Shi Xiao and the others wait too long, at most a quarter of an hour, the shopkeeper came again with a storage bag.

Respectfully handed over the storage bag in his hand to the manager and then left the room.

After confirming that the number of spirit stones was correct, Shangguan placed the storage bag full of spirit stones on the table in front of Shi Xiao.

"Xiaoyou Diandian" said Shangguan, pointing to the storage bag with a smile.

Naturally, Shi Xiao would not be polite, so many spirit stones really needed to be seen, although she didn't think such a big auction house would have such low-level mistakes as skimping.

But it's not too much to ask for money in person, so I immediately took it in my hand and checked it with mental strength.

Not to mention looking at the hill-like glowing spirit stone, I was really shocked. She had just escaped poverty and became rich.

It is impossible to examine carefully, Shi Xiao just made a rough estimate, there is no problem, and the three thousand high-grade spirit stones placed beside the hill are even clearer.

"That's right," Shi Xiao nodded, feeling in a good mood, "We've settled for both money and goods."

"Yes, both money and goods." Shangguan laughed.

"There is also condensate, please give me two catties in charge." Shi Xiao still can't forget this, this tea contains spiritual energy, although it is not as good as her Lingtan water, but it feels different and tastes different Ah, I must like it according to my father's preferences.

The figure of two catties made the corner of Qin Yu's mouth twitch unnaturally, and then a smile slipped across his eyes.

That is to say, Shi Xiao didn't know the value of condensate, so he only opened his mouth for two catties. If he changed to other cultivation methods, he would pay two catties or even less.

The Shangguan in charge looked at the little girl in front of him dumbfounded, originally he was happy about the Baijiaguo, and planned to give the little girl two taels of condensate, so it seemed impossible, and he didn't say so.

Condensed dew is a kind of spiritual tea that grows on the top of a high mountain. The difference is very low. It is only a few hundred catties a year, which is not enough to sell.

This little girl doesn't know, a good guy has a mouth that weighs two catties.

Considering that the Baijia fruit contributed by the little girl will bring considerable profits and reputation to Shanglingbao Pavilion in the next period of time, she made an exception and sold two catties.

You must know that the condensate they go to Lingbao Pavilion, in order to have a long-term supply, never sells by the catty, at most it is one or two.

"Director, is there any difficulty?" Seeing that Shangguan did not speak, Shi Xiao asked, if there were really difficulties, she would not ask so much.

Shangguan in charge shook his head, then got up and pulled the rope again.

Soon the shopkeeper downstairs appeared in front of them, waiting respectfully.

"Shopkeeper Liang, go and prepare two catties of condensate for this little friend, and the price will be [-]% profit."

"Two catties" Shopkeeper Liang couldn't hold back his voice and yelled out, and hurriedly lowered his head when Shangguan took a light look.

"Yes, I'm going to prepare." Withdrew.

Shopkeeper Yang's attitude made Shi Xiao realize that he might have asked for too much, so he carefully looked at Shangguan in charge and said embarrassedly: "Boss, I won't be causing you trouble."

"No", the Shangguan is in charge of the head. It's not troublesome, but it's just a little distressed. Next, I have to go to the head office to add some condensation.

The amount of condensation in each of their auction houses is fixed, which is three catties a month.

Seeing that there was no overly embarrassing look on Shangguan's face, Shi Xiao heaved a sigh of relief.

After a while, the things were delivered, and Shi Xiao used up [-] medium-grade spirit stones. The price is really painful, not ordinary expensive.

After receiving the condensate, they bid farewell to Shangguan, and the two left Shanglingbao Pavilion, and went to the next destination, Lingqifang or Baibaohang.

When they were looking for the Lingbao Pavilion, they passed by more than one, and what they had to do now was to look at each one and buy what they needed.

Shi Xiao now owns spirit stones, millions of medium-grade spirit stones, let alone winning a big prize, there is a feeling that we are not short of money, if it is not for the good self-control ability, Shi Xiao thinks she can float up.

"These spirit stones should be enough to buy a large protective formation," Shi Xiao muttered softly as he walked around.

Qin Yu: "..."

More than 100 million middle-grade spirit stones, even if it is to buy the mountain guard array used by the sect, this is enough and there will be leftovers.

The mountain protection array contains formations of various sizes and various attack formations mixed with different restrictions, the complexity of which is not comparable to the defensive formation Shi Xiao requested.

The corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch, this girl still didn't realize the purchasing power of middle-grade spirit stones.

They arrived at the nearest spirit tool workshop not far away.

It seems that the scale is not large, there is only a one-story facade, but it is really not small after entering, about 100 square meters.

In addition to the two guys, there was also an old man standing at the counter and fiddling with the abacus in his hand.

Seeing the two of them, a chubby guy who looked like he was smiling rushed up to meet them.

"Welcome, welcome, what do you need, the two elders? The little one can introduce you."

"Is there a large protective array?" The main purpose of Shi Xiao's coming in was it.

"Yes, but what is the large scale that the immortal refers to?" The fat man nodded and bowed.

Hearing this, Shi Xiao's eyes rounded involuntarily, "within about forty miles."

Hearing that it was forty miles, the fat guy shook his head, "Sorry, Immortal Chief, our largest protective formation here is only within twenty miles."

When Shi Xiao heard it, her bright eyes immediately dimmed. She thought it was really there, but she immediately lifted her spirits, and looked at it in the Spirit Artifact Workshop with great interest.

Although there were many things that Shi Xiao couldn't understand, she could still see the weapons. There were various weapons on display on the shelves, and the fat guy beside him introduced them, basically all of them were of aura level.

Spirit weapon level weapons have already broken away from the category of mortal weapons. They can be injected with spiritual energy, and their power is incomparable to mortal weapons.

Of course, there are better ones, but they are usually not displayed. If necessary, the shopkeeper will pick them up in person.

Among them, Shi Xiao is most interested in various types of talismans, including defensive talismans and offensive talismans, such as fixed talisman, fixed body talisman, diamond talisman, diamond talisman, thunder spirit talisman, water prison talisman, fire cloud talisman, earth escape Talismans and so on got Shi Xiao and couldn't tell.

Among them is the Avatar Talisman that Shi Xiao is most interested in. As the name suggests, it means an incarnation outside the body, so it has 50.00% of the attack power of the deity, but the price is indeed very considerable, which will discourage many cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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