Chapter 336.
In particular, holding a pipa and half covering his face is even more imaginative. After being amazed, Qin Yu can imagine what kind of crazy bees and butterflies Shi Xiao will follow in the future.

"Brother Qin, it's time for dinner." Said Shi Xiao with a smile.

Qin Yu nodded, but his speech and normal behavior were a little different from theirs, and he went downstairs side by side with Shi Xiao.

As the two of them descended slowly from the third floor, the inn lobby gradually became quiet, and they were stunned after looking around for some unknown reason.

Most of the people who can come to this kind of inn are monks, not monks but also powerful rich people or official family members.

Cultivators have cultivated the aura of heaven and earth to cleanse their marrow and cut their bodies. As long as they are not too poor-looking, there are almost no ugly people, but there are very few people with such an outstanding appearance.

Especially the men, they can't wait to stick their eyeballs to Shi Xiao's body. Although they can't see the face, the pair of eyebrows and eyes that are exposed are definitely at the level of a fairy.

Seeing this, Qin Yu unconsciously released the coercion of the Golden Core Stage, and glanced at the people in the lobby with sharp eyes.

Under the coercion, the situation has indeed improved a lot. Most people also realized their gaffe, which affected others to smile in good faith, and then continued to eat.

Of course, there will be some individuals who still look unscrupulously, and some people even start to move around, but they are held back by their companions, and they don't want to cause trouble if they want to come.

On the other hand, Shi Xiao called a buddy directly, asked for an elegant room, and paid attention to everything. He was used to being with this exiled fairy, unless he was huddled in his own space and could not come out. Regardless, eating is the big deal.

The buddy who reacted hurriedly led the two of them to the elegant room on the second floor.

After entering the room, Shi Xiao looked at Qin Yu, the urging expression in his eyes was very obvious, obviously telling him to order quickly.

Qin Yu looked at Shi Xiao, who was so nervous, with a smile on his face, his attitude was good!
Immediately let the buddy introduce the signature dishes here, and then choose a few from them.

After a comfortable meal, the two returned to their rooms.

After returning to the room, Qin Yu heard the sound of the door closing next door, and then walked from the door back to the soft couch in the upper room, practiced cross-legged, and the air in the room instantly dropped several degrees with the complicated technique.

Shi Xiao also sat cross-legged on the soft couch and practiced her mind. Every morning and evening is her time for practicing, and she has no time for the rest.

It's just that her situation seems to be different from what is recorded in the book. There is no meridian that needs to be penetrated by spiritual energy, and there is no sea of ​​energy recorded in the heart method.

But it can run normally according to the running track marked on the mental method, but the final attribution is to reach her spiritual realm, not the sea of ​​qi during the qi training period.

Although the aura is absorbed in the same way, Shi Xiao instinctively felt that the wood-type abilities on her body should be different from the wood spirit roots in this world.

Shi Xiao didn't know if this was just her case, or if it was the case for all supernatural beings in the last days. It was certain that it had something to do with the spiritual domain.

Since the day when he arrived in this strange world, the spiritual domain that had been in the advanced ambiguity has become clear again, and it is operating independently every day, absorbing a lot of spiritual energy.

In the spiritual domain, there are not only mountains but also spiritual seas, and the domain is still slowly expanding.

There is no time in the mountains, day and night follow each other, Shi Xiao didn't feel how long it had passed, and when he opened his eyes, two hours had passed, and the time had already stepped into the night.

Although she didn't feel sleepy, the sleep habits she had developed over the years still couldn't change. Subconsciously, she wanted to lie on the bed and rest.

Not long after he fell asleep in a daze, Shi Xiao woke up suddenly.

The formation in her room was activated, and she opened her eyes with a flash of sharpness.

What does this mean?This meant that someone was trying to break into her room.

Shi Xiao quickly put on the modern loose trousers and top. Although the ancient costumes are beautiful and elegant, it is more convenient to actually move around in this suit.

She took out the ax she was used to, stood at the side of the door, and at the same time used the heart method of the heart sword.

Although what she holds in her hand is not a treasured sword, it is also full of aura, which can also increase the strength of spiritual weapons. Compared with the unfamiliar Xunxin sword, the ax in her hand dances smoothly.

Shi Xiao believes that no matter what kind of skill it is, what matters is not the weapon, but the person holding the weapon.

She held her breath and waited patiently. It would be better if the person who touched the formation couldn't get in, and if they did, let's see who is stronger.

What Shi Xiao set up is the simplest defensive formation, as long as someone who knows the formation method wants to dismantle the formation, it is not difficult.

At the same time, Qin Yu also suddenly opened his eyes from the samadhi, and stared coldly towards the door.

At this moment, a person at the door was caught in the maze he had set up, walking back and forth non-stop at the door, with a solemn and gloomy expression, as if he was looking for a way out.

At the same time, there was a man at Shi Xiao's door trying to break in.

These two people were exactly the three men and one woman that they met when they went upstairs in the restaurant at noon.

As long as Qin Yu goes out of the room, the maze that he set up will automatically lose effect. In his consciousness, he saw that the person at the door of Shi Xiao will break the formation. Qin Yu can't stay in the room, so if he breaks the formation, he will break the formation. Bar.

Although the people who broke into his labyrinth had good cultivation, they were still a level behind him, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

At the moment when he stepped out of the door, the purple gold sword in Qin Yu's hand pierced the vitals of the man who was walking around the door with a dazzling golden light.

Even though the reaction of the person at the door was already very fast, they were only able to open the vital point sideways. The burning pain from being pierced by a sword made the man shoot Qin Yu with vicious and vicious eyes.

It had been a long time since he had been in pain, and at this moment he no longer felt that Qin Yu was so beautiful that he could be his object of obscenity.

When he saw Qin Yu who surprised him at noon, his lustful heart was ready to move. Although he didn't break out under the pressure of the boss, it didn't mean that he let go of the evil thoughts in his heart.

Although it took some effort to find the whereabouts of these two people, it was not too difficult. The appearance of these two people is so recognizable. It has been a long time since such an outstanding couple came to Guangcheng.

He and Lai Wu had been lying in ambush for a few hours in front of Tian Lai Ke, and they waited until the most relaxing moment when everything was quiet to strike.

The difference between Lai Wu and him is that men and women can take all, but he hates women and likes handsome and feminine men.

There are countless beautiful boys who have been played by him and even lost their lives over the years.

How could he let go of such a beautiful woman who surprised him with boundless impulsiveness after finally meeting him.

Although he could tell that this person was a cultivator, he didn't expect that he had misread it. Just one move was enough to see clearly the cultivation level of the person who stabbed him.

He is a foundation-establishing Dzogchen monk who is about to step into the Golden Core. In the entire Guangcheng, his cultivation level can be higher than his. Except for some old guys, there are only the boss and a few people.

So he never felt that he would miss. This was the first fiasco he suffered after coming to Guangcheng with his boss.

The pain made his face hideous, he hadn't been injured for a long time, and it also aroused his fierceness.

Completely ignoring the wound on his shoulder, he slapped Qin Yu with his palm.

A huge scorching air wave rushed towards Qin Yu who was facing him. Unfortunately, as Qin Yu's other hand quickly formed a seal, a thin wave of shield armor appeared in front of the air wave, and Qin Yu pulled it out. The Zijin sword appeared behind the person the next moment, and stabbed with the sword again.

When the two fought against each other, the person in front of Shi Xiaomen also successfully broke through. Although he heard the sound of Hao Ren being attacked, because of his trust in Hao Ren's ability, he didn't pay attention at all. He missed his chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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