Chapter 337
Lai Wu was still concentrating on breaking the formation. After the formation was broken, he was a little excited and broke the inner bolt of the door with a spiritual force, pushed it open and stepped in.

It's not that he didn't think that there would be someone ambushing at the door, after all, it's impossible for the people in the town not to know about such a big movement when he broke the formation.

But he is very relieved about the people in the house. Although it was only a one-time relationship at noon, it is enough for him to know whether the people in the house have spiritual power.

When he passed the beauty at noon, he didn't feel any fluctuations in spiritual power, which meant that this indistinguishable beauty was most likely a person who couldn't cultivate, so he had nothing to worry about.

No matter how powerful the martial arts is, it is still a thing in the common world, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

That's why he stepped into the door so carelessly without any defense, and then a flashing green ax slid towards him, so fast that he only had time to lean back, but it was still slow, Even if the neck was rocked with quick spiritual power, it was still scratched and blood dripped down like spring water.

Lai Wu didn't care to check the wound on his neck, and at the same time a chill hit his heart. If he slowed down a little bit, his head would really fall to the ground.

This is not a mortal who can't cultivate, but he didn't expect to be mistaken.

At this time, he rolled back out of the room in embarrassment and avoided the axe. When he stood up, he drew out the weapon at his waist in an instant, barely blocking the force of the axe that bullied Shi Xiao.

With a burst of powerful dive, the tiger's mouth was torn open immediately, blood came out suddenly, and the whole body was pushed back to the wall by the huge force.

In just one round, his neck and right hand were injured, and Lai Wu's face changed drastically, and his left hand gathered a powerful force to slap Shi Xiao.

Naturally, Shi Xiao would not answer it stupidly, and turned sideways to avoid the giant palm full of spiritual power. If it hit her body with her current system, Shi Xiao would not be hurt. Shi Xiao didn't know, but the pain was certain.

With a secret cry, Shi Xiao raised his ax and swung it up again, subconsciously using a set of moving footwork in the heart sword, under the blessing of the spiritual power, it was like an afterimage facing Lai Wu.

Combined with Shi Xiao's ax technique practiced in the crowd of zombies with his footwork, Lai Wu had no strength to fight back, and soon there were several more wounds on his body. You must know that this is his body strengthened with earth spiritual power.

The pain in the wound was telling him that the current situation was very unfavorable to him, and walking was the best policy.

But the people in front of him didn't give him a chance to escape at all, and in the end Lai Wu fought his injuries to get rid of Shi Xiao's shadowy shadow with a scorpion wagging his tail.

While retreating, he retracted his weapon and quickly formed a seal with his palms, trying to use his strongest attack technique "Earth Dragon's Roar".

On the other side, Shi Xiao, who was forced to retreat, looked at the opponent's appearance and still didn't understand. This is a magnified move, and he must not be given time to magnify the move.

Shi Xiao waved a smile, the fishtail ax in his hand disappeared, stretched out his hands and instantly bound Lai Wu firmly in the seal.

This is her advantage. Although the vine needs to be infused with spiritual power, it is much faster than the complicated sealing technique of the monk.

Even if Lai Wu sensed the crisis at the first time, it was too late after all, only one head was left exposed outside, no matter how much he struggled with his spiritual power, he still couldn't break free.

Although the vine is covered with the appearance of a plant, it is infused by Shi Xiao with spiritual power, which means that it is full of spiritual energy except for the outer skin, so it is strange that Lai Wu can break free.

At the same time, a bloody figure was kicked out of Qin Yu's room, and fell limply on the ground. It seemed that he would not be alive for long.

Compared with this, people who are bound by vines are obviously much happier.

The bound Lai Wu looked at the lifeless blood man on the ground, stopped the last struggle, became completely honest, and began to beg for forgiveness.

Shi Xiao raised his eyebrows, not interested in the people on the ground begging for mercy, and walked over to Qin Yu who was standing at the door.

Seeing that Shi Xiao was intact, without even a drop of blood, a smile flashed in Qin Yu's eyes.

He could clearly see Shi Xiao's bravery just now, which is why he changed his mind and didn't come to help Shi Xiao immediately.

"Brother Qin" Shi Xiao looked at the uninjured Qin Yu and smiled.

There was such a big commotion on the third floor, and it was still in the dead of night, how could it not attract the attention of others.

But as monks, they are used to this kind of thing. Unless it affects them, they will generally not interfere. Practice when you should practice, and rest when you should rest.

Even the staff in charge of the inn didn't seem to be aware of the abnormality and huddled in their resting place.

Fighting between monks is not something they can intervene in. Although Guangcheng has expressly stipulated that fighting in the city for personal gain is not allowed, especially monks, but no one reports it in private. Who cares? No one wants to do this. bird.

On the other side, they heard that the movement upstairs had completely disappeared. Under the order of the steward, a clerk came down to check secretly. After learning that the battle was really over, the steward went up to the third floor accompanied by several clerks.

Without looking at the two people lying on the ground, they walked towards Qin Yu and Shi Xiao who were standing at the door of the upper room, and asked with concern, "Are the two elders alright?"

"It's okay," Qin Yu glanced at Shi Shi and said lightly with a smile.

"It's fine," the steward smiled.

It really didn't look like something happened. There was such a big commotion just now, and the two bodies were still clean and dust-free. They glanced at the bloody man on the ground, and they didn't even get a drop of blood.

At that very moment, the steward recognized who the two people on the ground were.

They were the second and fourth children of the Guangcheng Four Demon Sect. These two people had a very bad reputation in Guangcheng.

If it weren't for the good cultivation, especially the boss is already a Jindan cultivator, and these people are not completely unscrupulous under their boss's suppression, knowing where to be arrogant, where to be honest, who can't be messed with, otherwise Based on their insolent appearance, they might not be able to stay in Guangcheng long ago.

However, they are not afraid of visitors from heaven. To be able to open such a large-scale inn on Jinsinan Street in Guangcheng, the forces behind it can be seen by anyone.

It can be said that those who can open shops in this street are all powerful people in the square.

Looking at the bloody man on the ground whose breathing was getting weaker and weaker, the steward thought of their boss, Fan Yuntang. The inn was fine, but Fan Yuntang would never spare those who hurt his second and third brothers.

So he kindly said: "You two immortal elders, you should leave as soon as possible. It will be much harder for their boss to find out that you two want to leave. They are Jindan cultivators, and they are masters who can be counted in our Guangcheng."

Hearing that he was in charge of the matter was really good intentions, of course there may be some small thoughts, but I can understand, after all, the matter happened in their inn, one more thing is worse than one less thing.

Qin Yu nodded kindly to him, and then looked at Shi Xiao, the meaning in his eyes was already obvious, whether to leave or not depends on Shi Xiao's meaning.

Qin Yu is still extremely confident in his cultivation. It can be said that he is both at the golden core stage, and there is really no one who can defeat him. If Shi Xiao is not willing to leave, then they will not leave.

Golden Core Stage, it sounds like it's powerful.

Shi Xiao looked up at the pitch-black sky. Deep down in her heart, she naturally didn't want to leave, but she also had the same thoughts as the shopkeeper. One thing more is worse than one thing less. Playing hands affects your own itinerary.

Anyway, what should be learned has already been learned, and it is not too long before dawn, so let's leave early.

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately nodded to Qin Yu, then turned his gaze and took out a glove from the space, walked to the side of the two lying on the ground, and pulled off the space rings on their fingers.

 Then the author came out to make a fuss, ask for collection, ask for monthly ticket, ask for comments from babies

(End of this chapter)

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