I just want to have a good time

Chapter 341 341. Secret Realm

Chapter 341 341. Secret Realm
But after entering the city, the shock to her was even greater.

It is obvious that the people here live a relatively prosperous life, which can be seen from the spirit and clothing of people passing by on the street.

There are palace-style buildings everywhere, with carved railings and eaves, and the tallest building is more than ten stories high, and it is all made of wood, which shocked Yu Shixiao very much.

But soon she figured it out. In the world of cultivation, although there are no building techniques and materials from them, there are all kinds of formations. It is not difficult to make a wooden building with a height of more than ten floors firm. .

All the way, Shi Xiao was dazzled. There are more types of shops here, and they are more complete.

He didn't know how many streets he walked, and finally followed Qin Yu to a courtyard.

"Master" an old man walked out of the door, called Qin Yu respectfully, and saluted Shi Xiao.

Shi Xiao hurriedly returned the gift, although he should do as the Romans do, but Shi Xiao is really not used to it at such an old age, and the gift was also subconscious.

He is a housekeeper. Although he is a monk, his cultivation level is low. He was rescued by the master unintentionally, and then he volunteered to guard the house for the master. How dare he let the guests standing with the master salute.

The old man was a little panicked and looked at the master at a loss. He was relieved when he found that the master was shaking his head. It's good that the master doesn't blame him.

"Smile, he is the housekeeper here, you can call her Housekeeper Li."

"Butler Li", Shi Xiao smiled and looked at the old man.

He is about 60 or [-] years old, and he should be older than his father. He looks like a very comfortable and friendly old man, and Shi Xiao felt very good for the first time.

"Don't dare, my lord is good." The old man waved his hands again and again.

Shi Xiaoxiao stopped talking, and then followed Qin Yu into the noble compound, and the door was locked behind him.

The courtyard is very large, Shi Xiao reckoned that it took them a few minutes to reach the main courtyard and enter the main hall, and then some servants came to serve tea, which was very fragrant and exuded a faint aura, drinking it seemed to be better than condensation.

"Smile, this is my house in Shangyuan City. It's very quiet. You can live here with peace of mind." Qin Yu said suddenly.

Originally, he wanted Shi Xiao to go back to Shang Yuanzong with him. Although he hadn't tried the spiritual root, but with the plant binding, this has already told him what Shi Xiao's aptitude is, and entering the sect is a good choice for her. But the girl disagreed.

Of course Shi Xiao would not agree. Although he came to this world unexpectedly, Shi Xiao had a very strong feeling in his heart that he might return to his own world one day.

Entering the sect, although it will be safer, but the sudden disappearance of a person will always attract attention, and this kind of risk cannot be taken.

Inviting her to live here, although Qin Yu said it a bit abruptly, this house is indeed very good, and Shi Xiao didn't intend to refuse when he couldn't find another place to live. After all, it was Qin Yu's good intentions, and Shi Xiao was still willing to trust.

Then she nodded, "Then I'll trouble Brother Qin."

"No trouble." With a slight smile on his lips, he was in a good mood and ordered Li Butler who had been guarding outside the hall.

"Housekeeper Li, clean up the Orchid Hall carefully and use it as the residence of Young Master Xiao."

"Yes, master," Li Butler replied respectfully when he heard that it was the Orchid Hall.

Youlan Residence is next door to the owner's residence, and no one can live in it. It seems that the owner attaches great importance to this laughing young master.

After leaving, he personally brought someone over to clean up.

Shi Xiao stayed like this, and Qin Yu bid farewell to Shi Xiao the next day and returned to Shang Yuanzong.

In this way, a few months passed, and Shi Xiao was studying formations every day besides practicing kung fu.

In the past few months, she seldom went out, and even if she did, it was to buy formation materials or to come out and liberate.

In a few months, the most rewarding thing is the Xingxin sword. The sword technique is getting smoother and smoother. Although you can't do whatever you want, it is no longer stuck as before, and your body technique has been able to be the same as the sword manual. .

"Master Xiao, it's time for dinner." Seeing Shi Xiao retracting his sword, Steward Li took a step forward.

"Thank you, Grandpa Butler," Shi Xiao thanked, and glanced at the sun above his head, it turned out that it was noon again before he knew it, no wonder Butler Li appeared here.

"Sir, you are being polite. This is the duty of the old slave. The food has been put in the room of the young master, and the young master can eat it while it is hot."

"Yeah." Shi Xiao nodded, having Housekeeper Li taking care of her meticulously these days really brought her great convenience.

Butler Li smiled. Their words were repeated several times almost every day. Mr. Xiao is really a very cultivated person.

Just as Shi Xiao left the training ground and turned around to go back to his room for dinner, there was a deafening bang, and a bright light behind a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the southwest direction of Shangyuan City.

The moment the strong light appeared, people couldn't open their eyes, and the coercion radiated directly made Steward Li sit on the ground.

He looked at the light group in the distance in horror. This... is the opening of an ancient secret realm. Yes, every time an ancient secret realm is opened, it is so powerful that it makes people feel terrified.

He couldn't bear this power, that Mr. Xiao... He had never sensed the fluctuation of spiritual power in Mr. Xiao, thinking of this, he quickly looked at Shi Xiao.

However, what he saw surprised him a little. Young Master Laughing was tall and tall, and he was not disturbed by this coercion at all. He squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the strong light.

Sensing Butler Li's gaze, Shi Xiao also realized that Butler Li was sitting on the ground, and hurriedly walked a few steps to help Butler Li up from the ground, "Butler Li is okay."

Butler Li shook his head, "It's okay."

In just this moment, dozens of meteors slid across the sky in Shangyuan City, rushing towards the place where the strong light was emitted. Since then, no one cares about the rules in the city.

Shi Xiao couldn't stand anymore, there was always a voice deep in her heart urging her to hurry up.

"Grandpa Butler, I'll go and have a look. Go back to your room and have a good rest." After speaking, Shi Xiao released the flying sword, but was held back by Butler Li.

"Young Master Laughing, that is the opening of the ancient secret realm. The people who go here are all strong people. It is very dangerous. You must be careful, Young Master Laughing."

After getting along for a few months, Steward Li still feels very good towards Shi Xiao, he respects him verbally and doesn't treat him as a servant, and he hastily reminded him after seeing that the girl must go.

When he first came here, he might not have noticed that Shi Xiao was a girl, but after getting along for so long, even though he was old and dim-witted, he still found the fact that Young Master Xiao was a girl in some details.

He has always pretended not to know that since Mr. Xiao is wearing men's clothing, there must be her reasons. Seeing Mr. Xiao's face that is even more outstanding than his master's, Steward Li fell silent.

"Thank you, Grandpa Butler." Shi Xiao nodded solemnly, and then Yu Jian turned into a shooting star and rushed towards the place of strong light.

She is full of spiritual power, constantly surpassing different cultivators along the way.

Flying non-stop for a day and a night, finally at around [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] the next day, Shi Xiao arrived at the place where the strong light was shining.

It is an endless sea, and the place where the strong light is emitted is in the mid-air above the sea. Under the action of the strong light, the waves here are extremely turbulent. Out of large reefs.

Fortunately, there is an island here. Like other cultivators, Shi Xiao silently stopped at an inconspicuous place on the island.

The strong light continued, Shi Xiao put on the cap he bought for a boring stroll as early as in the air in order to prevent the glare of the light, and subconsciously protected his eyesight when he landed.

(End of this chapter)

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