I just want to have a good time

Chapter 342. 342. Secret Realm Open

Chapter 342. 342. Secret Realm Open
She was neither the fastest nor the slowest. In just half an hour, monks landed on the island non-stop.

Among them, some obviously low-level monks came here under the leadership of their elders. Most of them stood in the formation formed by themselves, otherwise they would not be able to resist the coercion emanating from the ancient secret realm at such a close distance.

Even some people with advanced cultivation bases don't seem so relaxed, but Shi Xiao's completely unaffected appearance looks abnormal.

Fortunately, she chose a relatively hidden place, which did not attract the attention of others.

Shi Xiao didn't stand on a relatively flat ground like other monks, but chose a remote ancient tree.

She was wearing a green shirt. If she didn't pay attention, she would definitely not find a person standing on the tree.

The strong light lasted for three days and three nights, and finally gradually dissipated in the early morning of the fourth day. At the same time, a barrier appeared in midair above the sea.

There are monks coming to the island every day, and nearly a thousand people have appeared on the island so far.

And the only person Shi Xiao knew here, Qin Yu, arrived the next day with a team of dozens of people, led by an old man with white beard and beard who looked very young.

She discovered it by accident, and it would be better if she didn't say hello when she didn't come forward, so as not to cause trouble for Qin Yu.

In the past few days when he came to the island, Shi Xiao has been nesting in this ancient tree. Except for the necessary physiological needs, Shi Xiao has basically never left this tree.

The tree has a lot of space, and it must be at least a thousand years old. It is not a problem to build a house on it.

In fact, many trees on the island are very old, so the place where Shi Xiao stayed was really inconspicuous, so that Qin Yu didn't notice her at all.

Shi Xiao sat cross-legged on the futon, watching the enchantment in mid-air and waiting.

Although he listened to the thoughts in his heart, Zai Shi Xiao never thought that he would have the opportunity to enter the ancient secret realm.

After all, she doesn't have any fragments of the secret realm, so just join in the fun.

Sitting on the bunk, she unconsciously touched the tattoo on her wrist.

This is a small habit that has been developed in the past few months. Perhaps in the shallow consciousness, she feels that the opportunity for her to go back has something to do with the Lingzhu in her wrist.

In fact, once she really had the feeling of leaving, but when she first felt it, she suddenly disappeared, making Shi Xiao wonder what happened for a while, thinking it was just her own illusion.

Just now she had the feeling that she could go back again, although the feeling disappeared quickly, but this time Shi Xiao knew it was not an illusion.

Looking at the stone tattoo on her wrist, she smiled a little dazedly, so she was right, whether she could leave had something to do with the spirit beads on her wrist.

And these two times, the feeling appeared when she touched the spirit beads tattoo, which reminded her that she had to touch the tattoo when she entered the space before. Looking at the nine spirit beads of different colors, Shi Xiao suddenly realized something .

Seeing that there was still no change in the barrier in the sky, Shi Xiao put his mind on the Lingzhu tattoo with peace of mind.

Compared with the secret realm, Shi Xiao wants to go back. Several months have passed, and he doesn't know what is going on in the last days. Shi Xiao is really worried in his heart.

If it wasn't for the time when he left, it was the season of ice and snow, and the zombies in the urban area of ​​Jiangcheng City and the surrounding dozens of miles were almost wiped out, how could Shi Xiao be so calm.

At the same time, from the bottom of my heart, I hope that the time here can stand still in the last days, otherwise it would be hard to explain why she has been missing for such a long time, and her parents and younger brother don't know what to worry about.

She has been looking at the Lingzhu tattoo on her wrist so carefully for a long time, observing the differences between Lingzhu.

Nine beads evenly circled the wrist, the color was light, each bead Shi Xiao did not let go, after careful comparison, he finally found the difference.

On one bead on the outside of the wrist she found a noticeably darker color than the other eight beads.

If her memory is correct, the previous bead was also a faint green color, not as shiny as it is now, and it also faintly reveals a three-dimensional effect.

Inexplicably, there is a very strong feeling in my heart that the opportunity to go back may lie in this Wood Spirit Orb.

The longing in his heart made Shi Xiao lightly press a finger on the Wood Spirit Bead, and the moment he pressed his fingertips, the feeling of wanting to leave reappeared.

That's really the case, Shi Xiao couldn't help showing ecstasy in his eyes, it turned out that she had always had the opportunity to go back, but she didn't realize it.

Just as this feeling became more and more intense, the mysterious barrier in the air suddenly changed and shook violently.

Shi Xiao, who was disturbed, had to move his finger away, looked at the changing enchantment, suppressed his excitement, since he already knew the method, don't worry.

The strong vibration stimulated the island to start to vibrate, and she stood up with difficulty to control her figure.

She was considered good, and there were some individual monks who had just relaxed because of the disappearance of the strong light and the lightening of the pressure. They were stunned by the sudden shock and fell to the ground with embarrassment on their faces. Attention is in mid-air, no one pays attention to these insignificant things.

As the barrier continued to vibrate, a pattern on the barrier wall similar to the Taiji gossip became faintly clear. There were obvious gaps in the pattern, and the fluctuation of the barrier vibration was gradually decreasing with the appearance of the pattern.

At the moment when the pattern became clear and the vibration stopped, hundreds of people appeared in front of Yujian almost in an instant, and Qin Yu was one of them.

Shi Xiao saw that Qin Yu was followed by ten people like the other teams. Could this be the right granted by the Fragment of the Secret Realm?
Then 36 monks with fragments in their hands flew to the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams at the same time, and restored the fragments in their hands to the Eight Diagrams.

After the last fragment is embedded, the Yin-Yang Tai Chi pattern in the Bagua Diagram under the aurora begins to rotate slowly. After 49 [-] circles, the black and white fish eyes in the Tai Chi Diagram suddenly emit a dazzling white light. As the white light becomes more intense, the Tai Chi Yin and Yang patterns open , the gate of the ancient secret realm opened.

A strong suction force came suddenly, and all the 360 ​​people in the air were sucked into the Yin-Yang Gate of the secret realm.

At the moment when the gates were about to merge, a strong light flashed, and a figure was sucked into the gate of the secret realm.

Everyone waiting below was stunned by this accident.

In addition to joining in the fun and gaining insight, the rest of the people waiting here are sect masters and other forces selected by the secret realm.

Most of these people have advanced cultivation bases, and they clearly saw that it was indeed a figure who entered the secret realm at the last moment, and it was still passive.

Everyone who was not deaf heard the surprised cry, so this was one more person entering the ancient secret realm.

This kind of situation has never happened in hundreds or even thousands of years, and the forces guarding below are not only looking at each other in blank dismay.

They know how harsh the limit on the number of people in the secret realm is, and those who forcibly enter without exception are strangled at the entrance and disappear.

So even though all parties want to send more people in, they just think about it, and they all stick to the rules of the secret realm and dare not go one step further.

And the scene they saw really refreshed their cognition, how could there be one more person for no reason.

No one could see who it was who entered, only a green shirt and a slightly feminine voice were seen.

(End of this chapter)

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