I just want to have a good time

Chapter 344. Chapter 344.

Chapter 344. Chapter 344.

Glancing at the few nine-turned lotuses left on the lake, the giant python sank unwillingly into the lake.

Fortunately, in the next hundred years, it only needs to eat another Nine Turns Lotus to completely transform into a dragon.

Seeing the giant python sinking to the bottom of the lake, Shi Xiao in the air also heaved a sigh of relief, spread his wings and disappeared into the lake, Shi Xiao didn't even look at the remaining lotus flowers.

The two flowers in the space also rely on the advantages of spiritual power and colorful wings, and they are picked by the lightning speed when the spirit beast is not aware of it. This method is not bad once, but it is courting death twice.

Leaving here is the kingly way, who knows when the spirit beast at the bottom of the lake will go mad again, and she may be the cause of it.

It took about two quarters of an hour for Shi Xiao to fly out of the range of the valley and find a flat place to land.

There is flat ground within a few miles of this prescription, and Shi Xiao landed only after seeing that there were no large animals.

It is full of grass as tall as half a person. From time to time, a few small spirit beasts jump out of the grass. The most common ones are big white rabbits, um, that is, windy long-eared beasts, and agouti and other spirit beasts.

With their presence, Shi Xiao feels more at ease, which also shows that there is no danger here for the time being, otherwise, how could the small animals be so comfortable, they would have disappeared in hiding.

Shi Xiao, who looked a little more relaxed, sat on the grass, and only then had time to look at the lotus in the space with mental strength.

I was nervous before patronizing and didn't look carefully at all. I only knew that the color of the lotus flowers I picked seemed to be very bright.

It was indeed very colorful. Shi Xiao recalled in his mind the descriptions of several lotus species recorded in the Complete Canon of the King of Medicine in the Mainland, but he did not see any that matched those in the space.

So what kind of lotus is this? With such a ferocious spirit beast guarding it, the only thing that is certain is that it is absolutely not ordinary.

There are nine lotus petals and nine lotus seeds, and the color of each lotus petal is different, and the same is true for lotus seeds.

Not to mention the Medicine King Quanjing, even in his own world, Shi Xiao has never seen such a lotus flower, it is so strange.

There are treasures in the sky but don't know what they are?Shi Xiao was really itchy.

Forget it, let's continue to explore the secret realm, she doesn't know that someone will always know, and how many books can be bought from the Treasure Pavilion are really precious, so it's not too strange not to find them.

Giving a few carrot stones to the long-eared beasts who came to her curiously, Xiao Yujian left here.

There is grass everywhere here, which is clear at a glance, although the grass and stones don't recognize it.

About a quarter of an hour after she left, a team came here.

"God, there are so many spiritual purification herbs here!" A young woman couldn't help but whisper.

The grass regarded as worthless by Shi Xiao turned out to be the Purifying Spirit Grass. I don't know how Shi Xiao will feel after he gets it.

Purifying spirit grass, as the name suggests, has the effect of purifying spirit.

Everyone's spiritual roots are different, and the level of purity of spiritual power is also different. With the Purifying Spirit Grass, these will not be a problem.

Although the miscellaneous spiritual roots cannot be removed, the purity of the spiritual roots can be increased. Although it cannot reach [-]%, it is still possible to increase it by [-] to [-]%.

Don't underestimate the [-] to [-] percent. The purity of the spiritual root determines the progress of cultivation, and every step that is slow will be slow.

In the realm of comprehension, strength means everything, and low strength means that you will be inferior to others. The real competition in the realm of comprehension is so cruel.

Usually, the price of a spiritual herb is sky-high in the outside world, but I didn't expect to see one here.

The woman who was crying softly couldn't help but walked into the pure spirit grass, and surprised a few little spirit beasts hidden in it.

At this moment, everyone's attention is focused on the pure spirit grass, and no one will pay attention to these little guys.

"Really" one of the men who was obviously leading the team nodded in confirmation.

With the senior brother's nod of confirmation, the rest of the people couldn't wait to start picking the pure spirit grass, and even the leading senior brother had a look of surprise on his face.

On the other side, Shi Xiao, who was flying with spread wings, didn't even know that she had entered the treasure mountain. At this moment, she was flying aimlessly.

I don't know if the space of the secret realm is too vast. During the flight, Shi Xiao didn't meet a monk with a sword in the air, let alone the Qin Yu she wanted to meet.

Along the way, he flew over mountains, grasslands, stone forests, flower forests, forests, and even swampy areas. He also saw many spirit beasts that looked very difficult to mess with in the sky.

No matter how these spirit beasts roared at her, Shi Xiao was very perceptive and pretended not to see them flying past.

Seeing that these strange-looking spirit beasts are not good, they are powerful. Shi Xiao is crazy to provoke them, and he must ignore them, even if there are some natural treasures below.

But he couldn't always fly in the air, so Shi Xiao still chose a valley and landed. He chose to choose and still felt that the valley was relatively safer.

I don't know where the secret realm sent her to. After flying for such a long time, I still haven't met anyone.

At this moment, as a foodie, her stomach started to growl in protest again.

Shi Xiao glanced at the sky, not to blame for her stomach growling, the sky has gradually turned dark now, unexpectedly, this ancient secret realm, like her space, also has the alternation of day and night.

This is good, otherwise Shi Xiao would definitely not be able to stand being in some bright world for a month or even longer.

Now apart from the big sky and the big earth, it is the biggest thing to feed the stomach.

Choosing a thick and thick tree near the mountain, Shi Xiao took out the defensive materials in the space and built a defensive formation around the tree. This is not only a place for her to eat, but also a resting place at night.

Staying on the big tree like this, she began to fill her stomach with confidence.

On a group of swamps hundreds of miles away from here, Qin Yu led ten younger brothers and sisters to walk through the swamps in the direction of Shi Xiao.

Their luck is beyond description.

Well, he was teleported into the swamp, and every step he took had to use spiritual power, and outsiders like them were not allowed to fly in the secret realm, otherwise they would end up miserable.

It's hard to say, but in a short period of time here, I have obtained a few natural materials and earthly treasures, and of course I have also gone through a fierce battle with the guardian beast.

In any case, although the journey was slower and more difficult, the harvest was still very good.

This is also the reason why he has not yet walked out of the swamp after entering the secret realm for nearly three hours.

For more than three hours, they walked on the phantom steps unique to Shang Yuanzong, and they only walked a distance of more than 100 miles with all their strength, which shows the vastness of this swamp.

Looking at the current situation, it is impossible to get out of this swamp today, and the sky has gradually darkened, and it is impossible to go any further.

In the end, under the order of their senior brother, the group of them jumped onto the thickest tree in the swamp as a place to rest at night.

And Qin Yu also quickly set up a formation on the tree.

The night in the secret realm fell quickly, almost at night, before it was completely plunged into darkness.

The 36 fragments and 36 teams are all hiding in a hidden place at this moment. They all know the secret realm in the dark, and it is also the most dangerous moment, when the fierce beasts in the secret realm come out to look for food.

How can the beasts that can survive in the secret realm be weak? They are almost all the top-ranked beasts on the continent's beast list, and there are even species that have not been discovered at all.

(End of this chapter)

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