I just want to have a good time

Chapter 345. Corrosion Beast, Giant Python Beast

Chapter 345. Corrosion Beast, Giant Python Beast
Ferocious beasts are different from spirit beasts, they are extremely ferocious animals, they hardly know how to think and only know how to fight.

The night in the secret realm is their craziest time.

On the big tree, Shi Xiao, who was lying on the mattress, just wanted to fall asleep when he was startled by a faint roar and opened his eyes.

Then, more roars came and went from far or near.

Could it be that these animals are crazy, Shi Xiao sat up disturbed.

Just when she was disturbed and got up and wanted to set up an isolation formation in Gabu, the sound of extremely heavy footsteps came down from the mountain, and the target seemed to be the valley where she stayed.

Shi Xiao couldn't help frowning at the sound of footsteps, it must be a big guy and not just one, but a group.

So was the roar just now a hint that these big guys are about to fight?
Shi Xiao was not worried that the big guys would pass by the big tree where she was.

The reason why she chose this place was also a choice she made after careful consideration.

The place is remote and close to the mountain, the trees are dense and there are no traces of trampling, so it is unlikely that animals will pass by.

There is obviously a trampled road in the middle of the valley, and there are a few big trees that were knocked down to the ground in unknown years and months.

That's where these big guys must pass.

While Shi Xiao quickly set up the isolation formation, his eyes were watching in the dark.

It's a pity that I didn't see anything except the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer and closer.

Shi Xiao didn't dare to use her spiritual power, and regardless of whether it was an ancient secret realm, even in the outside world, she couldn't guarantee that her spiritual power would be noticed in front of ordinary monks.

If these big guys noticed and got irritated by using mental power, and rushed their anger at her, wouldn't she be looking for a fight when she was idle?
Then I heard these big guys rushing out of the valley, and Shi Xiao also set up a barrier.

The night in the secret realm became lively, and none of this had anything to do with Shi Xiao. At this moment, she was lying on the mattress again and closed her eyes comfortably.

Although the isolation array will isolate the sound of the outside world, once something touches the array, Shi Xiao will know immediately that there is time to escape, and she is not worried at all.

Shi Xiao didn't know how chaotic the outside world was, and she was already sleeping comfortably.

Compared with Shi Xiao, other people in the secret realm are not as big-hearted as she is, and almost all those who didn't close their eyes just meditated all night.

The environment on Qin Yu's side can be said to be the worst among all the teams entering the secret realm.

60.00% of the place is a swamp. At this moment, all the corrupted beasts in the swamp have sprawled out from the depths of the swamp.

Different from the noise in other places, this place is very quiet. These corrupting beasts are like poisonous snakes waiting in the dark, their cloudy eyes are constantly scanning the surroundings, looking for targets, and crawling slowly.

Qin Yu and a group of brothers and sisters looked at the rotten beasts with serious expressions, and they were ready to fight, not daring to relax.

Corrosion beasts are two meters long, with short and thick legs, and a long mouth full of sharp teeth. Although their attack power is not brave, they can emit a very poisonous liquid.

Once it is contaminated, even a monk will be corroded even if he uses spiritual power to repair it continuously. Unless the contaminated part can be discarded in time, the chance of survival is very small.

These things basically hide in the swamp during the day, and they are afraid of light most of the time and only come out at night.

Their hearing is very good, and any trouble can't escape them.

Fortunately, there was a formation laid down by Qin Yu, otherwise everyone could only communicate with their eyes.

"There are too many Corrupting Beasts here." A female cultivator looked at the densely packed Corroding Beasts crawling out of the swamp, her face turned pale.

Although the night was as dark as ink, it did not affect the vision of the monks.

This female cultivator obviously has a small problem with intensive phobia, so she couldn't help rubbing her arms.

"Don't worry, there is a formation set up by the elder brother. As long as we stay in the formation, the corrosion beasts below will not find it." A male cultivator with his hair styled into a ball head said.

"Senior Brother Wei is right, Junior Sister Xu, you don't have to worry."

"Thank you two senior brothers, I know." Xu Miao smiled at the two of them.

"Don't talk." Qin Yu stood up from the futon, his face suddenly became serious.

Qin Yu's expression made everyone look dignified.

Then what we saw next made everyone take a breath, and dozens of giant pythons crawled towards this side quickly. .

The reason why they are called giant beasts is because they look similar to giant pythons, but they have densely packed small claws under their stomachs, and their whole bodies are covered with a thick layer of mud.

Basically, as long as there are corrosion beasts, this kind of giant python will appear.

The sudden appearance of the giant python disturbed the rhythm of the corroding beast's foraging, and they all stretched out and crawled towards the swamp.

On the contrary, their escape excited the beast and accelerated its speed. As for the venom sprayed at them from time to time, the giant python was not afraid. The thick layer of soil on its body was a very thick protective layer.

They took a day off during the day just to have a delicious meal at night, so how could they just watch these delicious foods escape.

So under the eyes of Qin Yu and the others, a chasing battle began.

Corrosion beasts one after another crazily crawled into the swamp not far away, but a few giant pythons pierced through the air and blocked their way.

Seeing that the escape route was cut off, these corrupted beasts who turned their heads were angry, and the corrupted beasts continued to attack with piercing screams.

Although the Corrosion Beast can't defeat the Giant Python Beast, it is indeed superior in its huge number. As the saying goes, ants can kill an elephant, not to mention that the Corrosion Beast is not small in size.

The venom was flying, even if it was of little use, the Corroding Beasts did not hesitate to use their natal magical powers.

The giant python was completely immersed in excitement, opened its huge mouth almost one bite at a time, bit it to death and threw it aside, and then continued.

Dozens of Corrosion Beasts will also be sent flying during the tail flick.

The battle is fierce, and there are more and more corpses of corroding beasts, and there will also be corpses of giant pythons. Most of them are threatening to break their teeth, relying on the large number of corroding beasts to tear off the protective layer of giant pythons, Invasion of venom.

Occasionally, one or two giant pythons will accidentally enter the venom when they open their mouths to bite. They will be corroded and eventually lose their lives. In the end, they will be corroded until only a layer of protective mud remains.

The battlefield quickly spread, even reaching under the big tree where Qin Yu and the others were.

Seeing this, the expressions of the people in the formation became more dignified. It would definitely be a very unpleasant thing to be discovered by these guys.

What are you most worried about?But what is most likely to happen?
A giant python wagged its tail frantically trying to shake off the Corrosion Beast attached to its body. Unfortunately, several of the Corrosion Beasts slammed into the big tree where Qin Yu and the others were, and the huge impact force touched the formation. , being backlashed by the formation, they let out a scream and fell to the ground. At the same time, the faint light of the formation flashed, exposing them.

Almost in an instant, all the fighting stopped suddenly, whether it was the giant python beast or the corrosion beast, their icy pupils all looked at the tree and slowly approached it.

Although did not see what is inside?But the senses tell them there's something in them.

A huge python came to the tree first.

(End of this chapter)

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