I just want to have a good time

Chapter 347 347. Discovery

Chapter 347 347. Discovery
On the other side, Qin Yu and his party were stopped by a lake, and there were rolling mountains not far in front of the lake.

In this lake in the outside world, even the junior sister who entered the latest class would be ignored at all, but now it has become a problem.

It's okay to go by the ferry, they have a lot of treasures in this area, and they are worried about this lake.

This is a lake in the ancient secret realm. No one can guarantee that it is safe in this water area. Whether there will be powerful beasts or not, as the strongest member of the team, Qin Yu is still worried.

There are also spirit beasts, who can guarantee that there are no spirit beasts above Jindan in the secret realm, although the higher the spirit beast is, the more difficult it is to cultivate, but everything is possible in the secret realm.

A group of people stopped by the lake, and their eyes were fixed on the senior brother Qin Yu. At this time, they all listened to the senior brother.

Qin Yu was also in deep thought, observing his surroundings with his spiritual sense.

This area of ​​water is very large, several times larger than ordinary lakes, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

Before Qin Yu started to make a decision, Qin Yu suddenly turned around and looked behind him.

It turned out that another team came here, and it was the team led by Qin Yu's old rival Meng Changhe.

As early as when he came to the island, Qin Yu had met Meng Changhe, and a fierce spark burst out in the eyes of the two of them. The cruelty in Meng Changhe's eyes was not concealed at all, but in special circumstances, they all followed their elders on the island in the end. wait.

Meng Changhe was indeed a ruthless person. Although he didn't get the fragments of Zetian Realm from him, he still got one.

He knew that this scourge was not so easy to die in the barren mountains, and it was really a pity deep down in his heart.

Qin Yu looked indifferently at Meng Changhe and the others who were slowly walking over. He did not expect to meet him so soon in adversity. The fate between them was really deep enough.

Meng Changhe, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at Qin Yu with burning eyes, and a hint of cruelty flashed quickly.

"Yo, my fate with Brother Qin is really deep enough. I didn't expect to meet Brother Qin so soon. Brother Qin, don't come here without any problems!"

On this point, the two have to say that they really have a tacit understanding, and both feel that the fate is deep enough.

"Of course I'm fine. Thank you Brother Meng for your concern. I wonder if Brother Meng is safe." Qin Yu glanced at Meng Changhe and said in a calm tone.

"You..." A disciple next to Meng Changhe was obviously not as strong as him, and was about to confront him, but Meng Changhe lowered his head at a glance.

"No thanks, brother Qin is living well, how dare I have something to do, are you right, brother Qin." Meng Changhe smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Qin Yu smiled back, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. The two people's words seemed peaceful, but they were actually at war with their swords hidden. The people on both sides also glared at each other, each on guard.

Meng Changhe looked at a piece of water in front of him, laughed, and glanced at Qin Yu provocatively, "Brother Qin, you are being stopped here. With Brother Qin's ability, it shouldn't be!"

"Brother Meng is right, since Brother Meng is not afraid of stopping, please, Brother Meng." Qin Yu said lightly, obviously not being fooled.

"You...huh..." The expression on Meng Changhe's face cracked, and he couldn't pretend any longer. He glanced at Qin Yu with his sinister eyes, and led his men to the side.

If he doesn't leave, he is afraid that he will rush towards Qin Yu uncontrollably. This is not the time for fierce fighting, they are still busy rushing to find treasures, and time is long, there will be opportunities in the future, not limited to a moment.

"Eldest brother," Wei Gu looked at Meng Changhe's back with a trace of worry in his eyes. This man has always been insidious, and he likes to play tricks, so he has to guard against it.

Qin Yu understood what Junior Brother Wei meant, and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, he won't make any moves right now, but you still have to be more alert."

While speaking, Qin Yu looked at the other people. Seeing that everyone nodded, he looked away at the water area in front of him with confidence.

It is not easy to cross the lake. Right now, we can only observe and observe along the river before making a decision.

"Let's go." Qin Yu looked in the other direction of the lake.

The younger brothers and younger sisters had no objection to the senior brother's decision, and followed Qin Yu's pace along the river.

Here Shi Xiao has already entered the cave, and with the brilliance of the night pearl, it can be seen that this is a very large cave, and it is very deep.

Holding Ye Mingzhu Shi Xiao, I walked around the edge of the cave, about the size of a basketball court, nothing special, the edge of the wall is full of hard rocks, let alone a baby, I didn't even see a grass.

But just going out like this, Shi Xiao was really not happy, so she set her sights on the only passage in the cave.

Or just walk in, Shi Xiao thought.

In fact, she has already gone inside, and there is no sense of danger in this cave, which is why she is so bold.

Holding the Ye Ye Mingzhu, Shi Xiao stepped into the cave about three meters high and four meters wide.

The land he looked at was full of rocks, and Shi Xiao didn't know how long he walked, twisting and turning to the bottom of the cave.

The area here is half smaller than when I first entered the cave, and the color of the rocks seems to have changed a bit, and there is a faint luster under the light of the night pearl.

Originally, Shi Xiao was ready to leave, but it was because he noticed the faint luster that he stopped and began to observe.

This does not seem to be an ordinary rock, the color is much lighter, but it is a bit like the spirit stone she knows.

Immediately Shi laughed and she produced a low-grade spirit stone. The color of the wall was darker than the low-grade spirit stone, and the luster was lighter, but it was really similar.

But if this place is really a spiritual mine, the size and structure of this cave are not very similar. There are no messy excavation marks, and there are no broken stones on the ground.

Shi Xiao put the Ye Mingzhu on a protruding stone, and then took out a few more from the space, and placed them on the slightly protruding stone on the wall.

In this way, a total of nearly ten of them were placed, and the whole cave was completely lit up, and all of them came into Shi Xiao's eyes.

Whether it's the top or the surrounding walls, they are all made of a material similar to spirit stones, emitting a faint light, um... Shi Xiao's moving eyes suddenly stopped at a stone wall, and it seemed a little different here.

She raised her feet and walked over, stood at this stone wall, stroked the edge of the upper stone wall with her hands, there seemed to be a gap, could it be a stone gate, Shi Xiao couldn't help thinking.

The more she looked at it, the more Shi Xiao gathered her strength and pushed it hard, but she didn't move. If it was really Shimen, with her current strength, there is a high probability that her method of opening the door was wrong.

So Shi Xiao began to observe carefully around the edge of the stone wall, if so, there must be a way to get in.

In the end, his eyes settled on a boulder protruding from the bottom left of the stone wall. The surrounding rocks were relatively smooth and integrated, only this one was slightly protruding and seemed a bit abrupt.

Don't hesitate anymore, just try it and you will know.

Shi Xiao, who squatted down, stretched out his hand to the boulder, twisted it, but it didn't move, it seemed wrong, then he pressed down hard, and finally moved.

The moment Shi Xiao pressed down, he stood up abruptly and took a few steps back, making preparations.

The stone gate moved up slowly, and with the movement of the stone gate, more and more intense light leaked out, and when the stone gate stopped, the entire cave was illuminated like daytime.

If Shi Xiao hadn't placed the night pearl in the cave long ago and got used to the brightness for a while, he would have been blinded by the light.

(End of this chapter)

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