Chapter 348 348. Baby

Although the sudden light was dazzling, it was extremely comfortable, and it was the comfort of being surrounded by abundant spiritual power.

Although he hasn't entered it yet, Shi Xiao already has a very strong premonition in his heart. Most of the things stored in this stone gate are spirit stones, mainly because the spirit power seeping out is too amazing.

An resisted the excitement in her heart, waited for a while, and after nothing was unusual, Shi Xiao, holding an ax in one hand and getting ready in the other, stepped into the stone gate.

Then he stood at the door and was stunned. At this moment, there was only one feeling in his heart, that was to get rich.

The space inside the stone gate is huge, the point is not that the space is huge, but that in such a large space, it is filled with all kinds of spirit stones, a corner weapon and several wooden boxes.

Shi Xiao couldn't help approaching these spirit stones, with a surprise smile on his face, he picked up one of them.

It is the top grade spirit stone, if her memory is correct, it is exactly the same as the top grade spirit stone that Qin Yu described to her, it is transparent with faint water patterns inside.

And this big pile turned out to be all top-quality spirit stones, and they were the worst among them in terms of quality.

Because other spirit stones are more transparent, some of them are already liquefied inside, and some are obviously transparent paste, just like the jelly that Shi Xiaoting likes to eat, but it is more crystal clear with a little glow.

Although Shi Xiao couldn't tell what level this spirit stone had reached, it was definitely not ordinary.

There are not many such spirit stones, which only occupy a small area of ​​the stone house, and it is estimated that they are only about a thousand yuan.

Little did they know that if this piece was taken out, it would shake the Skyscraper Continent.

The most high-grade spirit stones accounted for two-thirds of the entire stone room. It is impossible to estimate how many stones there are, but there are many, many.

Looking at these Shi Xiao's lips, the arc has never fallen since he came in. Since she found out, it is destined, so what are you waiting for, accept it!

The important thing is that with these, she doesn't have to worry about not having enough spirit stones and whether there is hope for space upgrades.

Although she couldn't enter the space during this time, the space has been absorbing spiritual energy crazily, and it may have reached the standard for upgrading.

The more she thought about it, the happier she became, and then she started the posture of retracting, and the spirit stones disappeared in this space one by one. After a while, all the spirit stones in the entire stone room disappeared, leaving only a corner of the weapon and a few large and small weapons. different boxes.

There are not many weapons. A longbow that is as long as a person is standing on the stone wall with a glimmering light. The refueling and quiver of the same material are standing by the colleague. There are more than ten feathered arrows that are glowing in the light. It's not everything.

A long knife with a strong sense of thickness, including the black handle at the handle, is placed flat on a wooden box that is more than half a person high, and two glowing swords are also placed flat on the wooden box.

Although Shi Xiao couldn't tell what the material was, he could be sure that the product from the secret realm must be a high-quality product, and it must be above the treasure level.

Immediately, Shi Xiao took out the spiritual weapon knife, and then picked up the black knife placed on the wooden box, the two collided lightly, and heard a dull sound, the knife taken out by the space broke immediately, Shi Xiao was pleasantly surprised Looking at the power of the black knife is really amazing.

Take it, you have to take it away, these weapons disappeared in the stone room in an instant, and then there were several wooden boxes of different sizes.

Shi Xiao lightly opened the biggest box, and then she froze.

No matter how she imagined it, she would never have imagined that in such a large box, there was actually an egg, an egg the size of an ostrich egg, wrapped in a pile of seemingly very soft fabrics.

Blinking her eyes hard, Shi Xiao couldn't believe what she saw.

How can there be an egg?
So the question is, should she take it into the space or not?

If the egg is alive, it will be no problem to put it into the space.

In other words, she seems to have never eaten an egg product as big as an ostrich egg, and she doesn't know how it tastes.

Uh, just kidding, the egg that appeared in the ancient secret realm was at the level of a spirit beast at the last time, it is impossible to eat it, of course, the premise is that it still has life.

After looking at it for a while, Shi Xiao still didn't dare to touch the egg, and didn't close the lid of the box. Undecided, she decided to go and see what else was there.

It was still a wooden box, slightly smaller in size, and it took Shi Xiao two seconds to open the lid this time.

It was heavy, like the box she used for cover before, and it took a little effort to open it.

It should no longer be an egg.

When he opened it and felt the gusts of cold air, Shi Xiao knew there would be no eggs.

It can make her feel the cold air, which shows how low the temperature in this box is.

It was a small tree, a small tree covered with ice crystals, and there were seven red fruits the size of cherry tomatoes on the tree, which were also covered by a layer of ice crystals. Although they were red, the fruits were very transparent.

I don’t know, I don’t know. When I saw this little tree, Shi Xiao really felt that my knowledge is really shallow. It seems that she needs to collect more books, but I don’t know if I can buy some lonely books or something. Qin Yu asked for help.

Not daring to look at it for too long, Shi Xiao hurriedly closed the lid, mainly because he was afraid that the spiritual power of the fruit would be lost after a long time.

This is not an ordinary spiritual object, but unfortunately she doesn't know it, and suddenly feels like an illiterate, picking up a treasure but not knowing how to use it.

However, this does not prevent Shi Xiao from taking the Dandan before it was connected to the space. This time, without any hesitation, the two wooden boxes disappeared into the stone room.

There are still three small boxes left. With this box as a base, the rest of Shi Xiao thinks it will not be ordinary.

I was really a little nervous and a little excited, but the feeling of opening the blind box was really good.

Without hesitation, she directly opened the wooden box closest to her.

A burst of red light flashed, and the high temperature hit, if Shi Xiao hadn't dodged quickly, he might have been burned.

The temperature was too high. Fortunately, he was prepared, Shi Xiao patted his chest to suppress his shock.

It was a plant, not much bigger than the palm of your hand, exuding a faint flame red, like a very common grass in her world.

Shi Xiao slowly took a step closer. Just this small grass-like plant, it is hard to imagine that it can emit such a scorching temperature, it is undoubtedly a treasure.

Without daring to use his hands, Shi Xiao took out the black knife that had just been put into the space, and used his ingenuity to lift the cover, the scorching heat finally disappeared, and the whole space felt comfortable.

Take it, definitely take it, although I don't know what kind of treasure it is, but Shi Xiao inexplicably feels that this thing should be useful to Shi Yu.

The wooden box disappeared, followed by two other wooden boxes.

Shi Xiao, who was already prepared, jumped a long way the moment he opened it, but ended up jumping lonely, nothing happened.

There were only two small jade bottles in the wooden box, as expected, she was still too nervous.

Laughing, she walked forward and looked at the two small jade bottles. One bottle said Baizhuan Pill, and the other bottle said Condensing Yuan Pill. Uh, the name looks great at first glance, but unfortunately I don’t know how to use it. But so what, it doesn't affect her charge.

Then Shi Xiao's eyes moved to the last wooden box, but he didn't know what would be inside it?
Opening it in one go, subconsciously dodged a few steps away, and then walked back quickly after seeing the contents in the wooden box.

It was actually a wooden plaque half the size of a palm, with veins of leaves engraved on it, and it had a faint fragrance.

The black knife waved cautiously on the wooden box a few times, not feeling any danger, so Shi Xiao stretched out his hand towards the wooden box.

The wooden tablet in her hand is very solid, with a weight that does not match its size. If she is not strong enough, it is impossible for an ordinary woman to pick it up.

(End of this chapter)

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