I just want to have a good time

Chapter 349 349. Beast

Chapter 349 349. Beast
The material of this small piece of wooden sign is amazing enough, and I don't know what material it is.

Shi Xiao curiously picked it up and observed it for a while, but he couldn't see any tricks, but Shi Xiao knew that it must have a role to appear in the secret realm, so he took it first.

At this point, the entire stone chamber is empty, and Shi Xiao has gained a lot.

After leaving the stone room and restoring the stone gate to its original state, and collecting the night pearl on the stone wall, Shi Xiao walked into the cave full of energy.

I am going to go out and thank that long-eared beast. If it weren't for that little guy, how could I harvest so many treasures?

Ten minutes later, Shi Xiao appeared at the entrance of the cave. When he entered, he really didn't realize how long the cave was.

It's still comfortable outside. Although the cave is full of aura, it lacks the breath of life.

Although there are no white clouds in the blue sky, the grass is lush and the branches and leaves are intertwined. Among the red flowers and green grass, one or two lively long-eared beasts pop out from time to time, which is so beautiful that it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Shi Xiao approached the long-eared beast in the grass, and the little ones were not afraid of her, on the contrary they were very close to her.

He took out a bunch of carrots from the space and threw them to these cute little guys.

As soon as the carrot appeared, the long-eared beast became excited, and the fragrant smell made them all rush towards Shi Xiao, making chirping sounds from their mouths.

"Don't grab it, there are all of them", the little guys are so cute, Shi Xiao couldn't help laughing, all of them holding carrots shaking their heads are so cute.

Especially the one whose ear tips were dyed red by her, the one who snatched the most viciously, with one left paw, one right paw, and two or three more in his mouth. These carrots are there to reward the little thing.

A pile of carrots was quickly snatched away, and the long-eared beasts dispersed, and Shi Xiao's ears were also clean.

Sitting on the green grass, she was not in a hurry to leave. A trip to the cave had yielded a lot for her. She had nothing to worry about, and now she was even less anxious. Instead, she felt that this place was pretty good.

There is also a cave, which is much safer than staying in a tree. The more I think about it, the more I think it is. Anyway, I don’t have any goals, so I might as well just stay here. If there is no accident, it is best to stay until I leave the secret place.

It's not that she has no big ambitions, it's mainly because in this secret realm full of crises, although babies are important, life is more important, so it's better to be cautious.

After making up his mind, Shi Xiao really didn't worry, let go of his mental strength and sat on the grass, feeling the comfort of spiritual energy and the fragrance of green grass.

On the other side, Qin Yu stopped by the lake again with his brothers and sisters.

They have walked along the lake for a long time, but they still haven't found the near end of the lake, even if they let go of their spiritual sense for several miles.

Going on, I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense.

In this case, there are only two options, one is to cross the river, and the other is to turn back and change the direction.

But even if you turn back, who knows what you will encounter again?Therefore, this plan is basically not ready to be adopted.

"Senior brother?" All the senior brothers and sisters looked at Qin Yu, waiting for the senior brother to make up his mind.

"Crossing the river" Qin Yu uttered these two words resolutely, this is the only way.

Hearing the words, everyone nodded in unison, they were not afraid of anything with the senior brother around, and followed Qin Yu with adoring eyes.

Glancing at the crowd, Qin Yu took out a palm-sized spiritual boat from the space, and threw it towards the lake. The boat became bigger and wider the moment it touched the lake water, and it was no problem to seat 20 people.

Qin Yu was the first to enter the spirit boat, followed by his younger brothers and younger sisters.

Opened the spirit cover of the boat body, the spirit boat started to start under the impetus of spirit energy, and the two juniors took turns to control the direction of the spirit boat and quickly drove forward.

Qin Yu, on the other hand, used his spiritual sense to always pay attention to the situation on the lake, and was on guard, hoping in his heart that the lake was as calm as it appeared, and that the spirit boat could reach the opposite side of the lake safely.

A quarter of an hour later, the lake surface was still very calm, the spirit boat was driving safely and fast, and the opposite bank was already faintly visible.

The more so, the more vigilant Qin Yu and the others on the spirit boat became.

Another half a quarter of an hour passed, and the opposite bank was clearly visible. Except for the ripples caused by the breeze, the lake was still calm. It was not until they reached the opposite bank and put away the spirit boat that they really let go of their vigilance.

Fortunately, they didn't encounter fierce or spirit beasts in the huge lake.

The moment they raised their feet to move forward, a dull hiss made them stop and looked in the direction opposite to where they were standing, which was the direction Meng Changhe and the others were leaving.

The sound seemed to come from the lake, could it be..., everyone's eyes flashed a little bit of clarity, no wonder their side went so smoothly, it turned out that someone was the target of attraction.

At the same time, Shi Xiao in the valley also heard a slightly dull cry. Standing up, she spread her wings and flew into the air, looking at the lake where the sound came from.

It's a pity that the distance is too far, and nothing can be seen except for the faint lake.

And in the heart of the lake, tens of miles to the west, a fierce battle is going on.

A spirit boat capable of carrying more than a dozen people was tightly clinging to it with several giant claws with suction cups protruding from the bottom of the lake, as if trying to pull the spirit boat into the lake.

But how could the monks on the spirit boat make it come true? When the tentacles struck, the spirit weapons in their hands turned towards this ugly guy. The beast became ferocious, and swept towards the spirit boat with its five claws flamboyant.

"Brother Meng, be careful." Out of the corner of his vision, he saw a thicker and stronger tentacle attacking Meng Changhe, who was standing at the tail of the spirit boat and was chopping off a section of tentacles with a knife.

The tentacles were scorched by the power of the fire whip and let out a piercing scream. The tentacles instinctively wanted to retract to the bottom of the lake, but were pierced by Li Yu, who was standing beside the golden road, with a quick sword. into the water.

The tail of the boat turned around to avoid the tentacles rolling towards him, and the hostility in Meng Changhe's heart rose steadily. After holding the knife and leaving half of the tentacles, he suddenly stood in mid-air in the middle of the spirit boat, quickly formed seals, and suddenly a whirlwind rose above the spirit boat.

As soon as the others saw Meng Changhe's move, they understood that Brother Meng was going to use the strongest ultimate move. Except for the two disciples who used their spiritual power to control the stability of the spirit boat, the other disciples turned more fiercely at The tentacles towards them attracted the attention of the beast, and tried its best to expose its head to the surface of the lake.

As the whirlwind in the air became more violent, Meng Changhe, who had completed the seal, aimed at the beast that was barely exposed from the lake and slapped it.

I saw a hurricane thicker than a bucket, with overwhelming force, attacking half of the beast's head.

The reaction produced by this huge impact instantly pushed the spirit boat away from the beast's body, followed by another ear-piercing roar, the beast kept rolling on the lake, and the rolling waves pushed the spirit boat away. Push it further.

(End of this chapter)

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