I just want to have a good time

Chapter 351. 351. Black Snake

Chapter 351. 351. Black Snake
Shi Xiao stood on the tree and didn't plan to come down, and the people below had already noticed Shi Xiao, so they didn't think there was anything wrong with his attitude that he had nothing to do with himself.

If they have no friendship, they will basically do the same, not to mention that there is only one person in the tree.

The few people who were not injured were taking the unicorn on the horned beast's head and the spirit beast pill in its body. The spirit beast's cultivation reached foundation establishment and it would form a spirit beast pill.

Spirit beast pills of different species and levels have different values. These horned beasts are of good quality, and the value after sale is considered acceptable.

Just when the group of people wanted to collect the horned beast's corpse, Shi Xiao couldn't stand on the tree.

The monks who were able to enter the secret realm had already bigued, and they obviously didn't intend to enjoy these corpses for themselves, and they mostly sold them to wine shops or Duobao Pavilion.

Shi Xiao was moved. The meat of these spirit beasts has higher spiritual energy content than the flesh of mutated animals, and the relative benefits to the human body are also higher.

Anyway, it was all for sale in the end, Shi Xiao wanted to buy it.

This movement of hers caused the people below to be wary and looked at her cautiously.

"Friends, don't be nervous. I have nothing else to say. I just want to ask if you can sell these horned beast corpses on the ground. If you sell them, I will buy them directly."

Shi Xiaodie gave a salute with his palms, and stated her purpose straightforwardly, so as not to let others guess wildly.

Except for a few injured people who were sitting on the ground practicing kung fu to heal their injuries, the rest of them, including the white-robed monk, all looked at Shi Xiao with scrutiny in their eyes, as if they were trying to figure out how true Shi Xiao's words were.

The person who spoke was amazing. Although he was wearing a black silk male robe, he still gave people a feeling of being unchangeable.

The most important thing is that there is a person in the secret realm who makes them unable to feel the fluctuation of spiritual power and see the cultivation level. This is what makes them most afraid.

Shi Xiao smiled back at them.

"Senior brother Zheng", several pairs of eyes looked at the white-robed monk.

Zheng Tong, who was called Brother Zheng, took a step forward.

Pushing forward with both palms, nodded slightly, and said: "This fellow Taoist is telling the truth."

Shi Xiao returned the gift in a decent manner, "Of course it's true."

Zheng Tong glanced at the dozens of corpses on the ground and nodded. As long as the price is right, he will sell it to anyone.

Seeing this, Shi Xiaoxiao became more sincere, and secretly began to estimate the value of these horned beasts in his heart.

For the meat quality of these horned beasts in the secret realm, those in the Qi refining stage can be sold for [-] low-grade spirit stones, and those in the foundation building stage can be sold for [-] low-grade spirit stones.

Although she couldn't tell the level of these spirit beasts, they were much larger than the ones she collected in the Twilight Forest in terms of size and unicorn, and there were two of them with very good strength.

Based on Shi Xiao's speculation, the highest cultivation level of these horned beasts should not exceed the late foundation establishment stage, otherwise it is not certain who will live and who will die.

After estimating the approximate price, Shi Xiao immediately said, "There are 42 horned beasts here, and I bought each one with a thousand low-grade spirit stones. How do you guys like it?"

A thousand low-grade spirit stones, this price is not too low, even if they bring them to the wine shop or Duobao Pavilion, the price of the Qi refining stage is only about [-], not to mention that more than half of them here have not yet reached the foundation building stage.

Immediately moved, the brothers and sisters all looked at Zheng Tong and told him their opinion with their eyes.

Of course Zheng Tong agreed and nodded immediately. The price is indeed very high.

So in the next period of time, Shi Xiao, who had paid for the spirit stone, put dozens of horned beast corpses into the space under the eyes of the group of fellow Taoists.

Then he left here again under their eyes, saying that he was leaving, but Shi Xiao actually chose a more remote place.

There is no need for her to stay in this valley.

"Senior brother Zheng, do we need..."

"No, he dared to go down the tree alone, and even took out so many spirit stones at once. It is impossible for him to be as harmless as he appears on the surface. There is no need for this kind of person, let's not provoke him."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Tong took a warning look at the junior brother who had made up his mind.

Zheng Tong prefers that this person has a high level of cultivation, otherwise he would have left as soon as he found them, and he would have stayed on the tree to watch.

And Shi Xiao said that he arrived at a more remote place, but in fact he came to the location of the cave. There is no place in the entire valley that is more remote than this.

Controlling the plant stone, she walked into the valley, and at the same time controlled several vines to spread along the top of the cave to the cave passage, sealed off the passage of several meters in length and width with vines, and then set up a defensive barrier in the cave. She appeared when she was satisfied. outside the cave.

She still prefers to be in nature full of plants during the day.

On the other side of the mountain, Qin Yu and his men stopped at a steep cliff and was about to climb over.

Although the cliff is steep, it is not difficult for monks even if they can't rely on their feet. It just takes more time.

Wei Gu took the lead behind Qin Yu, and a group of people jumped off the cliff with luck. Every time they jumped, they would choose a foothold, and then descend one by one.

Suddenly, Wei Gu, who had already jumped off, stopped and jumped back to the previous foothold, squinting his eyes towards the cliff.

He was so abnormal that the people behind him stopped, clung to the cliff, and looked at Senior Brother Wei in confusion.

After a while, Wei Gu looked back at Qin Yu, "Senior brother, there seems to be a cave under that willow tree. Just now I seemed to see a light flashing through the cave."

That's why he stepped back, but when he looked at the past again, the light had already disappeared.

His words immediately brightened everyone's eyes. The first reaction was that the third senior brother might have found the treasure, and their eyes all looked at the willow tree on the left side of the mountain wall.

There is indeed a place under the willow tree that is dark, like a cave, but it doesn't see the light that the third brother said.

"I'll go and have a look", Liu Tao wanted to move to the willow tree as he said that, he was the fastest among all the elder brothers.

It's just that before he started to move, he was stopped by the elder brother with a sword, "on the tree", and said two words coldly.

Then they gasped, and there was actually a black snake with a long letter and a black body hidden among the branches and leaves of the willow tree growing on the cliff.

The black snake with thick arms is coiled on the branches among the leaves. If you don't look carefully, you really can't find it.

This kind of snake is not only extremely poisonous, but also very fast. After being poisoned, Yuanying did not take the antidote within a quarter of an hour, and even a monk did not need to detoxify.

The most poisonous thing about it is not the damage to the body, but also the damage to the soul. It can recover slowly if it is light, but if it is serious, it will be closed all the way from the practice. If you are lucky, you can still be an ordinary person. If you are unlucky, you will become a fool and die It's all normal.

At this time, Liu Tao's back felt chilly. If the elder brother hadn't discovered it in time, he rushed over rashly. With his speed, the black snake's sudden attack might not be able to escape the venom sprayed out.

(End of this chapter)

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