I just want to have a good time

Chapter 352. 352. Ice Spirit Fruit

Chapter 352. 352. Ice Spirit Fruit

"Thank you, senior brother," Liu Tao hurriedly thanked, with a trace of embarrassment flashing across his face.

Before entering the forbidden area, the master repeatedly told him to calm down, observe carefully and think twice, he was reckless.

Qin Yu gave a faint "hmm", his eyes never looked back from Black Snake.

"Brother, it's the black snake. With it, we can basically confirm that there is a treasure there." Wei Gu looked at Liu Tao jokingly and said seriously.

Qin Yu nodded, there was really no need to check, places with natural materials and earthly treasures were usually guarded by spirit beasts.

"Eldest brother," Wei Gu said again, looking at the cave, he wanted Qin Yu to make up his mind quickly.

Qin Yu: "I, Wei Gu, Liu Tao, and Yuntang are in charge of attracting black snakes, and the others collect rare treasures."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in unison, and jumped to the cliff where the willow tree was at the same time under the eyes of the elder brother, each performing their own duties and cooperating with each other.

On the other side of the cliff, the black snake's cold vertical pupils stared at Qin Yu and the others when they stopped, and half of their body stretched forward, obviously ready to attack.

Qin Yu's feet are connected to the cliff, and although he is restricted from flying, he can follow the inertial driving spirit, but this requires fast enough movements.

Moments later, Qin Yu appeared first within the range of the willow tree, and Yu Ling threw out the purple gold sword, and in an instant, thousands of purple gold sword shadows stabbed at the black snake with its mouth wide open like a celestial girl scattering flowers.

I saw the black snake's vertical pupils congealed, even if it didn't dare to be tough even with thousands of sword qi, it suppressed the venom that almost blurted out, and quickly retracted its head, a round light shield appeared to protect the black snake in it, and in time Qian Jianqi was isolated, and although the huge impact protected the black snake, it also shattered the light shield into pieces. If the black snake's body was not tightly wrapped around the willow tree, it would have fallen to the bottom of the cliff along with the fragments.

At the same time, Wei Gu's flaming fist hit the black snake wrapped around the tree trunk one after another, Liu Tao's Star Stream Sword smashed at the black snake like shooting stars, and Yuntang's chopping Soul Whip.

It can be said that Black Snake is besieged on all sides, except for not being attacked from his back, he is already surrounded by Qin Yu's four people, and has no time to care about the cave under the willow tree.

At this time, Xu Miao and the others had already touched the cave and entered it. The depth of the cave could be seen from the light at the entrance of the cave.

They moved cautiously towards the interior of the cave, and the icy breath became stronger and stronger as they walked.

After walking a hundred steps, it was no longer icy cold, but bitingly cold, and then the eyes slowly opened up,
Although it doesn't look real, it can be known that the place is full of ice.

Several people took out the hanging beads from the space one after another, and they couldn't help but take a deep breath at what they saw.

The whole cave is a world of ice with the lush greenery outside. Not only the ground but also the cave walls are covered with ice crystals, which are crystal clear and shone with dazzling luster under the illumination of the mysterious beads.

This is just one of them. What made Xu Miao and the others take a breath was the two ice crystal trees about one meter high growing in the center of the cave among the jagged ice crystals.

There are nine ice spirit fruits on each ice crystal tree. If the master hadn't let them memorize the ancient medicine scriptures before leaving the sect, they would definitely not know these two holy trees.

This is the ice spirit fruit ranked 42 in the ancient medicine classics. One ice spirit fruit can reach the Hunyuan state, that is, the Dacheng period can increase the lifespan of 200 years, and the lifespan of the fusion period can be 500 years.

Don't underestimate these hundreds of years, with these extra hundreds of years, you may be able to successfully convert spiritual power into immortal power, and then cross the catastrophe and successfully ascend to the upper realm.

However, there have been no ascenders in Motian Continent for tens of thousands of years.

I didn't expect to see the ice crystal tree in this ordinary cave, Xu Miao and the others were beyond words to describe their excitement.

Taking out the special space device, several people almost at the same time put on the isolation robes and gloves made of ice cicada silk, and approached the ice crystal tree.

As you get closer, even wearing a cassock made of ice silk, you can still feel the bone-chilling cold.

It can be seen how cold the temperature here is. It must be known that the physique of monks is different from that of ordinary people, and the feeling of cold can be ignored.

The closer one gets to the Ice Spirit Tree, it is still very difficult to use one's spiritual power every step of the way.

It took dozens of seconds to get close to the short few steps, and under the force of the cold, all the hairy places on the eyebrows and hair were all frozen into ice flowers.

The next step is the most difficult. If possible, they want to receive a dedicated space device together with the ice crystal tree.

Xu Miao took out a treasure-level long sword thrown to her by her elder brother when she was approaching the cave, aimed it at the bottom of the ice crystal tree with difficulty, poured spiritual power and combined the strength of several people to force it in, trying to revolve around the ice crystal tree A circle separates it from the ice crystals.

It's a pity that Xu Miao only slid one-third of the way even with his spiritual power running non-stop. Fortunately, there were so many of them, and the remaining two-thirds were separated by other brothers and sisters.

At the same time, the battle outside is going on fiercely.

The Black Snake is too fast and has a body-protecting light shield. Even though each of their attacks seems to be extremely lethal, the damage to it is actually not fatal.

During the fight, you must always pay attention to the venom of the black snake, so that you still have a little timidity, but fortunately, you are not obsessed with killing it, just hold it back.

In the cave, it took a lot of effort to separate an ice crystal tree. A senior brother used a formula to open a special space device, and used spiritual power to carefully move the ice crystal tree into a space that looked like wood but not wood, iron but not iron.

As the ice crystal tree entered the space device, Black Snake, who was fighting with Qin Yu, seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly screamed in the direction of the cave, and then twisted violently, ignoring Yuntang's Soul Slaying Whip and Wei Gu The fire dancing in the sky, I want to rush down the willow tree.

"Junior Sister Xu, come out quickly," Qin Yu said to a jade tablet in front of his chest while pinching the formula of the shattering fist in the ice and snow, and then he stepped on the cliff and punched seven inches from the black snake.

Black Snake has obviously noticed the abnormality in the cave, and it can also be seen that Junior Sister Xu and the others have succeeded.

All that needs to be done now is to hold the Black Snake, and never allow it to appear at the entrance of the cave before the brothers and sisters come out.

"... come out at speed"

Xu Miao, who was splitting another ice crystal tree, paused in their hands, and gave up this ice crystal tree decisively.

Quickly opened the space device, and several people controlled the spiritual power to wrap the crystal clear ice fruit at the same time. Four of the seven people successfully picked the ice fruit from the tree and put it into the space. The five ice spirit fruits decisively retracted the space device and moved towards the entrance of the cave.

The moment they rushed out of the cave and left on the cliff, the Black Snake broke through Qin Yu's icy and snowy ground, and rushed into the cave after enduring the damage caused to his body by the explosion of the Shattering Fist, followed by a long howl.

After rushing out of the cave, it rolled and slapped the rock wall of the cave angrily, and did not dare to leave the cave. Although unwilling, it still wandered into the cave, opened its mouth to swallow an ice fruit, and guarded the only four remaining on the tree. An ice fruit.

But at this moment, Qin Yu and his group used their spiritual power with all their strength, and quickly swept towards the bottom of the cliff, and quickly disappeared among the cliff plants.

(End of this chapter)

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