I just want to have a good time

Chapter 353 353. Cunning

Chapter 353 353. Cunning
It was already two quarters of an hour before Qin Yu and the others successfully descended from the cliff, and it was not long before dark.

This time was not enough for them to climb a mountain again, after some inspection, they finally chose a place with the most luxuriant grass, and also chose one of the thick old trees as their resting place for tonight.

Night fell quickly, and the scene from last night was repeated. The entire secret space was filled with terrifying sounds, and the carnival of fierce beasts came again.

At this time, Shi Xiao had already entered the cave, lay down on the big bed with a well-fed stomach and fell asleep comfortably, not knowing that Qin Yu and her were only separated by a mountain.


Blinking Eye Shixiao has been living in this valley for several months, and she has already become familiar with the small animals in the mountain. When she is not going out, the little ones follow her closely Like little bodyguards one by one.

All the mountains in the front, back, left and right of the valley have also been taken away by Shi Xiao during this period of time, and they have been wandering a lot and successfully found a few plants guarded by spirit beasts.

Although she didn't know these spirit creatures, she knew that they must be good things when she saw the guardian spirit beasts. It would be a lie to say that she was not interested, but she didn't rush forward, but spent a long time observing the life trajectories of these spirit beasts. Well, it's impossible for these spirit beasts to lie beside Lingzhi 24 hours a day.

She has enough patience and is not in a hurry. Besides, she doesn't have the heart of winning. Is it easy for other people's spirit beasts to guard her.

In the end, she found an opportunity to pick the time of several months while the spirit beast was taking a nap or leaving. She was not greedy, and only picked a little of each kind of spirit beast. If it was a fruit, more than half would be left behind.

If there is only one plant, there is no other way, but under such circumstances, Shi Xiao will leave some compensation, such as the spirit pool water in the space, and the spirit fruit she picked in the mountains during this period.

In addition to these, the biggest gain in the past few months is that the swordsmanship has improved a bit. Although she can't do whatever she wants, she has become proficient in swordsmanship. What makes her most happy is that she has learned some simple techniques. .

These days, she can say that she hasn't bathed all day, relying on these simple techniques to cleanse her body.

There are many lakes in the secret realm, but whoever dares to go in to take a bath may think that his life is too long.

Shi Xiao lay on a tree bored, looking at the cloudless sky, couldn't help sighing, and almost couldn't help pressing his fingers on the Wood Spirit Bead several times.

Here she lies comfortably, while a fierce battle is going on in the depths of Rift East.

It can be said to be a scuffle, and the targets are all the nine-turn lotuses in the lake.

Qin Yu was the only team that did not participate in the scuffle, and the other team was led by the Buddhist son of the Wanfo Sect.

But from the shining eyes of Fozi, it can be seen that he is just waiting, so why isn't Qin Yu just waiting?

Regardless of the fierce battle, none of these people has been able to successfully pick the nine-turn lotus in the center of the lake.

It was also for this reason that Qin Yu did not move. The greatest danger lay in the depths of the lake.


A few monks wearing blue clothes embroidered with the Nine Heavens Ancestral Logo overturned Guiyi's Five Elements Gate's pincer attack with a violent wind and wave breaking technique, and quickly approached the Nine Turns Lotus in the center of the lake by stepping on the waves and chasing the spirit.

At the same time, monks from the Six Dao Sect, Xuanwu Sect, Seven Star Island and other sects who escaped from the melee also approached the Nine Turns Lotus in the center of the lake.

The few remaining nine-turn lotuses were about to fall into the hands of the monks. At this moment, a huge wave rose from the bottom of the lake, and a huge mouth swallowed the monk who was stretching towards the nine-turn lotuses.

When it was too late and then, the monk of the Five Elements Gate who was closest to the giant python, looked at the Jiuzhuanlian who was about to get it, and had to give it up regretfully, saving his life was the most important thing.

Following the huge waves set off by the giant python, Yuling stepped on the waves, even though the speed was fast enough, the monk who fell at the end was still too late.

At this time, hiding is no longer the best way to do it, I saw the monk turned around and swung the saber at the mouth of the giant python with a whirlwind slash.

At the same time, the other monks of the Five Elements Sect who had fled saw their brothers who were fighting with the giant python and turned back to join the battle.

Even the Six Dao Sect, Xuanwu Palace and Seven Star Island, which were too late to withdraw, also joined the battle of the giant python.

For a moment, the lake was full of ice and fire, all kinds of magic spells and talismans appeared, and there were explosions in the shadows of swords, lights and swords. With the angry roar of the giant python, a chilling ice-bound force avoided the nine-turned lotus in the lake and spread rapidly. Thousands of ice spirit thorns rushed towards dozens of monks who were retreating rapidly.

Even though the speed was already very fast, several monks were unable to dodge and be sealed by this freezing force, and fell to the bottom of the lake the moment they were pierced by the ice thorns.




Several shrill shouts sounded, but it was too late, and the few monks who fell into the bottom of the lake were already in danger.

At the same time, Shi Xiao, who was lying on the tree, opened his eyes suddenly, and vaguely felt as if he heard a somewhat familiar long howling sound.

It was the valley where she first entered the secret realm, and it was the voice of the python.

It was obvious that some monks coveted the lotus flower it guarded to make it so angry, but he didn't know if the giant python could hold it this time, so Shi Xiao silently said "good luck" for the giant python in his heart.

At this time, the battle between the giant python and the monks has entered into a fierce stalemate. During the collision of spiritual power and weapons, the giant python's body was injured in many places, which also made the giant python even more angry and crazy. Countless ice balls rushed towards the monks like shooting stars.

At this time, Qin Yu and the disciples of Wanfo Sect who had been watching on the shore moved.

One stepping on the wave of the imperial spirit, and the other stepping on the rosette, formed seals and rushed towards the giant python.

"Vajra Zen Finger"

"Ice Sword Forest, Roaring Dragon"

The mad dragon transformed by the golden Zen light and the sky-filled ice sword hit the giant python at the same time with devastating power, and the aftermath of the explosion of spiritual power even shocked the surrounding monks.

At the same time, the two rushed to the center of the lake like two auroras, Yu Ling each picked a nine-turn lotus, and rushed to the shore amidst the terrifying roar of the giant python.

In the aftermath of the explosion, the giant python rushed out with its huge injured body on its back. Its red eyes, which wanted to rush over, looked at the five remaining nine-turn lotuses on the lake, and stopped its body abruptly.

The furious giant python was very angry, its body twisted crazily, the air condensed into dense ice spirit thorns and rushed towards the monks again.

While the monks raised their weapons to defend against the ice thorns among a group of grass mud horses, they rushed back to the shore without fighting, and turned their gloomy eyes to the direction of Shang Yuanzong and Wanfozong who had already left quickly.

It's too insidious, so many of them consume the spiritual power of the giant python, but Shang Yuanzong and Wanfozong took the lead.

But at this time, there was a loud noise in the secret realm, the space trembled violently, and multicolored rays of light appeared in the southeast direction of the secret realm.

All of a sudden, all the teams in all directions in the secret realm were shocked by what they saw.

After Xiaguang, the image of a huge palace appeared in the mid-air in the southeast direction.

This is... Zetian Temple in the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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