I just want to have a good time

Chapter 354. 354. Zetian Palace

Chapter 354. 354. Zetian Palace

As early as the first time the space vibrated, Shi Xiao jumped from the tree. It is safer to stay on the flat ground at this time.

When the magnificent image of the palace appeared in the sky, the space vibration stopped, and the glow gradually disappeared.

Shi Xiao stared blankly at the palace in the air, so what kind of amazing treasure has appeared here?
The moment the vibration disappeared in the secret realm, all the monks in all directions from east to west, north and south, moved towards the southeast one after another.

That is the Temple of Zetian in the ancient secret realm, the temple of the legendary emperor Zetian, the value of which even a powerful person cannot calm down after seeing it.

Shi Xiao stared blankly at the temple in the air, thinking whether to go and have a look.

A temple of this size must be full of formations and traps, and she, a novice in the cultivation world, would not fold it in again. Shi Xiao was really worried about this.

Looking at the palace projected in the sky, there is still a trace of itch in his heart, or he should go and see first, and then make a decision when he arrives at the place, Shi Xiao looked at the sky and thought.

Now that the decision has been made, there is nothing to hesitate.

The colorful wings stretched and she disappeared into the valley, flying towards Zetian Temple in the southeast direction like a colorful meteor.

Seeing the flashing colorful light, Qin Yu paused under his feet, and a sense of familiarity emerged in his heart.

But then he shook his head, thinking that it was impossible, how could Shi Xiao appear in Zetian Secret Realm.

Could it be a flying spirit beast, but it's not right either.

In the secret realm, both monks and native spirit creatures in the secret realm are restricted by the secret realm. If they fly beyond a certain distance, they will be punished by the secret realm. The punishment of thunder is no joke.

So what is this flash?
Qin Yu was not the only one who was puzzled by this question, all the monks who saw Shi Xiaofei were in confusion.

During the whole flight, Shi Xiao spent more than two hours, still with all his strength, finally arrived at the area where the palace is located after noon.

My fellow, the whole palace sits atop one of the tallest hills in the range.

The mountain is steep, like a sharp sword stuck in the ground, and the palace is located on it.

Shi Xiaozhen was worried that a gust of wind would blow over the mountains and bring the palace together to finish playing.

And this height, this steepness, if you don't have some real skills, it is really difficult to go up, but this has nothing to do with her, she is just a matter of flapping her wings.

A moment later, Shi Xiao, who had received her colorful wings, appeared outside the palace gate and stepped on the top of the mountain.

Looking at the majestic palace in front of you, you can not only sigh its size, but also the golden glazed tiles shining with dazzling light, the golden-roofed ink gate, and the whole palace flying in a flying style. The majestic momentum makes people feel solemn.

The mountain peak where the main hall is located is surrounded by towering old trees, shaded by green trees, guarding the palace tightly like dedicated guards. Standing at the gate of the palace, Shi Xiao felt so small for the first time.

Shi Xiao walked forward involuntarily, the black door shone with a special luster, as if covered with a layer of streamer.

This door might be difficult to open, Shi Xiao gently attached his hand to the surface of the streamer, without even a trace of spiritual power, but this hand was absorbed by the streamer, and then this huge suction instantly wrapped Shi Xiao Disappeared in front of the ink gate.

The breeze blows slowly, blowing up the fallen leaves, like beautiful butterflies dancing in the breeze, nodding frequently.

If it weren't for the fresh shoe marks on a broken leaf on the ground, it would seem that Shi Xiao had never appeared here.

At this moment, Shi Xiao would be dazed if he had just stepped into the secret realm, completely unaware of why he appeared inside the palace.

But in the next moment she knew why.

It was a wooden token obtained from a secret room in a cave, and the wooden token that was originally fastened to his wrist was floating in the air.

The wooden sign was originally kept in the space, but because she was too bored, she took it out to study occasionally when she thought about it, after this research, she felt that it felt good in the hand, so she took it out from time to time to play with, and then simply tied it to her wrist superior.

The same black color, this wooden sign is probably made of the same material as the gate of the palace, and it is also the key to enter the palace. It is really no wonder she thinks so, otherwise how could she have entered the palace inexplicably.

I don't know which part of the palace I entered, but it's just a big one, Dazhong has a hero, and the hero has a fairy, and there is an ethereal aura hidden in the fairy, and the aura is so strong. The air seemed to condense, and it was so comfortable that one wanted to be intoxicated forever.

There are eight coiled dragon jade pillars standing in the main hall, and the ground is all paved with spirit stones, even though they are low-grade spirit stones, the degree of luxury is astonishing enough.

What attracted Shi Xiao's attention the most was the lotus ponds on the left and right sides of the main hall, with the sound of gurgling water and faint lights.

On one side of the pond are a few ink-colored lotuses, and on the other side are white and transparent lotuses, one white and one black. Even if Shi Xiao is stupid and doesn't know each other, he knows that it can grow in the hall, and it can grow in the hall with a strong spiritual energy. From the maintenance of the foggy spirit pulp, this should be a treasure among the rare treasures.

Shi Xiao guessed right, this is indeed a treasure among treasures, but the reason why Zetian Shengjun is kept in the hall is because it is black and white, which can add an elegant, dust-free and ethereal atmosphere to the hall.

The ink-colored Shi Xiao is temporarily called Molian, and the transparent one is called Yinlian. Since I met it, I naturally wanted to collect two of them.

There are seven ink lotuses in the pool on the left, and seven anemones in the pool on the right. Looking at the clearly visible lotus roots at the bottom of the pool, maybe you can try to uproot them.

She thought of the Lingtan in the space, presumably such spiritual creatures should be able to survive in the Lingtan.

But thinking that the drinking water at home is almost all Lingtan water, Shi Xiao glanced at Molian Yinlian and finally gave up this idea.

This thing looks quite clean, but drinking the pond water where lotus grows always feels strange and flustered.

It doesn't matter, although she can't enter the space, she has consciousness and spiritual power!Just dig another pond and it will be done. There is not no room in the space.

Do whatever you think of, there is everything in the space, Shi Xiao, who is sitting by the pool, used his mental power to control dozens of shovels in the space and spent half an hour digging out two stone shovels a few meters in length and width at the back of the stone house. side of the pool.

The next thing is to divert water, first of all is the Mo Lian Pond where Shi Xiao is sitting, his soft little hands slowly probed into the water of the pool, and indeed stopped at the last moment when they touched the water of the pool.

Although I didn't realize the danger, is it really okay to put your hand in so rashly?

Think about Shi Xiao grabbing a mutated chicken raised by Xiao Yuanling from the space.

In fact, she has no confidence, after all, she can't even enter the space, and she has lost contact with Xiao Yuanling. The living things in the space before seemed to have their own shields, and they didn't appear in her spiritual power at all.

So even though she has been in another world for so long, she really never thought about being able to bring out the living things in the space, if it wasn't for Mo Lianshixiao, she wouldn't have tried at all.

Fortunately, the effect was quite satisfactory. Looking at the big cock standing beside him honestly, Shi Xiao smiled.

"I'm sorry, big rooster. If anything happens to you, I will definitely treat you well. If you are gentle, don't braise it in soy sauce, let's stew it in clear water." Shi Xiao hugged it, which was more than twice the size of the pre-apocalyptic goose. The big cock moaned.

In other words, Shi Xiao has absolute control over everything in the space, otherwise, if such a big cock really pounces, it will be enough for her to keep busy for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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