I just want to have a good time

Chapter 355 355. Bamboo Forest

Chapter 355 355. Bamboo Forest
"Be honest, if you are lucky, I will give you extra meals later, be good."

Shi Xiao grabbed the head of the big rooster and told him again, then holding the big rooster with both hands, slowly put it into the water full of lingering liquid.

The spirit water slowly sank into the big cock's toenails, but there was no response, and then half of the toes went down, but there was still no response. Finally, Shi Xiao gritted his teeth and put both feet of the big cock in.

This time there was a reaction, but it was not an overreaction to being hurt, but a somewhat excited reaction. This big red-haired rooster even wanted to get out of Shi Xiao's palm, and wanted to rush into the pool.

Shi Xiao actually saw an emotion called can't wait in the eyes of a mutated chicken without wisdom. She was surprised that there was emotion in the eyes of the chicken.

This also further proves that the water is completely fine, no other substances are added, not only that, it is also quite liked by big cocks, Shi Xiao is relieved.

Even so, Shi Xiao didn't draw water immediately, but waited for another half an hour, and only after confirming that the chicken in his hand was fine, did he start.

This time without hesitation, he put his hand directly into the spirit pulp pool, and understood why the big cock was so excited.

At the moment of touching the spiritual pulp water, there is a numb and itchy feeling at the fingertips, a very warm and warm spiritual power slowly envelops the whole person along the palm of the hand, there is a kind of comfort from the soul feel.

Even the spiritual consciousness seems to have slowly increased by one point, which surprised Shi Xiao.

She couldn't enter the space, couldn't enter the hall to visualize, her spiritual consciousness hadn't grown for a long time since she came to this world, except for the time when she noticed the appearance of the spirit realm, she didn't expect to gain something in this respect.

Cultivators in the realm of comprehension can strengthen their spiritual consciousness through the growth of their own cultivation or through meditation. This method is simply not feasible for her, it is too difficult, and it is because her ability growth is too slow.

The last time the ability was upgraded was when the blind cat met a dead mouse, or maybe it was at the zero point, and the spiritual power she absorbed happened to touch this point, but the benefits were also huge.

And after entering this world, when he felt the spiritual realm in his body, his spiritual consciousness, that is, his spiritual power, had already made a qualitative leap. Shi Xiao couldn't tell the exact range that could be achieved, and there were monks everywhere in this world. In the world, she didn't dare to experiment.

Shi Xiao's eyes focused on the lotus in the pool, the water that nourishes it is good for the consciousness, Mo Lian really wouldn't believe it without her.

In less than 1 minute, a pool of spiritual water appeared in the space, but the spiritual water in the lotus pond did not drop at all, which is very similar to the Lingtan.

Then there is the black lotus flower in the pool. Since the water in the pool has no harm to the spiritual power, Shi Xiao has no scruples. He directly wraps the spiritual power around the black lotus and carefully peels off the lotus root at the bottom. in the dug pool.

After transplanting three stones in a row, Xiao Xiao stopped. One cannot be greedy, three stones are enough.

Then there is Yinlian, although the spiritual power also makes the body very comfortable and warm when diverting water, but other than these, Shi Xiao didn't notice any abnormalities.

It also peeled off the three anemone stones and stopped smiling.

Does she not know what this is?But what does it matter?

In short, it is enough to know whether it is a baby or not, maybe one day I will know.

Satisfied, Shi Xiao clapped her hands and left the edge of the pool, and walked towards the left aisle closest to her on both sides of the first seat of the main hall.

There are two passages on both sides of the first seat of the main hall. She had already discovered it when she first entered the main hall, but she didn't know where they led, whether there was any danger, or what...?
It was a very long veranda, and Shi Xiao didn't know how long he had walked there. All the plants on both sides of the veranda were strange flowers and plants that glowed with spiritual light, in short, Shi Xiao had never seen them before.

I wanted to go over to have a look, but then Shi Xiao stopped. She had already gained a lot from this trip to the secret realm. These flowers and plants look so harmonious and beautiful, so she still doesn't want to destroy this beauty.

Still continuing along the veranda, I don’t know if I walked for an hour or two hours, Shi Xiao stopped, and a cross corridor appeared in front of him, leading to four directions, which really stumped Shi Xiao. Can't make up my mind which way to go.

At this time, after several hours, the monks who used the fastest speed were finally getting closer and closer to Zetian Temple.

As the goal is reached, even if these sects meet on the same road along the way, they will live in peace. At this moment, everyone's thoughts are all on the Zezetian Hall, and there is no time to think about personal grievances or killing people to seize treasures.

Everyone knows that there are countless treasures of heaven and earth in the Zetian Palace in the secret realm of Shengjun Zetian, who would care about the two dates on the road.

Besides, the level of cultivation that can enter the secret realm is not much different, and it is not certain whether it can kill people and seize treasures. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to spend all the time on the road and try to reach Zetian Temple first.

So no matter in the forest, on the treetops or on the path, there will always be monks passing by.

But Shi Xiao, who was undecided in the veranda, decided to use the most stupid method, relying on God's will.

She took out a spoon from the space, turned it around, and finally she would go whichever way the handle of the spoon pointed to.

It's so good, you don't have to regret it, and leave everything to God's will.

The next road didn't take too long, and it was very smooth, without encountering any obstacles or formations, that is to say, Shi Xiao stood in a bamboo forest for more than half an hour.

There is a small path in the middle of the bamboo forest, which divides the forest into two pieces, one is covered with purple-gold bamboos, and the other is actually covered with dark-colored bamboos.

Zijinzhushixiao has seen it from the Continental Rare Treasures Record. It is a plant that can refine sacred artifacts. It is very rare and extremely precious.

But there is no record of this kind of ink-colored bamboo.

Even Zijin bamboo can be used to make sacred artifacts, and this kind of black bamboo should not be too bad, since it is a good thing anyway.

With such a large area, Shi Xiao really wouldn't be able to walk without a little help.

I don't know if her weapon can cut it. This is the purple golden bamboo that can be used to make sacred weapons. Shi Xiao is really not sure.

Try it, if you really can't collect it, use the most stupid way to dig it, if it still doesn't work, you won't force it.

He chose the thinnest Zijin bamboo, took out the most commonly used fishtail ax from the space, and then charged up his energy and slashed at the root of the Zijin bamboo.

"Clang..." There was a pain in the tiger's mouth, and then there was a wet and sticky feeling in the palm, and Shi Xiao knew that the tiger's mouth must have been shattered by the recoil.

The dark red blood dripped onto the ground along the handle of the axe, which made Shi Xiao feel distressed for a moment. What she didn't realize was that the wooden sign hanging down was also stained with blood, and then the palm began to heal itself. There was no trace of injury in the bloodstains.

On the contrary, there was a gap in the middle of the blade of the fishtail ax she was used to, and looking at Zijinzhu, not to mention the gap, there was not even a scratch, which shows how hard it is.

(End of this chapter)

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