I just want to have a good time

Chapter 356 356. Purple Gold Bamboo

Chapter 356 356. Purple Gold Bamboo

Obviously, the level of spirit weapon is not good. Considering that Shi Xiao took out the black knife collected in the cave, Shi Xiao's most intuitive feeling about this black knife is that it is very heavy.

Then she charged again and slashed at the Zijin bamboo, with a louder "clang", it looked a little stronger than before, at least there was a shallow trace, but it was still too shallow, I don't know if it would have to wait until the year of the monkey to cut it off Woolen cloth.

It seems that this method is also unworkable, and now we can only use the most primitive method... digging.

Alas, I just hope that the land under the Purple Spirit Bamboo doesn't have any special soil quality, otherwise I can only give up.

After picking and picking in the space, he found a spiritual weapon that was most like a shovel, and Shi Xiao didn't think about the ordinary iron shovel in the space at all.

Now... digging.

The spirit shovel shoveled vigorously into the soil under the Purple Gold Bamboo, and Shi Xiao felt it was hard, but he couldn't shovel it.

Under this force, the shovel sank into one third of the soil, Shi Xiao smiled when he saw this, there is a way.

So in the following time, she completely transformed into a hardworking bee, and began to compete with the soil.

It took her half an hour to dig the heels of the purple golden bamboos, digging a deep hole of up to two meters, but then the problem came again.

The root system of the Purple Golden Bamboo is too dense, intertwined intricately and densely, so dense that it is impossible to tell which one is which, let alone the length of the root system. Shi Xiao really has no idea whether she can pull it out.

What?The root system is thin, cut it off... Hehe, if it can be cut off, why is she working so hard?
Fortunately, these purple golden bamboos are not tall, the tallest one is only about two meters, and the normal one is more than one meter. Shi Xiao thinks there is still hope for pulling her out.

Throwing away the spirit shovel in her hand, she held the egg-thick purple golden bamboo with both hands, and was not in a hurry to pull it out. She was going to loosen the roots of the purple golden bamboo first to loosen the soil, so she kept shaking the few purple golden bamboos in the pit back and forth.

It would be great if the root could be broken by shaking like this. Of course, this is just a thought, let's work harder.

This action lasted for a total of several minutes, and the effect really came out. The tightness between the root system and the soil layer was obviously loosened, and some roots had automatically drilled out of the soil during the continuous shaking.

Then she started the first attempt to pull out the bamboo, half leaning her body, gathered her hands together and lifted it vigorously, and then her expression froze.

The Purple Gold Bamboo didn't look big, but it was quite heavy. It moved, but it obviously lacked strength, and it couldn't be pulled out successfully.

Maybe the posture was wrong, so Shi Xiao was going to change the posture again, maybe the result would be different.

In the end, Shi Xiao couldn't help laughing, his IQ guessed that he was stupid because of practicing kung fu.

If you can't pull it up, you can't pull it up. Can you pull it up by changing the posture?

But it took so much effort to dig out the roots. If you give up like this, you will be a little bit unwilling!
Had to do something else.

No matter how precious Zijin Bamboo is, it is also a plant. Thinking of the particularity of your own abilities, maybe you can try it.

It's not that he didn't think about his own abilities before, but when he thought that Zijinzhu was different from ordinary spiritual plants, and that she had never communicated with her at this level, Shi Xiao stopped thinking about communicating.

But now there is no other way, the pit has been dug, this is the last way, if you can't control the root system of Zijin bamboo to come out of the soil, you have to give up.

At the same time, this also shows that she has no fate with this bamboo forest, and there is no need to force it.

Then Shi Xiao put his hand on the Zijin Bamboo again, and the rich green instantly wrapped the whole bamboo in it, spread down, and transmitted his thoughts into the Zijin Bamboo.

One second, two seconds, five seconds... 30 seconds passed, and just when Shi Xiao was about to think that he had failed, the roots of the Purple Golden Bamboo finally started to move and at the same time, Shi Xiao felt a sense of arrogance. Breath, very weak, but really there.

Looking at the Zijin Zhushi in the pit who quickly moved out of the soil, he smiled and heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, he didn't have to waste his efforts in vain.

The moment Purple Gold Bamboo moved out, Shi Xiao directly took it into the space, followed by Black Bamboo.

With the lessons learned from Zijinzhu, Mozhu also took much less time, and was also taken into the space.

No matter how much bamboo is left, Shi Xiao is not going to take it. The main reason is that it is too laborious. The ground under these bamboos is too hard, and he needs to dig first before using the ability.

After wading through this bamboo forest and wading through a crystal clear stream, Shi Xiao stopped in his tracks.

Not far ahead stands a quaint pagoda.

Shi Xiao approached slowly with doubts. This is a three-storey pagoda with a black gilt gate of the same texture. There are a few popular Chinese characters "Zangshu Pavilion" engraved on the top of the gate. You can understand what it is at a glance mean.

These three characters made Shi Xiao's interest immediately increased.

Books in this world are very expensive, especially the ones about cultivation are the most expensive among the expensive ones. She used more than 100 middle-grade spirit stones for the few dozen books she bought, and she really couldn't afford them if she had no money.

Money in the secular world is even more impossible, so if ordinary people do not have a guide, it can be said that it is as difficult as reaching the sky if they want to cultivate.

Looking at this pagoda stone, she smiled calmly, approached slowly, and then gently attached the hand with the wooden sign to the door when she wanted to enter the Zetian Temple. As expected, she was not disappointed, and a familiar suction hit her. Lai Shixiao disappeared.

After a sense of weightlessness, Shi Xiao appeared in the tower, and all he saw were bookshelves one by one, and there were thousands of books in a circle.

Just as Shi Xiao was about to move closer to a bookshelf, the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly came from the second floor of the pavilion above his head.

Shi Xiaodun flashed to a bookshelf, wondering if anyone entered this palace before her.

It shouldn't be!It's not impossible to see along the way here. No one is faster than her, even those nearby are not as fast as her. After all, in the secret realm, except for her who can fly, everyone else can only rely on their feet.

This is what she inadvertently learned from several monks.

In fact, it is not that she has no doubts in this regard. She has seen many teams in a few months, and each team travels on two feet, and none of them can fly with a sword.

After listening to the words of these people, she was able to clear up her confusion, and only then did she know that a no-fly ban was set up in the air in the secret realm.

And she was the only exception. As for why it was an exception, she also wondered about it when she was fine.

Shi Xiao prefers that the spiritual power in her body is fundamentally different from the spiritual root of this world, or has something to do with her perverted spiritual domain.

The spiritual power she used to control the sword was only output through the spiritual realm, maybe that's why the state of the spiritual power had changed, which was different from what was set in the restriction, so it wasn't captured by it.

Of course, these are all her assumptions, and there is another possibility related to the tattoo on her wrist. She still remembers that the Nine Spirit Orbs responded when she entered the secret realm.

So here comes the question, what is the sound of footsteps above, it can't be the guardian beast of the tower.

Shi Xiao felt that she might be telling the truth, because from the shadow reflected by the stairs, it was obvious that it was an animal on all fours.

She subconsciously shrank herself behind the bookshelf, her breathing was at the lowest level, the current her is different from that in the last days, she can hide in the space at any time when she encounters danger.

Now she can only face the danger. If she can't solve it, if her life is in danger, she can only take the risk and hold down the Wood Spirit Orb.

(End of this chapter)

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