I just want to have a good time

Chapter 360 360. Enter

Chapter 360 360. Enter

After walking for a long time without encountering any danger, Meng Changhe, who was clueless, squinted his eyes to his left.

That light might be an opportunity, Meng Changhe's heart was moved, he couldn't keep wandering aimlessly in the forest like this.

This forest surrounded by mist is not like the formation they were sent into before, everything is an illusion of inner demons, this is a real dense forest.

The trees and plants are all real. In order not to go wrong, he put a lot of marks on the trees along the way, but in fact he didn't go out much at all, and kept circling in this forest.

Since he had no idea, he might as well go and have a look.

What he didn't know was that other people trapped in the misty forest almost at the same time also noticed the shimmering light in the forest.

This is the middle formation of the Lost Formation. This formation is composed of countless parallel formations, which will collide and fuse together at a special node. The result of the fusion and opening of the parallel formations will also make opportunities and crises coexist in the misty forest.

At this moment, after a little hesitation, several people in the misty forest walked firmly towards the direction of the light spot.

Qin Yu walked even more resolutely, because this direction was exactly the birth gate pointed by the formation board in his hand.

Qin Yu walked in the misty forest for a long time. Although he didn't turn around in circles, no matter how fast he was, he still couldn't get out of the direction of the Shengmen pointed by the formation plate. When he saw that the luminous place was in the direction of the Shengmen The bottom of my heart is relieved, so he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.


In the pagoda, Shi Xiao faced the gossip diagram in the energy wave. Shi Xiao really didn't see any pattern in the inscription pattern in the picture, but he also knew that there must be a pattern.

She tried her best to search for knowledge about yin-yang and gossip in her mind, but unfortunately, Shi Xiao really knew very little about this knowledge, which was extremely lacking.

The silver-horned beast stood aside and looked at Shi Xiao, not understanding what this seemingly incomprehensible master was thinking, and neither entered nor left. Humans are really the most difficult animal to understand.

Is it really necessary to do what the silver-horned beast said? Seeing the arrogant appearance of the silver-horned beast, Shi Xiao was going to wait a little longer, and then took out a few formation books collected earlier from the space, and prepared to show it Learn to sell now.

Gossip, gossip, Shi Xiao used his mental power to quickly flip through several books at the same time. As long as she found the gossip array, she would use all her heart to compare it with the gossip array in the energy wave, trying to find the differences and similarities.

And after she compared and observed so hard, she still didn't understand, not only that, the more she read, the more confused she felt, Shi Xiao gave up and put these books into the space.

The content in the book is too profound, and learning is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Shi Xiao felt that she might be a little bit drifting. With her new knowledge of formations, if she really flipped through it a few times, she would be able to understand it. How embarrassing are the saints who created these magic circles.

The inscription pattern in the Bagua diagram is even more incomprehensible, let alone the meaning it represents, but what is certain is that it should be some kind of special restriction to help refining.

Come on, after wasting so much time, I ended up doing what Silverhorn said.

The Bagua map is very large, it can be said that except for the corners, the entire pavilion is covered by it.

There are also inscription patterns, and some strange patterns that she can't understand. Although she doesn't understand them, she has an intuition that it is best not to touch them.

Exhaling heavily, Shi Xiao was ready to start.

The first step was easy, stepping through the energy wave and stepping into a space without inscriptions and patterns, but Shi Xiao was a little dumbfounded when he saw the next space closest to her.

The moment the feet landed, a soft ray of light was emitted from the space, and with this ray of light, a light illuminated the other seven spaces along the Eight Diagrams.

The order of the seven illuminated spaces was obviously forward, which reminded her of what she saw in the book just now.

This should be the "Shunchuan" described in the book, also known as "Feijiugong" and "Zoujiugong", that is, "Shikan, Cikun, Cizhen, Cixun, Fuxi in Zhonggong. From Zhonggong to Qian , Cidui, Cigen, and Cili, it will be completed in a week."

This is all described in the book, and it is really difficult for Shi Xiao, who can't lighten his body, to practice it in practice. Now he finally understands what the gloating in the eyes of the silver horned beast refers to.

But she has no way to lighten herself, but she has colorful wings!No matter how tortuous and complicated the direction of the illuminated hexagram is, she can guarantee that it will be completed in one go.

In fact, there is also a set of footwork in the Heart Sword, but entering the battle requires one-step synthesis. Even if this set of footwork is blessed with spiritual power, if there is no power point, it will not be able to go from the sub-shock in the east to the sub-shock in the middle palace to the west. Dui, obviously this set of footwork is not applicable here. (Don't take it too seriously, the author is purely fictitious)
Next, Shi Xiaozhanyi arrived at Cili, Cigen, Cidui, Gan and so on from Shikan where she was standing, and had to cross the middle palace a few times in the middle, which required her to synthesize in one go, and finally stood safely in Chuzhong palace. In front of the wooden desk.

Taking a breath, Shi Xiao gave the Silver Horned Beast outside the energy wave a look, causing it to roll its eyes, but the wings on Shi Xiao's back surprised it.

In other words, it has lived for a long time, so long that it does not know how many years, I have never seen wings of different colors appearing in this energy state.

Then the wooden card unlocked the invisible state and reappeared in Shi Xiao's hand. Shi Xiao held the wooden card and looked at the circular sphere in the wooden case that was made of the same material as the wooden card.

The sphere is engraved with unknown lines, and the missing piece on the top is exactly the same as the wooden sign in Shi Xiao's hand.

What Shi Xiao has to do now is to put the wooden sign in his hand on top of the missing sphere.

Having come here, there is nothing to hesitate, Shi Xiao nimbly pressed the wooden sign on the sphere, and the moment he pressed it, the sphere sank slowly with a click, and stopped when it sank to the same level as the wooden table, and then the wooden sign The overall state of the case changed, from a round table that looked like a Transformer into a small palace, and then a circle of depressions similar to blood grooves extended along the top of the palace to the wall.

At this time, the Silver Horn Beast transmitted the voice, and it seemed a little reluctant to call out the word "Master", but it still shouted out stutteringly.

"Master...Master, blood sacrifice, Bao Yuan Shou Yi..."

Shi Xiao: "..."

Really want to bleed!Looking at his white hands, it wasn't that he was afraid of pain, but mainly because he couldn't move his hands, and he was worried about the amount of bleeding.

"Yinjiao, will this blood sacrifice lose too much blood?"

"Silver Horn?" The Silver Horn Beast exclaimed.

"Yes, isn't it nice? The name I gave you is worthy of the unique and beautiful unicorn on your head."

It's right to praise the arrogant horned beast, and the name must also be there, otherwise you can't call that guy, this guy or hello.

Silver Horned Beast: "..."

Whether the name Silver Horn sounds good or not, the Silver Horn Beast doesn't know, but it can still hear the master's praise. In short, it praises the unicorn on its head for its good growth, and it really thinks so.

This unicorn is not its narcissism. In the entire Skyscrapers Continent and even the upper realm it has reached, it has never seen anyone more beautiful and stylish than its unicorn.

For the sake of...the Lord...for the sake of being so discerning, Yinjiao should be Yinjiao, and it sounds pretty good.

As for whether it will bleed too much, the silver-horned beast is looking at its master, with guilty conscience in its eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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