I just want to have a good time

Chapter 361 361. Blood Sacrifice

Chapter 361 361. Blood Sacrifice

The silver-horned beast silently turned its gaze back, and said via voice transmission: "That...Master...Master, don't worry, it shouldn't take much?"

Once, the owner of the Silver Horn Beast yelled not as awkwardly as before.

"Should?" Shi Xiao asked in surprise, a feeling of unreliability came to him, this guy doesn't know, right?Shi Xiao looked suspiciously at the silver horned beast.

"Yinjiao, how much is it? I don't want to hide it, or...you know it." Shi Xiao made a movement of punching, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

Being threatened, the silver-horned beast curled its lips, but it didn't feel like it was a big deal. When Shengjun was around, he often threatened it with his eyes. Cleaning it up was a long matter, but enough was enough.

But it is really not sure about the owner, as the owner of Zetian Temple has absolute right to life and death over it, if he is upset, he can't help but tremble when he thinks of this silver-horned beast.

"Just a little bit" If the Silver Horned Beast had hands, it would rub its fingers and demonstrate it.

"Really?" Shi Xiao looked sideways at the Silver Horn Beast, not believing it.

The silver-horned beast's huge head nodded fiercely, "Really, I'm not sure if it's someone else, but the master's physique is different. I can see that the master's body seems to be piled up with spiritual power. Although a blood sacrifice is required, it is also related to the spiritual power contained in the blood, and the spiritual power in the master's body should not require much." After finishing speaking, he nodded and looked at Shi Xiao very seriously.

The silver-horned beast's gaze was so firm, this time Shi Xiao didn't look at it suspiciously, and chose to believe it for the time being.

But when she looked at her hands, she still felt very distressed. If she was asked to fight, she would not care about the pain at all, but this is different. This is to cut herself with a knife.

No matter what should be cut or cut, Shi Xiao took out a dagger from the space, waved it on the palm of his hand a few times, but still couldn't choose where to stab.

No matter what, Shi Xiao closed his eyes and quickly slashed at the palm of his hand, a feeling of coolness and then warmth gushed out from the palm of his hand.

What are you waiting for?She quickly pointed her palm at the blood groove on the miniature palace. The blood flowed very fast, and she had already used the lightest force when cutting with the knife. Now it seems that the amount of bleeding is still a bit heavy.

One breath, two breaths... When Shi Xiao found out that the ten-breath mini palace hadn't undergone any changes for the blood sacrifice, Shi Xiao had already started cursing the beast in his heart, feeling that he had been tricked.

At the No. 20th breath, the palace began to rotate and shimmer, otherwise Shi Xiao really couldn't help but want to move his palm.

The main reason is that the amount of bleeding is too great. Although the value of these books is amazing, it cannot be compared with the precious body at all.

While the palace was moving and emitting light, Shi Xiao decisively ended the blood sacrifice and wrapped the wound with a supernatural power.And with the spread of light, the inscription patterns in the gossip diagram array seem to be ignited by light, floating in the air, and rapidly rotating around Shi Xiao and the palace.

The entire gossip array was shrouded in light, and the silver-horned beast was relieved to see this. As long as the master can persevere, the secret realm will belong to the master without accident, and it can continue to dominate among the beasts.

And Shi Xiao, who was shrouded in light, was sitting cross-legged in the formation at this moment, some of the inscriptions and patterns in the formation were scrambling to be accommodated in Shi Xiao's sea of ​​consciousness, and some of them were integrated into the palace.

The speed was very fast, like a force-feeding force, Shi Xiao was glad for the first time that his consciousness was strong enough, otherwise he would never be able to withstand this powerful energy.

Sure enough, nothing is good, and they have already reached this state. Whatever they say, they must stick to it. Shi Xiao tried hard to maintain his figure and gritted his teeth.

On the other side, Qin Yu and other monks in the misty forest had also arrived at the Land of Light.

However, the treasure was not seen but the light was still there. When they arrived, before they had time to be surprised, there was a sudden thick fog in the misty forest, and the eyes were instantly covered by white fog, and nothing could be seen in the fog.

Almost instantly, everyone subconsciously closed their breaths, their whole bodies tensed up, ready to fight at any time.

Then the misty forest trembled for a while, and when the people in the forest tried their best to maintain their figures, the misty forest returned to calm and the thick fog in the forest slowly dissipated.

However, the forest is still surrounded by mist, but the place where they belong seems to have changed, the surrounding plants are different, and the aura is more abundant.

It was the fog and the vibration just now, so they changed their positions unconsciously, what a powerful formation, several people thought of this almost at the same time, and sighed.

Qin Yu held the formation disk in his hand, Shi Ling wanted to continue searching for the life gate, but the suppression disk seemed to be disturbed by some kind, and the pointer was spinning crazily.

Qin Yu looked around, wondering if his intuition was wrong, what seemed to be hidden in the mist?
Frowning, he put away the formation plate, pulled out the purple gold sword, and moved slowly with a solemn expression.

Qin Yu's side moved slowly, and in a dense forest not far from him, Ling Yu'er from the Lingzong looked warily at Meng Changhe opposite.

After the fog cleared, Ling Yu'er keenly sensed that there was an extra breath not far from her, and when she swiped her whip to point her finger, she realized that it was Meng Changhe from the Wuji Sect.

The two turned around almost at the same time and pointed their weapons at each other, their eyes full of guard.

As a leader of the younger generation, although he can't say he understands [-]% of the opponents who can count among his peers, he can still get a general idea.

Ling Yu'er recognized Meng Changhe's strength, but she really didn't have any feelings for Meng Changhe's ruthlessness and method of doing things, and they didn't usually meet each other.

Ling Yu'er spoke first, and said flatly: "So it's Brother Meng, I'm sorry."

Let Ling Yuer, who has always been aloof and cold, take the initiative to speak, which shows that Ling Yuer is cautious about Meng Changhe.

"So it's Junior Sister Ling! Disrespect and disrespect." Meng Changhe took a deep look at Ling Yu'er and laughed, before putting down the weapon in his hand.

Seeing this, Ling Yuer nodded and accepted the whip, but her expression did not relax.

"Junior Sister Ling, it's fate to meet here, why don't we walk together." Meng Changhe invited.

Ling Yu'er: "Thank you Brother Meng for not giving up, but I have some personal matters, and I'm afraid it's not convenient."

Ling Yu'er resolutely refused. Although her strength was not much different from Meng Changhe's, she was a bit short after all. Walking together was not the same as seeking skin from a tiger. She didn't think that Meng Changhe was purely out of kindness. From what she knew about Meng Changhe, he was always insidious. He has no such thing as cunning and kindness.

Hearing the rejection, Meng Changhe was not surprised, smiled, and looked at Ling Yu'er meaningfully, "Since that's the case, I won't force you, let's take a step first." After speaking, he nodded and turned to leave in another direction.

Ling Yu'er turned and left in the opposite direction to Meng Changhe until she could no longer see Meng Changhe's figure.

At this time, Qin Yu stopped by a tree and fell into deep thought. This is an extremely rare tree of Yunshen wood. Usually, a single branch can cause a big fight, but there is actually a whole one here.

With it, it can not only maintain the primordial spirit, promote the primordial spirit to be more condensed, but also resist the opponent's spiritual consciousness attack that is much higher than one's own level in battle.

Qin Yu looked around and although the factors that made him uneasy still existed, he didn't find any obvious abnormalities. Qin Yu used Qin's Mu Jue again, but unfortunately he couldn't penetrate the fog, but he could confirm that the tree was real.

(End of this chapter)

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