I just want to have a good time

Chapter 362 362. Malicious

Chapter 362 362. Malicious
Since it was true, Qin Yu didn't hesitate, and took out the bardic sword of the king's level handed to him by his ancestors when he set off.

Ordinary weapons are useless to this kind of sacred tree, and Qin Yu is not confident even if he takes out the Yinyou Sword.

Yu Ling ignited the bard sword, jumped up with his feet on the ground, and slashed hard at the thinnest branch on the tree.

The sound of "哐" sounded, and the hand holding the sword felt pain, and the Yinyou sword cut into the branch. Seeing this, Qin Yu was determined to move as long as he could.

So he chopped three more swords in a row, and a piece of Yun Shenmu, the thickness of a baby's arm, fell to the ground and was immediately taken into space by Qin Yu.

Then the sword in his hand continued, and it took a stick of incense to chop off four pieces of Yunshenwood that were as thick as a baby's arm and one piece of Yunshenwood that was as thick as an adult's arm. Qin Yu gave up, these were enough.

Regretfully, he glanced at the thick Yunshen tree. Just as he was about to leave, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he stopped with his back against the Yunshen tree.

An aura full of malice came out of the mist suddenly, coming very quickly, urgently, and abruptly.

At the same time, faint footsteps came from behind the Yunshen Tree, and Qin Yu glanced at Ling Yu'er from the Spirit Sect.

Ling Yuer, who arrived here, immediately noticed the Yunshen tree, Qin Yu behind the tree, and the layers of malice emanating from the surrounding mist.

At the same time, the Buddha, Sun Ru, Meng Changhe and others who were walking in the misty forest also stopped, looking at the mist outside the forest with sharp eyes like eagles.

Ling Yu'er saw that behind the tree was Qin Yu's tense heart, and the monk who entered the secret realm could make Ling Yu'er trust him a little bit is Qin Yu from Shang Yuanzong.

"Raise your glass and look at the sky, bright as a jade tree before the wind", probably referring to a son who is out of this world like Qin Yu.

To be honest, Ling Yu'er couldn't even feel jealous of the tall and handsome Qin Yu in front of her eyes, she could only look up to her perfection.

What made her trust is Qin Yu's personality. Although this person treats everyone with a cold look, he never hides his secrets and never harms others at will. As long as he doesn't provoke him, he won't provoke him either. you.

"Brother Qin", Ling Yu'er walked a few steps quickly and stood still a few steps away from Qin Yu, and said quietly.

Qin Yu nodded slightly to Ling Yu'er indifferently, then continued to look at the mist intently, and then drew out the Zijin sword.

Ling Yu'er also held the whip and looked at the mist solemnly.


I don't know if the two words whispered were reminding herself or Qin Yu. In short, Ling Yu'er held the consonant whip even tighter. Under the infusion of spiritual power, countless barbs appeared on the whip. Even if a whip is thrown on a monk, it is enough to drink a pot.

As the ground trembled slightly, one by one rhinoceros, horned beasts, manes, giant pythons, etc. quickly climbed or jumped out of the fog, rushing towards the intruders in the plant forest from different directions.

The speed was very fast, almost in an instant, whether it was Qin Yu's side, or Meng Changhe, Buddha's son, and Sun Ru, they all fought with these fierce beasts and spirit beasts.

Qin Yu dodged the lightning strike and had just stabbed a horned beast with a mane covered in steel hairs and rushed up.

The long fangs were shining with a cold light. Seeing that they were about to penetrate Qin Yu, Qin Yu stepped on the fangs, and suddenly stepped down like a thousand weights, and half of the fangs and the head of the fangs fell into the ground in an instant. , the same sword was pierced.

Qin Yu swung his sword with his right hand to resist, and as his left hand formed a seal quickly, the temperature dropped sharply. While waving his hand, a zero-degree storm hit all the beasts within a hundred meters around.

Almost instantly, the beasts affected by the storm froze into carvings, and were shattered into slag by Qin Yu's next move. The whole process took only a few breaths.

At the same time, Ling Yuer, who was besieged by all kinds of beasts, used a wall of flames to resist the steel thorns of the mane, and then swept over the dozen or so arrogant mane in front of him with a shower of fire and meteors.

The power of the hyena group attack is very powerful. If it is really dangerous for a monk in the foundation establishment realm, it is a pity that it is Ling Yuer who is in the middle and late stage of Jindan. Grilled mane.

The consonant thorn fire whip in his hand also made the beasts unable to get close, and not a few died under the whip.

The battle on Fozi's side was also very intense. Corrosion beasts walked out of the darkness for some unknown reason, looking at Fozi with burning eyes as if they had been injected with hormones, as if they would become holy immediately after eating them. fairy.

Piles of corroding beasts rushed towards the Buddha one after another. Suddenly, a pitch-black alms bowl exuding golden light was suspended above the Buddha's head, and a golden mask enveloped it, isolating the venom sprayed by the corroding beasts. Died under the gentle Buddha Yunjin hand of Fozi.

Meng Changhe's 'luck' was good, he was besieged by a group of giant pythons, surrounded by their huge bodies, several giant pythons attacked at the same time, and swallowed Meng Changhe with their huge mouths open.

The stench made Meng Changhe, who was walking on the extreme shadow step, frown, and escaped the engulfment of the giant python like an afterimage, and the Wuji knife, which had grown several feet, also slashed across the huge body of the giant python like lightning.

The huge size of their bodies is their advantage and also their disadvantage. Once the opponent evades their attack, they may face a fatal blow before they can change their body shape.

The domineering saber energy under the Wuji knife penetrated the hard-as-iron protective layer, piercing through the flesh and blood, and the giant python besieging him was split into several sections except for the head.

The death of these giant pythons and the blood of the same kind also drove the remaining giant pythons into madness. Their huge tails flung at the tiny humans one after another, and they swallowed Meng Changhe with their huge mouths.

The surrounding trees kept collapsing due to the madness of the giant pythons, dust was flying, and the branches and leaves filled the sky. Meng Changhe kept shuttling among the giant pythons, and at the same time, giant pythons kept falling to the ground.

The dragon-slaying earth dragon roared, and the dust covered the sky to block the thunder force of the horned beasts. At the same time, the thorn-like earth thorns pierced through their bodies with a speed that could not be avoided.


The battle was very fierce, and a steady stream of ferocious beasts and spirit beasts continued to pass through the fog and went into the hunt. The foggy forest was filled with a strong smell of blood, which also stimulated the ferocity of the beasts.

An hour later, the fog gradually dissipated, and he killed the last one-horned rhinoceros that could control the earth. Qin Yu lowered the purple gold sword in his hand, and blood dripped down the blade to the ground. The foggy forest also returned to calm, terror The sound of the beast disappeared.

At this time, the foggy forest was full of corpses of ferocious beasts and spirit beasts, the land was dyed red in patches, and many plants collapsed and were damaged during the battle.

However, a sacred object like the Yunshen Tree only lost a few leaves in such a fierce battle, not even a single bark.

After a quarter of an hour, after confirming again and again that there were no ferocious beasts, Qin Yu relaxed and sat on a collapsed tree.

The same is true for Ling Yu'er, fighting non-stop for an hour and outputting spiritual power, she does feel a little tired and needs to slow down.

It was only time to relax, and Ling Yu'er got up and stood beside the Yunshen tree, took out a small golden axe, and jumped onto the Yunshen tree.

After some comparisons, she finally chose a relatively small branch and chopped it down vigorously. The reaction of the force under one blow shook her ax immediately from the right hand to the left, and started the second hard blow, and then the second Three times, the fourth time, the fifth time... After countless times of "clang, clang, clang", a branch finally fell successfully, and Ling Yu'er caught it in her hand, with a faint smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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