Chapter 363.

When Ling Yu'er collected the Yun Shenmu and fell to the ground, Qin Yu had disappeared.

A trace of regret flashed across her eyes, and Ling Yu'er stepped over the corpse on the ground and left here.

Without the cover of the mist, the pavilions and towering palaces in the distance are faintly reflected in the eyes of everyone.
Qin Yu was the first to arrive at the veranda that Shi Xiao had passed by.

It was okay at first, most of them were ordinary flowers and plants, but as they got closer to the palace, the rare and exotic plants on both sides of the corridor made Qin Yu unable to calm down, and his heart beat gradually accelerated.

These are rare treasures in the outside world, but here they are planted casually in the garden beside the veranda.

In just a moment, he saw the Spiritual Purification Grass, Purple Gold Ginseng, Big Leaf Vine, Black Flood Dragon Tree, Half Ginseng Fruit, and even the Spiritual Flower, etc. These sacred spiritual plants are difficult for monks to move when they see them.

Qin Yu carefully walked through the veranda into the garden, or used tools or spiritual power to dig or pick exotic plants according to their habits.

When Qin Yu dug out the Zijin Mountain and the psychic flower, Ling Yu'er and others also came here one after another. They were all shocked by the holy relics of the spiritual plant they saw in front of them. One can imagine the excitement in their hearts. The characters can't stand still.

On the other side, the blood sacrifice was also at its last moment. As the inscriptions on the back of the formation disappeared, the gossip flashed a dazzling light, and a hurricane-like spiritual power poured into the formation from the top of the tower, knocking Shi Xiao And the mini palace wrapped in it.

Shi Xiao, who was in a storm of spiritual power, was suddenly flooded into her body by crazy spiritual power. In an instant, the strength of the spiritual power made her whole body expand like a sphere. Zhu was also devouring spiritual power, Shi Xiaozhen was worried that he would be exploded to death by this huge spiritual power.

The whole process lasted for about an hour. With the gradual weakening of the spiritual power, the palace in the palace of the array suddenly lifted into the air and rotated rapidly. Under Shi Xiao's gaze, it turned faster and faster, and finally turned into a streamer attached to Shi Xiao's body on the wrist.

The wooden sign is still in the position of the Lingzhu, but the leaf pattern on the pattern of the wooden sign has changed into a pattern of a miniature palace, surrounded by plants, mountains, rivers, and strange animals.

When the wooden sign was attached to Shi Xiao's wrist, the whole space began to vibrate violently. Although the shock was strong, Shi Xiao standing in the pavilion was as stable as a rock, and the silver-horned beast was knocked dizzy by the inertia of swinging from side to side. element, scroll back and forth.

The shock came so suddenly that Qin Yu, Fozi and others, who were picking the holy medicine of spiritual plants, were thrown away from the garden in an instant before they had time to set up their defenses. Respond and stabilize your figure.

The cultivators caught in self-desire in the confusion formation were just awakened by the shock, and were immediately sucked in by an irreversible suction force, and instantly disappeared in the Zetian Secret Realm, along with Qin Yu's disciple Meng Changhe and others.

Under the kind reminder of the Silver Horn Beast, Shi Xiao was also spit out by the secret realm under this suction force, and quietly hid behind a tree.

At this time, most of the monks who were thrown out of the secret realm were thrown into a daze, looking at the fading secret realm in the sky with a dazed expression.

There is no warning that the secret realm will end this time, and the time is one month faster than before. Although they have obtained some good things in the secret realm, the supreme skill of Shengjun Zetian that they most want is still there. Weapons are missing.

At this time, not only the monks who entered the secret realm were stunned, but also the teachers and colleagues from various sects waiting here.

However, everyone gathered in front of their juniors or fellow students as soon as possible.

"Are you okay?" The elders of Shang Yuanzong looked at the disciples of the sect headed by Qin Yu with concern, there was no one missing, it was fine, and they all heaved a sigh of relief.

Qin Yu shook his head, looked at the secret realm that was about to disappear in the sky with deep and dark eyes, and then casually glanced behind a tree in the distance.

The moment he fell into the secret realm, he seemed to see a familiar figure, dressed in a green shirt, resembling a person.

Thinking of the flashing colorful streamer in the secret realm, Qin Yu's eyes became even darker.

If it was really her, how did she enter the secret realm? There are 36 fragments, one piece is not too many, and one piece is not missing. Could it be that something happened after he entered the secret realm that he doesn't know about?
Following the sect master to a hidden place, Qin Yu finally asked the question in his heart.

"Indeed, after you entered, a figure was sucked in at the last moment when the secret realm was closed." The fourth elder looked at Qin Yu, "Did you find anything?"

Qin Yu shook his head, "I just saw a light in the sky of the secret realm."

"Fourth Elder, I also saw it. When Zetian Temple was born, a colorful light slid past at a very fast speed on our way to Zetian Temple," Liu Tao said, and several others nodded.

Although the light is very fast, they can still see a figure in the light with their eyesight, but the problem is that all of them are suppressed and oppressed in the secret realm, and they can't fly in the air at all. This is something that everyone can't figure out.

The Fourth Elder and the Fifth Elder beside him looked at each other. It was indeed a little strange. The more powerful the secret realm or the small world, there were almost all kinds of restrictions, how could anyone ignore it.

Almost at the same time, the two thought of the last person who was sucked into the secret realm. Perhaps the problem was with this person. Unfortunately, the speed was too fast at that time, and only an afterimage was seen.

And now is not the time to be entangled in this, the secret realm has been closed, and now it is time to heal the disciples and bring them back to the sect.

Wei Gu and the others hurriedly found a place that seemed to be hidden and hid before the darkness came after the eldest brother entered Zetian Palace.

It turned out that they hid well, but they were dragged by people from other sects and discovered by ferocious beasts. It was a night of scuffle. Everyone was slightly or seriously wounded, but no one was missing.

There is also Qin Yu who was inhaled into the main hall. Although they all escaped from the secret realm without any worries, except for Qin Yu and other people, everyone else was slightly or seriously wounded, and they were all wounded in their hearts during the enchantment formation. Injured by monsters transformed by obsession or greed.

If it wasn't for Shi Xiao's success in refining in the secret realm, the monks who couldn't overcome their obsession or greed and fell into the obsession formation would eventually disappear in the formation and become nutrients in it. Shi Xiao could be regarded as indirectly saving some people .

"Let's go, leave here and go back to the sect." The fourth elder looked around cautiously, stared at several malicious eyes, threw the spaceship and left the sea area with his disciples.

In a short period of time, several streamers left soon, and the number of monks on the ground decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shi Xiao also took the opportunity to spread his wings and disappear in this sea area. There are too many prying eyes, so it is best to leave as soon as possible for safety.

Shi Xiao, who originally wanted to return to the end of the world immediately, was moved when he saw the spirit boats soaring into the sky and disappearing.

So I still decided to go back to Shangyuan City first, go shopping in Duobao Pavilion, and buy him a lot of money. She is a big money among the big money now, there are a lot of spirit stones, and she is not short of money.

The other one lived in Qin Yu's place for such a long time, since she had already decided to leave, she had to go to say hello, butler Li usually took good care of her, so it was really inappropriate to leave without saying goodbye.

Make up your mind, pay attention to Shi Xiaocai's wings, and she flicks away in the direction of Shangyuan City.

"Fourth Elder, look?" Liu Tao pointed in one direction and exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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