I just want to have a good time

Chapter 364 364. Letter

Chapter 364 364. Letter

It's a pity that when everyone looked over, the light disappeared in a flash and disappeared in this sea area.

Qin Yu stared for a long time and did not look back. Although he only saw a fleeting light, Qin Yu was almost sure of the colorful peripheral vision.

Shi Xiao has most likely come to this island, and there is a very high probability that the flashing light and shadow she saw in the secret realm is also her.

"Is it the same?" The two elders also looked at the direction where Shi Xiao disappeared.

Liu Tao was the first to notice and see the most clearly, nodding firmly.

Hearing that the eyes of the two elders flashed a trace of pity, it was too late to find out, otherwise there might be other gains if they catch up, what a pity.

It's a pity that not only they searched the ship, but the same scene happened in several other spaceships.

These Shi Xiaos didn't know that they had transported enough spiritual power and flew towards Shangyuan City at a speed much faster than the spirit boat.

After the same day and night, Shi Xiao finally saw the shadow of his destination, Shangyuan City.

Shi Xiao frowned, chose a hidden place to land, and honestly paid to enter the city.

Flying is prohibited in Shangyuan City. Once found out, the fine alone may ruin the cultivator's fortune. If you don't accept it, as long as you can beat the god-turning masters in the city, it's okay.

Qin Yu specially told her this when she first came to Shangyuan City, because she was afraid that she would bump into it without knowing the rules.

Of course, if there is an emergency, it is not impossible. If it is found that his name is reported, the Lord of Shangyuan City is a disciple of Shang Yuanzong, and his name as the young master of Shangyuanzong is still useful.

After entering the city, Shi Xiao went straight to Duobao Pavilion with a clear goal. It was the largest treasure pavilion in Shangyuan City, and it also sold the most complete items.

Counting this time, she came here three times.

The guys in Duobao Pavilion already knew her, and when they saw Shi Xiao, they immediately came forward with a smile on their faces.

Can you not recognize me?Every time Shi Xiao comes over, he will bring a lot of spirit stones. This is a very rich master, and they all secretly guess that this Xing is a son of an aristocratic family or a sect who has been born and experienced.

"Master, you are here. Please come inside. If you need anything, please tell me." The man bowed and said enthusiastically, rejoicing in his heart that if it weren't for his sharp eyesight, he might not be able to serve him. Not many, but they are generous every time, which is very popular among them.

Shi Xiao nodded and said, "I just need it. Is there a spirit boat or spaceship? The one with a larger capacity."

"Yes, yes, yes," the clerk nodded repeatedly, and led Shi Xiao towards the manager.

The "in charge" guy bowed, "My lord needs a large spirit boat."

"It's not one ship, it's okay to have a few more ships." Shi Xiao added indifferently, and nodded slightly to the manager after speaking.

The manager returned a salute, said "wait a moment", and then took out several mini boats from the counter behind him, one of which was very similar to a modern ship, with two floors of cabins, one room in the cabin Next to each other, there are many rooms and a lot of space, which looks very practical.

Shi Xiao took a fancy to the spaceship at a glance, and raised his eyes to meet the boss, "Is there still such a thing?"

"Yes, I don't know how many ships you need."

Shi Xiao was lost in thought, and it was still unknown whether she would come in the future. Thinking of this, she decided to come a few more ships.

"Trouble in charge, ten spaceships, twenty spaceships."

The guy next to him hissed when he heard so much, he was indeed the patron, and he has never disappointed anyone as long as he came.

Then there is the price, the price the steward said, even though Shi Xiao's net worth is extremely rich, he couldn't help but feel pained.

A total of 50 middle-grade spirit stones are needed for the spaceships and spaceships, which is definitely a sky-high price for ordinary monks.

Quickly paid for the spirit stone income space, and then bought some talisman pills and dozens of large-capacity space rings. Thinking about it, I finally added more than a dozen large-scale protective formations and several large-scale isolation formations. In short, be prepared .

After leaving, Shi Xiao bought a lot of delicious food from some restaurants before walking to Qin's house where he lived for several months.

Butler Li was pleasantly surprised to see Shi Xiao come back. Although the secret realm of Small World is good, it is full of dangers. Many monks ended up lost there with the purpose of hunting for treasure.

Steward Li still likes the girl who has been together for so long and is gentle and courteous. Seeing that Shi Xiao came back safe and sound, how could he be unhappy from the bottom of his heart, so he hurriedly welcomed Shi Xiao in.

Seeing the little girl's good complexion, she knew that she hadn't suffered any serious injuries when she went out this time, and Steward Li was completely relieved.

Quickly ordered the servants next to him to prepare delicious food and send it to the gazebo where Shi Xiao often eats.

And he first followed Shi Xiao to the gazebo in the courtyard, watching Shi Xiao take out a snow-white paper and an object like a pen from the space.

In his astonishment, Shi Xiao started to write on the paper with a black pen in his hand, and finished writing at a surprising speed.

This is much faster than their writing brushes, butler Li stared at the brush in Shi Xiao's hand for a while.

Here, Shi Xiao folded the paper in half and stuffed it into the envelope that he took out from the space, and wrote that Brother Qin personally signed it and handed it to the housekeeper.

"My lord, what is this?" Holding the envelope, Butler Li had a premonition.

"I'm going to leave." Shi Xiao smiled sweetly at Steward Li, and then imitated the people here with his hands together and pushed forward, saying: "Thanks to Grandpa Steward for taking care of me these days, I am really grateful."

"You can't do it, you can't do it, this is an old slave's job, you don't have to do this, sir." Steward Li hurriedly bowed his head.

Shi Xiaoxiao smiled, understanding Steward Li's psychology, and continued: "Grandpa, the housekeeper, please give this letter to Brother Qin, and tell Brother Qin that I am home, and we will meet again by fate."

"Yes, the old slave will tell the master." Li Butler received the envelope and said solemnly.

"Thank you", and then a Baijia fruit appeared in her hand, and Shi Xiao handed it to Butler Li, which was what she had thought about when she came, and it was Steward Li's thank you for taking care of her during these days.

"This is?" Li Butler suddenly opened his eyes wide, recognized the spiritual fruit in his hand, and couldn't help trembling deep in his heart.

"My lord can't do it", suppressing his desire, butler Li quickly refused, and recognized what the spiritual fruit in his hand was.

He was lucky enough to see it in the auction house when he was young, it is very rare, not to mention the value.

"There's nothing you can't do. Grandpa the butler accept it. I can see how the butler Li has taken care of me. No matter how precious it is, it's just a kind of spiritual fruit, and it's nothing compared to affection."

Such words made Steward Li's eyes turn red instantly. How long has it been, decades or centuries? No one has said such heartwarming words to him for a long time. I am really touched.

He's just doing his job, usually watching the little girl take care of him more carefully, this is a good boy!

He really needed Baijiaguo. It took him a lot of effort to say the refusal just now, but now he can't say anything about the refusal.

His time is running out, at most decades, if he can't break through the foundation building stage smoothly, he will have to wait for old age to die. With the help of this Baijiaguo's century-old spiritual power, his hope of breaking through will be even greater.

Butler Li looked gratefully and thought, then solemnly bowed like Shi Xiao.

Shi Xiao still smiled sweetly, and then gave the pen in his hand to Butler Li. When she was writing just now, Butler Li looked at the pen with too fiery eyes, and it was hard not to notice it.

Steward Li, who was holding a pen, was very excited, and quickly thanked Shi Xiao.

Then Shi Xiao left the Qin residence under the reluctant gaze of Butler Li, but he didn't eat the meal prepared by Butler Li after all.

(End of this chapter)

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